Diamond T Tank Transporter (1 Viewer)

Lots of terrific suggestions including some I've considered myself...Here's the problem...The majority of collectors only have a finite amount of dosh, as you yourself noted earlier, and most collectors pick and choose what and when they will buy certain items.

Here's one little true story from a few years back...One particular U.S. Collector was always onto K&C to produce a 'Long Range Desert Group' Chevrolet truck. He would send me faxes (before emails), corner me at shows, visit the K&C rooms in Chicago and The Westcoaster always saying,"When K&C decide to make that LRDG Truck...I'll be your first customer!"

Well, about 12 months later we did indeed produce the much requested item and brought a special sample for this particular collector to one of The Westcoaster Shows where I was very happy to see the same collector come into our room..."Well, my friend here is your LRDG Truck", I proudly pointed out the model on a very nice 'Desert' Diorama built by Gordon.

There followed a slightly embarrassing pause before the collector said," Ah Yes...very nice but I no longer collect LRDG vehicles or the 'Desert' series...I've just started collecting Russian made Medieval Knights!"

It's definitely a truism and worth repeating...No matter what you produce, when you release it, you won't please or satisfy everyone or be able to provide all the 'extras' everyone wants.
However, we'll do our best...

I know what you mean and have heard similar things from other companies. People change their mind etc, there is nothing stranger than people. I also think as collectors many forget it is a business as well and manufacturers have to make money to pay for those boring things like a mortgage and food. So must maximise the returns and make the choices which sell and are not seem to popular, that is why I, hopefully, put the ideas forward as suggestions. There are collections and eras I thought I would collect forever, then just decided to stop and just got rid of what I had.
Woow, need to pay a visit to such an extensive research source of facts and pictures......
I am just fine and at home with pints of tea and scones...

It is a large collection and my ex-wife used to say I harvest books, she did also once say it was either her or the books and I do miss her sometimes.........
The Battle of the Bulge [192 books] and D-Day [223 books] are my main WW2 theatres of interest, with a further 300 [which I mentioned previously] on vehicles, tanks, units, etc. Not to mention the 60ish books I have on Roman and particularly Roman Britain including Hadrian's wall. Plus the hundred or so on the Napoleonic Wars. Push into that the hundreds of fiction texts I have, historical fiction and military/spy thrillers I will be busy next year when I move 350 miles from my place in the South of England to a house where I can either see Hadrian's wall from my window or I can walk there in under 20 minutes. Put together with my Toy solder collection there will 5 transit vans trips needed just to move my books and T Soldiers. I will however have a huge space to display and surround myself with books and my collection.

No alcohol as I gave up the booze 10 years ago, just the odd beer, but Tea by the pint........

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