Dispatches are up! (5 Viewers)

And this !^&cool


NICE,VERY NICE,a beautiful piece in my diorama!!!!!!I very much look forward......
Great another D Day building, slowly the town is coming together or rather falling apart. Will get the Greek arch, but need encouragement from other forum members to collect the Greek figures. Cheers, Robin.

Nope not this month, I know they are coming but am being a patient boy! :smile2::smile2::wink2:

Love the new vehicles this month, as well as the RAF Truck that Bulge Jeep looks very nice with a white camo job.

Don't worry Mark, they can squeeze a lot of great releases in three Dispatches{bravo}}


Rob...curious which if any of the "surprises" you had in mind were in these dispatches.

Other than the Typhoon and supporting USAF personnel, which I've already ordered, not sure if there's anything I'm going to pick up (given the cost of the Typhoon, maybe that's a good thing:). The Greeks look quite well done, but I want to see where this line goes. The dio piece that goes along with it seems neat.

Also like the new Normandy house. Despite parting with some of them, I really liked the desert buildings, but at least in photos these seem even more impressive. but that seems like an expensive road to go down. I supposed "d-day" for me will come on that when they start retiring the pieces.

Things I'm still waiting for:
BOB anti-air/wounded for the RAF ambulance
Chinese pirates/opposition for USN
WWII Warbird "surprises"...like the idea of a downed ME109 a lot.

Wonder which, if any, we'll see this year...only 3 dispatches left!{sm2}
I am Totally and Utterly AMAZED that there are NO GERMAN WW2 figures forthcoming for the next release!!!

What happened??

I was sure that Andy was wanting to make the whole of the German Army in WW2 made in 1/30 scale.....

Love the new NAPs,

For me, three excellent pieces :BBA045 "G.I. Chef, BBA050 "U.S. Armoured Jeep and especially RAF037 "Morris CS8 15cwt Truck (RAF).
not much into the Ancient Greece era...but they look good ......was waiting for the RAF truck ...good news there ......like the Normandy House but no place to put it !!!!!!!!^&grin
I am Totally and Utterly AMAZED that there are NO GERMAN WW2 figures forthcoming for the next release!!!

What happened??

I was sure that Andy was wanting to make the whole of the German Army in WW2 made in 1/30 scale.....

Love the new NAPs,


German Army will certainly next month:smile2: I look forward!!!(maybe ,,TIGER crew fighting,,)
not much into the Ancient Greece era...but they look good ......was waiting for the RAF truck ...good news there ......like the Normandy House but no place to put it !!!!!!!!^&grin

not much into the Ancient Greece era...but they look good $49, 00 ......{eek3}{sm3}
I am not so much into Greeks, but ... My armoured Jeep and trailer together with BBA045,047 and 052 have already been ordered through my local dealer . Maybe more to follow, simply love the BoB range.
I really liked the Bulge items and the jeep was my biggest surprise. I was already expecting the RAF version of the truck after seeing last month's AK version but it looks even better than what I anticipated. The Normandy building is very nice too. Hope I'll be able to spare the $ untill they are available...
Bulge, Naps, Normandy, Greeks, a Christmas set, good variation this month from K&C . Autumn almost here guys, time goes quick does it not?!

Wow ! I was just wondering yesterday if Andy would have some new surprises in the 'Bulge' line. That jeep/trailer set is VERY sweet and the new American figs look great. Time to go shopping !
Very Excited about the New Napoleonic Releases - we should keep doing this every month ! ^&grin
First thing to get is the BoB jeep next to all of the figures ^&grin I'm so amped now^&grin^&grin
Jeep was a nice release and some nice BOB sets. Greek were interesting also. Must be going to be a german month in october with none this month!!!!
Really nice variety of releases this month, well done K&C!

The jeep is a must for me and maybe a Greek or two (so much for my vow not to start on another range!){sm2}

Very Excited about the New Napoleonic Releases - we should keep doing this every month ! ^&grin

Must thank K&C for making up past lost time in this era .. and we still have new cavalry to look forward to {sm4}


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