Dispatches are up (1 Viewer)

Nice surprise to see the Balkans being released. Another uniform type finally. Also the first war got a boost all ready for 2014. And surrendering soldiers. Happy to see the variety in this dispatch.

For me the BoB US troops and German prisoners are a must including the M20. But I do have other priorities first, a lot of catching up to do !!!!!!
Only the BBG072 "Jagdpanther Ausf.G1" for me,.................... but what a beauty.{sm4}
Well I'd been planning on getting MK78 for myself for Christmas - now I HAVE to!
As per normal 'High quality' dispatches, thankfully for my budget nothing that I collect as I have a huge wish list to catch up on as it is.:wink2: But I know at least two blokes who will be happy ^&grin
The German prisoners are excellent {bravo}}
The tank and riders look excellent also{bravo}}
The "Napoleon in Egypt" figures are interesting but I was hoping for earlier uniforms to go along with the initial releases.
A "Battle of the Pyramids" diorama would have been great but these uniforms came later.
That said, the potential for more Demi-Brigades in their bright color uniforms would be exciting and the mounted camel troops
can be used with them as well.
The big question, however, before I jump in is whether Mamelukes and local tribesmen will be released. I was hoping for
a hint in the dispatches and maybe Andy can give us some additonal information on this forum.
For me the BoB US troops and German prisoners are a must including the M20. But I do have other priorities first, a lot of catching up to do !!!!!!

Nice surprise to see the Balkans being released. Another uniform type finally. Also the first war got a boost all ready for 2014. And surrendering soldiers. Happy to see the variety in this dispatch.


Only the BBG072 "Jagdpanther Ausf.G1" for me,.................... but what a beauty.{sm4}

For WWII collectors another Big month no doubt and some goodies for our WWI Friends ^&grin
the winter prisoners are the best of what is on offer. The Hanschar are/were interesting but, not keen on the sculpts faces etc or the poor detail on the MG42 and MP40. I was hoping after the club figure these would be released but, don't think they will be bought. Interesting white Jagdpanther!!
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I'm in for the BoB releases. Both the Jagdpanther and the German prisioners are must haves for me. The only issue is that they'll have to wait, since I have a long list of previous releases to catch up with...
The Handschar are an interrsting release. I wonder if they'll ge an "opponent" in the shape of Tito's partisans at some time in the future?
The "Napoleon in Egypt" figures are interesting ....
The big question, however, before I jump in is whether Mamelukes and local tribesmen will be released. I was hoping for
a hint in the dispatches and maybe Andy can give us some additonal information on this forum.

When Andy was here in Perth in July I asked him the same question, and he said that these fighting poses for the Demi Brigade were forthcoming, and that was previewed by the standard bearer in June.

He also indicated that there would be opposition for these invaders in the form of Mameluke cavalry, so I'd expect that to come in next year's dispatches.

These 1798 uniforms are the first change from the originals they brought from France which were unsuitable for tropical service, and were locally made with a peaked leather hat and the demi-brigade distinction was only the pom-pom, and this case, red for the 9th. Later in 1799 there was a shortage of cloth, and then the change was made to the multi coloured coats which distinguished the demi-brigades.

I hope this helps,

For me the BoB US troops and German prisoners are a must including the M20. But I do have other priorities first, a lot of catching up to do !!!!!!

I am wondering who will be the first to do a column of soldiers marching off to captivity using the new German POW figures. ^&cool
When Andy was here in Perth in July I asked him the same question, and he said that these fighting poses for the Demi Brigade were forthcoming, and that was previewed by the standard bearer in June.

He also indicated that there would be opposition for these invaders in the form of Mameluke cavalry, so I'd expect that to come in next year's dispatches.

These 1798 uniforms are the first change from the originals they brought from France which were unsuitable for tropical service, and were locally made with a peaked leather hat and the demi-brigade distinction was only the pom-pom, and this case, red for the 9th. Later in 1799 there was a shortage of cloth, and then the change was made to the multi coloured coats which distinguished the demi-brigades.

I hope this helps,


Thanks for the info.
Mounted Mamelukes should be very colorful and animated!
Well another year of dispatches has come and gone, my oh my the time does fly by. Where does the year go? :( A nice quiet dispatch for my collecting habit..........thankfully as I have a want list a mile long! :redface2: The Jagdpanther is by far the standout for me. I have the old version and passed on the newer release a few months ago but it looked like a fine model. Now with this winter one all I can say is "add it to the list!" The BBA 073 winter prisoner and the bald prisoner WS 251 are my favourites. Both are uniquely sculpted and visually interesting to me. As far as the rest goes they look nice and I'm sure those into Napoleon in Egypt or WWI (those black and gold pickelhaub are way cool) will be pleased. As someone mentioned and I agree the Handschar are an unusual release. ^&confuse I'm surprised K&C went back to them. From what I can tell the original batch didn't sell well. Despite being retired for a long time they are still easily found on most toy soldier websites in retired inventory. The much ballyhooed KnC Sherman almost seems anti-climatic in its release. Although clearly not aimed at my collecting habit I'm am interested in whats to come for this series. I've wanted to pick up soft skinned vehicles like jeeps, trucks etc from FOV because I didn't feel the need to pay $200USD for those types of vehicles. Unfortunately because FOV is 1:32nd scale they look small when used with K&C troops and thus I've held off buying them. Possibly KnC depending on what's released might catch my attention on select pieces because of the 1:30 scale issue.

Speaking of retirements finally no damage or things I need to scramble to pick up. Thanks to K&C for another great year of releases and I look forward to what's to come in 2014.
K&C's 2nd release for Dec show the other 2 mounted WW1 German officers, the 3 make for a striking set. Always love horses, can someone post the photo on the forum. Robin.
Hanschar German SS Troops / Captured German Officer figure!

Did Andy ever mention anything about a followup release related to these figures? Does this open the gates to a potential yugo partisan release ie Josip Broz Tito figure and his Partisans. Not aware of any of the major TS companies ever doing such a release. Technically you could use the new Hanschar figures against the Red Army for the last days of the war but really this unit is better known for their actions against Tito's partisans
I did ask Andy at last week's toysoldier show in London about possible Handschar "opponents" but he was somewhat non-commital - but he did mention that the next release of commandos would include two canoes with different crews and also for 2014 in the Forces of Battle range a London "Blitz" era fire engine and fire crew.

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