dispatches (1 Viewer)


Master Sergeant
Oct 4, 2007
mama mia , the elephant is an elephant masssiiivveeee

New Releases from King & Country!
For Your Information...


MG002 "Airborne Jeep & Trailer"
Jeeps played an important transport role during the battle...apart from a few Gun Carriers, jeeps were ubiquitous during the battle - recce jeeps...ambulance jeeps...radio jeeps...and, of course, hauling trailers full of ammunition and supplies.
That's what K&C has produced...an Airborne Jeep & Trailer complete with 2 Paras...one manning a Bren gun and the other driving. Inside the trailer are two large basket containers of supplies.

MG017 "Para walking with rifle"
Classic image of a British Para making his way into Arnhem.

MG018 "Manning The Piat"
2 lying prone paratroopers loading and preparing to fire the PIAT (Personal Infantry Anti Tank weapon). This was a kind of British "Bazooka"...heavy, akward and difficult to operate.

MG019 "Airborne 6 pounder Anti Tank Gun Set"
3 kneeling and crouching Paras ready to fire the A-T gun. These air-portable artillery pieces were flown in by glider and took their toll of German armour during the battle.

MG020 "Kneeling Firing Sten"
A kneeling Para with his trusty MK. V Sten gun.

MG021 "Lying Firing Sten"
Similar to above but in the lying prone firing position.

MG022 "Lying Firing Rifleman"
As above but armed with the .303 Lee Enfield rifle.

MG002: NOW
MG017-022: Mid December

1B. The Desert Tiger Arrives!

AK039(SL) "The Tunisian Tiger"
This is our 7th different Tiger in just over 10 years...and it's the best yet!
This brand-new model is not only the best...it's also the biggest and earliest type of Tiger K&C has ever produced. We have produced the "classic" early version of this armoured monster that fought in Tunisia towards the end of the Desert War.
This K&C model comes with a complete 5-man crew...3 of which are full body. Our fighting vehicle is in the markings of 501 Panzer Abteilung as it would have appeared in February 1943.


1C. "Oh! What A Lovely War!"
The British Expeditionary Force 1914

FW024 "Field Marshal Sir John French"
The original commander of the B.E.F at this early stage of the war.

FW025 "KOSB Officer with Map"
An officer of the regiment attached to the General Staff...see the staff armband.

FW026 "Kneeling Firing Rifle"

FW027 "Standing Firing Rifle"

FW028 "Sergeant Standing Ready"

FW029 "Lying Loading Rifle"

FW030 "Lying Firing Rifle"

FW031 "Battlefield First Aid"
A kneeling Medical Orderly administers first aid to a seriously wounded "KOSBie".

FW032 "Pointing Subaltem"

FW033 "Vickers Machine Gun Set"
At the beginning of the Great War each infantry battalion was assigned eight Vickers Machine Guns. Here, a seated gunner is ably assisted by his "loader".

AVAILABILITY: Early December


HK165 "The New Chess Players Set"
An all-new version of an odd favourite...a man and his grand-daughter play Chinese Chess.

HK166 "Children at Play"
Children doing what children do...all over the world...the HK version.

HK165: Early December
HK166: Mid December


This "baby" has been "in the works" for a few months and is a real beaut! Armed with the all-powerful 88mm gun our model is in typical 3-colour, late-war camouflage and comes with 3 figures (1x full body, 1x half body plus a "head 'n' shoulders" driver). "ELEFANTS" were mainly used on the Eastern Front although quite a few made it to Italy. No reason why it can't also look good in a Normandy or Arnhem diorama.
It??s a biggie!

B. American Armour Support

BBA018 "The M24 Chaffee Tank"
Our winter, snow-camouflaged version is perfect for the "Bulge" and comes with 3 figures (A full-body GI rifleman atop the tank plus half-body tank commander and another "head 'n' shoulders" driver).


CW013 "Mounted Officer"

CW014 "Marching Officer"

CW015 "Wounded Flagbearer"

CW016 "Marching Rifleman w/Pipe in Mouth"

CW017 "Marching Rifleman w/Pipe in Hand"

CW018 "Rifleman Marching"

CW019 "Kneeling Firing Rifleman"

CW020 "Standing Firing Rifleman"

CW021 "Running Forward Rifleman"

CW022 "Standing Ready"

CW023 "Standing Loading Rifle"

CW024 "Kneeling Loading Rifle"

CW025 "Advancing Confederate"



LAH088 "Reichminister Rudolf Hess"
Hitler's Deputy...he flew to Scotland in 1941 to try to seek a peace settlement and spent the rest of his life in Spandan Prison for his troubles.

LAH089 "Feldmarschall Werner von Blomberg"
Pre war Army Chief of staff in dress parade uniform.

LAH090 "SA Chief of Staff Viktor Lutze"
After the fall (and death) of Ernst Rohm the SA was put into the careful hands of Lutze and under the watchful eyes of Himmler and Heydrich.

LAH091 "Reichsmarschall Hermann Goring"
Supreme head of the Luftwaffe...ruthless, vain, lazy and...fat. Goring could also be a loyal friend and a dangerous enemy. This is our second version of the extravagant and exuberant Goring. And now for something completely different...The KRIEGSMARINE. The German Navy expanded rapidly under Hitler but was still not up to strength when war broke out in September 1939. However, it still featured prominently in pre war parades in both Berlin and Nuremberg.

LAH092 "Seaman Presenting Arms"
Kriegsmarine sailor in parade unifom of white top and navy blue trousers with Mauser K98 rifle and fixed bayonet.

LAH093 "Seaman Marching with Rifle"
Dressed as above that marching...bayonet sheathed.

LAH094 "Seaman Flag Bearer"
Carrying the Reich "Battle Ensign" this leading Seaman marches forth.

LAH095 "\Marching Officer"
This officer with sword is wearing the traditional long frock coat...typical dress uniform of a German Naval officer.

LAH096 "Grossadmiral Karl Donitz"
Marshall's baton in hand...Donitz was a former WW1 U boat captain and a leading figure in the Kriegsmarine. For much of the war he was in charge of all U boats.

AVAILABLE: Mid to Late January


BBA004 "Friend or Foe?"

B. "D.DAY ?¥44"

DD051 "Churchill Tank Set"

DD071 "Horse Paratrooper"

DD072 "Paratrooper with Walking Horse"


RA013 "T34/85 Tank Set"


FOB001 "General's AIDE-DE-CAMPS"

FOB002 "French Officer Saluting"

FOB007 "Marching No Hat Tommy"

FOB008 "Standing British Tommy"


WS063 "The Defenders"

WS064 "The Russians Are Coming!"

WS065 "The Last Stand"

Best wishes and...Happy Collecting!

Andy C. Neilson
Co-founder & Creative Director
Photos are on K&C website.

Dönitz and all the Kriegsmarine figures are pretty cool.

I really like personality figures. Good to see Andy doing some lesser known ones and filling in the missing biggies. Of this batch, the Viktor Lutze figure is the most striking in the white coat. Also a nice looking Hess figure.
how about that chaffee and the elefant

Interesting releases this month (well, forthcoming)

I knew since BBG008 had been skipped, I kind of had a feeling we were going to get something big!!

Elephant- looks great, however, I will need to figure out where to place it in my collection. I have a menacing 88 already for Normandy, a second would be overkill. I was going to put my Hummel in my Eastern Front dio but this Elephant would work better for that. So, then it comes down to trying to figure out where each one goes. I was a little surprised with the crewmen- they don't really looked winterized- it's almost as if you could take the Elephant crewman and use them in the Hummel and vice versa (if possible).

I could just incorporate it into my Normandy German armor column- but with a King Tiger, 2 Panthers, jagdpanther and an armored car, there's bound to be a traffic jam somewhere.

Chaffee- great looking tank- this tank provides some collector versatility for those who are interested in trying to do something for Korea. Minor fault with having bare skin exposed on the crewman's hands- I gotta think they'd have them protected somewhat.

Of the two, I'm hard pressed to say which one I'd pick over the other. Both are really cool.

The retirements weren't too bad this month- have most of them that I needed, which is good.
Both look amazing. Between these and the Tunesian Tiger, the gap between Honour Bound and K&C vehicles may just have closed.

I completely agree, if they keep this up the only thing honour bound will have them on is customizable numbers
Photo time...





Nice looking vehicles. In an ideal world, I'd probably buy both. Unfortunately, it's not ideal and choices have to be made and I don't think either of these will need to be something I need to get right away as they'll be around for awhile.
B. American Armour Support

BBA018 "The M24 Chaffee Tank"
Our winter, snow-camouflaged version is perfect for the "Bulge" and comes with 3 figures (A full-body GI rifleman atop the tank plus half-body tank commander and another "head 'n' shoulders" driver).

Christmas just came early for me in regards to the above mentioned Chaffee which is beautiful in my eyes! In short to K&C, I SALUTE & THANK YOU! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

Tally Ho,
Of all the new announcements, apart from the SOHK stuff which is a "must get" in any case, my vote of thanks goes to the Chaffee. Wonderful looking piece which I can hardly wait to see in the real thing. Going back for another look at it right now.
Best Regards
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The Chaffee is a must get, as soon as it hits the shelves. I've been hankering for this to be re-released for years and it does not dissappoint.

And that Elefant is HOOOOOOGE! Very imposing piece.

One happy bunny. :)
I am a bit disappointed with the kriegsmarine release... the poses are exactly the same as the previous LAH releases... I was initially looking forward to some variety but I guess K&C's competitor did announce some uboot/gun tower german navy figures and Andy will now give up on further exploring the navy series.

Can anyone tell me which manufacturer made these excellent WWII kiregsmarine parade figures?


Also, will Andy ever produce Rommel's Storch?

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