dispatches (1 Viewer)

Nice Zimmeritt on the Elephant and very beautiful looking Chaffee - who cares if the Elephant was at Normandy/Arnhem - will sell by the bucket load even if it had only served on the moon!
Nice one Andy!

From this article in Achtung Panzer, it doesn't seem like they served in Arnhem, just Eastern Front, Italy and France. Doesn't seem like it served in the Bulge, but I defer to the experts.
Like the M24 as well.Could someone please tell me how good this Tank was against the German vehicles?.

Like the M24 as well.Could someone please tell me how good this Tank was against the German vehicles?.Rob

Well, the Chaffee had about the same firepower as the 75mm Shermans, so you're not going Tiger hunting in one. On the other hand, you could take a Tiger from the low side or rear if you are in the right position. A LOT better than the 37mm gun that the light tank crews had since 1941. Still, the M24 had a very bad time in Korea when they were all that was available to face the NKPA T34/85s. They were designed for recon and cavalry duties - not to face-to-face armor combat.

Reportedly the M24 was usually well liked by its crews. The same basic engine layout (two Caddy V8s) as the M5A1 that they were used to. Fairly quick and responsive. Often rated highly as a scout tank.
Many NATO countries had active M24s into the 60s. Norway had theirs rebuilt and they served quite a while longer.

In WW2, when M24s started replacing M5A1s the priority was given to mechanized cavalry units as they needed the firepower boost.

Over all a good balanced design. One of the better light tanks of WW2. Too bad it came so late.

Well, the Chaffee had about the same firepower as the 75mm Shermans, so you're not going Tiger hunting in one. On the other hand, you could take a Tiger from the low side or rear if you are in the right position. A LOT better than the 37mm gun that the light tank crews had since 1941. Still, the M24 had a very bad time in Korea when they were all that was available to face the NKPA T34/85s. They were designed for recon and cavalry duties - not to face-to-face armor combat.

Reportedly the M24 was usually well liked by its crews. The same basic engine layout (two Caddy V8s) as the M5A1 that they were used to. Fairly quick and responsive. Often rated highly as a scout tank.
Many NATO countries had active M24s into the 60s. Norway had theirs rebuilt and they served quite a while longer.

In WW2, when M24s started replacing M5A1s the priority was given to mechanized cavalry units as they needed the firepower boost.

Over all a good balanced design. One of the better light tanks of WW2. Too bad it came so late.


Thanks Gary,i appreciate you taking the time to post.

Nice Zimmeritt on the Elephant and very beautiful looking Chaffee - who cares if the Elephant was at Normandy/Arnhem - will sell by the bucket load even if it had only served on the moon!
Nice one Andy!


I believe the Elephant is something of a concession to the Eastern Front crowd. Andy's style of multiple set releases for a popular theatre or battle is great but a onesies, twosies approach for the theatres which might not be as popular would be a great and safe way to "Test the Waters". I kinda think thats whats developed with the Kriegsmarine figures.
These new releases keep getting better and better! ACW especially caught my eye, great figures and new action poses! This range looks very tempting and promising. Will there be a 54th Massachusetts set in the future? Oh boy:eek:.
More and more WWII.:mad:

What about other ranges?

No Naps again, All we get is discontinued lines.
When every anyone posts about Naps no one from K&C bother replying. We will have to wait till feb then.:(
Great to see more tanks though, K&C should just give up on the rest and just do WWII boring:eek:
regards disillusioned nap fan
PS sorry about the rant.
More and more WWII.:mad:

What about other ranges?

No Naps again, All we get is discontinued lines.
When every anyone posts about Naps no one from K&C bother replying. We will have to wait till feb then.:(
Great to see more tanks though, K&C should just give up on the rest and just do WWII boring:eek:
regards disillusioned nap fan
PS sorry about the rant.

Well Rich K&C hardly ever responds to WWII threads and we have many more than NAPs also WWII is what sells and Andy likes what sells.
King and Country is the King of WWII. There is no doubt. So they focus on it. Their competitors if they try and take them on in the WWII stakes are in for a tough time. I think some pf them realize this and hence have moved a bit away from WWII. Hence the Zulu theme and Frnech Indian Wars. WWI is a bit of an open field at the moment so everyone is racing to establish brand dominance there. Napoleonics is not K and C's major area of expertise. They have good stuff ( don't get me wrong) but I don't think they dominate that era. The same goes for ACW.
Britains do some great Napoleonics
Britains stuff is a different scale so can not be compared to K&C.

I just think based on a recent pol on this site naps came second with half as many votes as WWII. So on this voting we should have Half as may new figs as WWII. WWI barely registered so should be reduced, Crimea and crusades both had a strong showing. I can't afford to keep up with Naps and AWI now, but feel that we are getting less choice in new releases compared to WWII. K&C UK seem to respond to most WWII threads, that I have read.

Richard the ranter ( at least seem to be today )
Well Rich K&C hardly ever responds to WWII threads and we have many more than NAPs also WWII is what sells and Andy likes what sells.

Also we are only talking about January,theres the whole of 2008 yet!.Plenty of time for more naps.

Also we are only talking about January,theres the whole of 2008 yet!.Plenty of time for more naps.


Not been any for quite a few months already, only had one batch in early 2007, The WWII mob wouldn't be happy with that.
OK I will stop ranting now, we may get lots of Naps in 2008, Happy xmas to all and happy new year.;)
I only collect WW2, and am delighted with some of the new releases - the Ellie looks absolutely awesome, and the Hess figure is marvellous - the likeness is quite uncanny - can't wait to get hold of them, but first on the wish list will be the latest Fall of Berlin retirees - :)

Cheers Andy and co.
Nice looking vehicles. In an ideal world, I'd probably buy both. Unfortunately, it's not ideal and choices have to be made and I don't think either of these will need to be something I need to get right away as they'll be around for awhile.

Brad- I'm with you as well. I have had the day to ponder them- I also agree with Ray's points- it does seem like a water tester- and to me, the Chafee saw more action in Korea.......................

I need to gobble up some of the retired sets first before I grab either of these- standing on their merits now, I'd probably get the Ellie to go with my Eastern Front dio and perhaps the Chafee to try and make a Korea work- I've always felt some of the earlier Eastern Front figures could work for small Korea dio- this Chaffee allows me the chance to explore that option.

For the life of me, I cannot see why this thing is cataloged in the BBG set either.

Ah well, it's academic for me anyway, I can't buy nothing till Feb :eek::eek:
I may have misunderstood him, but I don't think for one minute that Andy has forgotten the Napoleonics..........;)
I've always felt some of the earlier Eastern Front figures could work for small Korea dio- this Chaffee allows me the chance to explore that option.

Chris, when you said Eastern Front figures could work for Korea, did you mean US Bulge figures?
Chris, when you said Eastern Front figures could work for Korea, did you mean US Bulge figures?

No, the initial run of the Russians to go against the earlier Winterized Waffen SS figs- Russian sets Ra01- RA08. Some of the generic gunners, I think could work, a stretch perhaps, but perhaps with some creative positioning it might be a go.

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