I could be wrong, but I would guess that one of the reasons that this forum was created is so our hosts could increase their business. If someone wants to join just to avoid paying eBay, which last time I checked does not allow you to advertise or sell your items for free they should be compensated. Or as we say in NJ, they should get some "juice".
Personally I would need some trade references before I started sending strangers my money. It did not turn out well the last time I sent a money order to the agent of the deposed king in Nigeria. He just won't return my calls.
where do you draw the line in the sand?
only people who join Treefrog to sell...should pay Treefrog a commission?
or should anyone that sells on here...pay Treefrog a commission?
I believe Peter and Shannon opened this forum to promote the business...
but that doesn't mean that anyone...
or everyone...
that posts on here buys exclusively from Treefrog...
that's not realistic...
and concerning the amount of posts a Frogger has before I'm comfortable buying from him...
the same rule applies to Ebay...
I cringe when a buyer with "0" sales or buys...
purchases something from me...
but everybody has to start somewhere...
we all had our first sale on Ebay somewhere in the past...
and lastly...
if you do manage to get in touch with the deposed King of Nigeria...
you ask him about me please...
he was supposed to deposit $1,000,00.00 in my account and I have not heard back from him yet...^&grin