Do K&C figures have enough action? (1 Viewer)

Re: The Collectors Showcase

Its great to see such a nice debate about the pros and cons of The Collectors Showcase relative to King and Country.

While I think our pieces have alot more action and are far more refined than Andy's I believe Andy's pieces to be the most developed traditional pieces ( actually I love Ken's new WWI pieces too! ) in the industry they are clean and tight. He took the toy soldier industry and brought it up, matured it and has an incredible product, he really is the father of the current toy soldier industry as far as I am concerned.

We at the Collectors Showcase are trying to develop a very different style of product from Andy's: the diorama, with all its gritty realism. Anyhow hope to see you all in New Jersey, London ( June ) and Chicago.

Happy Collecting!
Re: The Collectors Showcase

Its great to see such a nice debate about the pros and cons of The Collectors Showcase relative to King and Country.

While I think our pieces have alot more action and are far more refined than Andy's I believe Andy's pieces to be the most developed traditional pieces ( actually I love Ken's new WWI pieces too! ) in the industry they are clean and tight. He took the toy soldier industry and brought it up, matured it and has an incredible product, he really is the father of the current toy soldier industry as far as I am concerned.

We at the Collectors Showcase are trying to develop a very different style of product from Andy's: the diorama, with all its gritty realism. Anyhow hope to see you all in New Jersey, London ( June ) and Chicago.

Happy Collecting!

The world is made up by all sorts of shapes, colours, likes and dislikes....thats what makes this world great.....diversty and tolerance.....there can never be enough of both!
Having been involved with K&C from the mid 90's where it was still the new kid on the block, new scale, new paint ...MATT...WOW....a lot of people did not want to was all my mum and dad could do to get a small table in the corner at the London Show as the 'traditional' toy soldier people did not like 'China production' or 'new'!!!
Now K&C are classed as the most developed Traditional Pieces!:p
Andy must be having a chuckle at that comment!
How things change:D
With all due respect to Collectors Showcase - King and Country is not only the leader in the world for the finest Toy Soldier Products - but, they (ANDY) made the fine world we live in today.

To compare K&C to others is not a fair assesment of products for the other guys. Actually - again this is not meant for disrespect - there is no comparison at all. You have K&C on the top tier and then the next step down you have many producers with fine products and they are nice - but not the GOLD STANDARD in the industry.

You can look at K&C from figures / figures in action / figures in rest / vechicles and special collector club items and even price - then result is the same K&C are the best.

I own many other figures from the 90's and early 2000 like Conte, Frontline and Britians - and they have wonderful places in my collection and displays. But, today's production there is just no question where limited dollars go for purchase - King and Country.

Ken has made a contribution to the industry with his art - no doubt about that - but, overtaking Andys as the Modern Leader of the Toy Soldier Industry - not quite. (again no disrespect)

You know there is nothing wrong with being number two - not everyone can be number one - and some shouldnt even try. There is a markets for many things and they are bought. But, there is only one #1 - thats the fact.

All of this is just MY OPINION and I am sure others have theirs as well and it is good to discuss our likes and thoguhts on these issues. In my mind there is no question where Andy stands in the industry.

Sincerely, Ron
Clearly the Collectors Showcase figures pictured display more action than the K & C alternatives. However it is also clear that the K & C figures are better made with more realistic facial expressions.

I understood from earlier posts that Collectors Showcase were moving away from their gaunt look to a more acceptable appearance. Frankly I feel collectors that prefer the "gaunt over the realistic" are few and far between which will result in lower sales for their products. Which seems a terrible shame to me as this new company has some great vehicles.
hi guys,i personally go for the non action figures, favorite is waffen ss late war that k&c produce and having just got the commanders conferance and meyer halftrack i think they keep getting better,i for one cant wait for the new release kubelwagen and panzercrew ,id like to add i did try to find out if the collectors showcase had a supplier in australia as iam interested also in their figures but i did not get a reply from my email i sent them.
Clearly the Collectors Showcase figures pictured display more action than the K & C alternatives. However it is also clear that the K & C figures are better made with more realistic facial expressions.

I understood from earlier posts that Collectors Showcase were moving away from their gaunt look to a more acceptable appearance. Frankly I feel collectors that prefer the "gaunt over the realistic" are few and far between which will result in lower sales for their products. Which seems a terrible shame to me as this new company has some great vehicles.

I think Oz is spot on here.I did not like the 'gaunt look' and would not have purchased them.However with a new softer facial expression i am seriously considering buying some of them.I really hope they can make it to London in June because there is nothing like seeing them first hand to make up your mind.


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