Do K&C figures have enough action? (1 Viewer)

To each his own but I'll take K & C any day. The sculpting is better and, at least in WW II, the K & C soldiers don't like something out of Halloween.
:) Hello Kurt! I know what you mean , by Action Figures from Collectors Showcase vs. K & C Figures? Well , lets put it this way; Andy's K & C will always be the same Style, and Collectors Showcase, will be a different Style! But, I will Collect both Toy Companies! As long as they satisfy my NEEDS!
To each his own but I'll take K & C any day. The sculpting is better and, at least in WW II, the K & C soldiers don't like something out of Halloween.

LOL, take it easy Jazz (just kidding)

this could be a good topic of discussion, not all companies are alike and that in turn appeals to alot of different collectors.

K&C makes an awesome product no doubt, (i can not allow myself to get pulled into the K&C web at this time but the crusader line almost got me!)

we all can pick apart any companies work at some point down the line, take this comaprison for example, both very fine products, but the K&C rider on the motorcycle looks a little cartoonish, kinda mannequin like, not the firing sidecar pose but the actual rider.

on the collectors showcase, jazz's comment is quite accurate on those faces,(halloween like) although i would say more "Sin City" looking.

so to "each their own" couldn't have been a better statement.

btw jazz, i forgot to thank you for fixing my post, so Thanks
They look great they have there war faces on.Any combat company is taught to show there faces like this in combat & training.
I can appreciate collectors showcase i think they are softening their facial features a bit.But its K&C everytime for me.

Hi Guys,

Re the question posed by Kurt on his recent post...Well, it depends on what you like and...the different styles of both companies.

I happen to like a multitude of different poses produced by all manner of companies...some dramatic...others more relaxed...a few maybe a little over the top. It all depends on the collector and his or her personal preferences. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. Overall though, I don’t really agree with Kurt’s suggestion that somehow K&C figures lack action. Perhaps he should look a wee bit closer at the entire range of the series that K&C produce. I believe there’s plenty of action as well as a wealth of other realistic poses of figures in all kinds of military situations.

Remember in real life action is a relatively small (though exciting) part of a soldier’s life and experience.

Best wishes and...happy collecting!

Andy C.
Good call Louis and although the CS are more animated posewise the faces let them down big time. I do wish K&C would make more action stuff like the blackshirts as I don't really care for the lounging around type mincers that sometimes make an appearance! I need my soldiers killing each other and lots of it!!!!

All I have seen recently from King and Country is ACTION in WWII - AK & WS and Crudasers - nothing sitting still there and what about my favorite? NAPOLEONS - New Releases 98% Action with 2% not.

I agree - ACTION is where it is at with Toy Soldiers :D

But, I think Andy has kept us well supplied on ACTION - IMO.

I really enjoy the poses from K&C. Andy's background in the mlitary shows, plus his ability as an artist. K&C troops stand like soldiers and the action poses are more like troops in combat and less like the "wild men" poses we used to get with toy soldiers. I prefer Andy's recent approaches to figures.

the beauty in K&C is they tackle and cover the whole spectrum of poses, action, battle, stationary, they don't limit themselves no matter what period,
that's what makes them so diverse and collectable, NO LIMITS with them.
the beauty in K&C is they tackle and cover the whole spectrum of poses, action, battle, stationary, they don't limit themselves no matter what period,
that's what makes them so diverse and collectable, NO LIMITS with them.

Spot on!

My loyalty lies with King & Country. I collect others companies also, but King & Country are by far is my favorite and anything I say on this forum will have that prejudice as its basis. Second for me is John Jenkins.

I believe that while Collectors Showcase figures are interesting, I will not be buying them. I am thinking about the Panzer I and perhaps the 88; but, if I do purchase them, I will more than likely keep the figures in the box and display the vehicles with my King & Country figures and vehicles.
I tend to like realistic action - not the overly contorted and dramatic.

I think K&C generally hits it straight on.

If you are looking for comic book reality then there are companies out there who cater to that.
Do K&C have enough action?
You bet ya....and a whole lot the UK we think of K&C as Bringing History To Life In Miniature........we do our best to show that.....alright a big banner also helps with people like Clive and Rob......:p


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I think so. The Berlin range & Grossdeutschland ranges had plenty. American Rev has alot. You can make alot of anticipated action in the DAK.

Have your Panzers & Rommel idling ready to take off as your 105 is punchin' a few dogs downrange. Have a few figs having a conference planning the attack next to the 105. BOOM!! :eek:

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