Ebay Non Payment (1 Viewer)

That's not quite true. I had a French buyer open a claim for non delivery and we agreed to wait a few weeks to see if it would be delivered and my account was not affected by the claim during that time. When the item never showed up, I then agreed with the buyer and he was automatically refunded.
That's not quite true. I had a French buyer open a claim for non delivery and we agreed to wait a few weeks to see if it would be delivered and my account was not affected by the claim during that time. When the item never showed up, I then agreed with the buyer and he was automatically refunded.

Non delivery is a totally different scenario.

I had a buyer open a dispute for non delivery, he was told to sit tight and wait as the package was still in route, it did arrive, cast closed.

I'm talking about an item that arrived/proof of delivery and it had damage.

Apples to hand grenades.
Not at all. A claim is a claim. I have had the other situation too and it worked out the same.
The money might not leave your paypal account right away but there will be a hold on the full amount until everything is settled.It's all about the buyers.
in my experience...

delivery...non delivery...
any scenario where a case is opened...

they usually take the account of the recipient of the funds...
and change that transaction's status to "pending"...
with Ebay holding the funds...
until the matter is resolved...

years ago...
I listed a woman's diamond ring for my friend...
for $400...
a woman sent me an email via Ebay...
asking if I would take $350...
I told her no...

my friend had purchased it from the Home Shopping Network...
a reputable company...
it was advertised as size 6 in Ebay's description...
a picture of the certificate of authenticity with the sizing clearly shown as size 6...
was in my Ebay pictures...
my friend wore it for years...
it was a size 6...

the woman eventually bought the ring for $400...
I received the money and mailed it to her...
done deal...

a few days later...
the woman that received it said it was the wrong size...
way too big...
and tried to extort $50 from me for her jeweler to re-size to the correct size...
then threatening me with bad feedback unless I sent her the $50...

I told her..."do what you gotta do"...

the next day I see a $400 debit in my Paypal balance...
with a status "pending" note...
also a negative feedback from her on Ebay...
something like...
"buyer beware...they sold me a fake ring"...

now she was claiming I was a crook too...

I got pretty hot...called Paypal and we did a 3rd party call with Ebay...

the Ebay representative patiently read every single email from me and the woman to the Paypal representative...

they released my $400 the next day and removed the negative feedback...


if the woman had just mailed it back to me...
Ebay would have made me refund her...
no questions asked...
I don't care if your ad says "sold as is"..."absolutely no refund"..."no buyer's remorse"...etc...
if the buyer sends it back...for any reason...you gotta refund them...

other than few queer birds...
and while not in this case...
Ebay's reluctance to stand behind the seller...

it's still the best place to sell...

you know if you buy something at Walmart...
and decide you don't like it...
you can return it for 100% credit...
no questions asked...

Ebay is no different...
although a pain in the butt sometimes...
seems fair really
I use ebay a lot and have goods/bads.

Seller - it sucks in a lot of ways because the buyer has all the power. IE - returns for damage. Ok this is a lot of times pure BS. A buyer can claim this for anything and get away with it. Case in point - I sold a cigar lighter, a very intricate one not for beginners. I know my stuff, had it properly drained and labeled for shipment. Packed like Fort Knox. Buyer had a US address - freight forwarder. I did my part it was delivered. Now 45 plus days later buyer emails me that it blew up and caught fire. OK, so I ask - how? He says well it had a leak. SO I ask, how, damaged in shipment? So I have to inform him that the US postal insurance stopped the minute it was delivered in Florida. I did my duty. Unfortunately, what I think happened is one of 2 things - the freight forwarder damaged it OR this very "smart" individual didn't know what he was doing, put inferior butane, or screwed up the valve upon filling, etc. and blew it up. HOW IS THIS MY PROBLEM?????? Well, according to ebay it might be b/c item not as described or damaged. BS.

The positive is that its a world wide audience. I have noticed that my best success is when I set my price , don't budge and wait. It eventually sells and you usually for 99.9% of the time get a great buyer, of course, you only remember the unreasonable ones.

I have a few funny stories but do not want to share them publicly in case the buyer is reading the Forum. I’m not a fan of freight forwarders because it’s one extra step in the chain, an extra possibility for damage.
Believe it or not in all the years of selling on ebay I have had my first buyer who didn't pay.

Possibly for any number of reasons. Seems little point in getting uptight for such a trivial issue. Far more important matters in life to be concerned with.
Possibly for any number of reasons. Seems little point in getting uptight for such a trivial issue. Far more important matters in life to be concerned with.

who is getting uptight?

you might be reading more into it than necessary...

I don't think anybody is getting uptight about it...it's just friends sharing information and stories...

this is a forum...it's designed to share ideas...information...stories...past events...a place to learn things...

a lot of people use Ebay as a modem for selling toy soldiers...
there are more important matters in life to be concerned about...

but Ebay is what this thread is about...
not other more important matters in life...
Nothing wrong with getting uptight or aggravated about a non-paying buyer on ebay,it's work like anything else and who wants to work just to not get paid.You can get as deep as you want about what's important or not,but this is about ebay and the truth is it's easier now for buyers to waste a sellers time than ever before,it's become a game with no real penalty for being a deadbeat buyer.What good reason could there be for not paying-if you don't have the $ or aren't sure you actually want the item then find something else to do.
I use ebay a lot and have goods/bads.

Seller - it sucks in a lot of ways because the buyer has all the power. IE - returns for damage. Ok this is a lot of times pure BS. A buyer can claim this for anything and get away with it. Case in point - I sold a cigar lighter, a very intricate one not for beginners. I know my stuff, had it properly drained and labeled for shipment. Packed like Fort Knox. Buyer had a US address - freight forwarder. I did my part it was delivered. Now 45 plus days later buyer emails me that it blew up and caught fire. OK, so I ask - how? He says well it had a leak. SO I ask, how, damaged in shipment? So I have to inform him that the US postal insurance stopped the minute it was delivered in Florida. I did my duty. Unfortunately, what I think happened is one of 2 things - the freight forwarder damaged it OR this very "smart" individual didn't know what he was doing, put inferior butane, or screwed up the valve upon filling, etc. and blew it up. HOW IS THIS MY PROBLEM?????? Well, according to ebay it might be b/c item not as described or damaged. BS.

The positive is that its a world wide audience. I have noticed that my best success is when I set my price , don't budge and wait. It eventually sells and you usually for 99.9% of the time get a great buyer, of course, you only remember the unreasonable ones.


Thought I would post an update to the Cigar Lighter debacle. So, ebay decides in my favor......................then a subsequent Paypal claim was filed (I thought this was not allowed if Ebay case already there, but go figure)...........................Paypal decides in my favor.................but here is the kicker, in paypals words: "due to the unique nature of this transaction, we are going to refund the buyer with no penalty to you". Can somebody explain this one???? I think it is sad when due to a buyers's choice in shippers that is a violation of the delivery process, they still are able to have no fault or penalty.

Oh and here is another fun one. And this was my mistake, but still annoying. I had a diecast tractor up for bid, didn't sell, so I subsequently put it to Buy It Now and forgot to change the shipping options. OF COURSE, Murphy's Law, it sells before I can edit, buyer auto pays and he is in Arizona.........which I clearly State in my listings that West Coast (Zone 8 US Shipping) or International is at cost. So, I quickly email and apologize for the mistake indicating that the shipping is wrong and we can either cancel no harm no foul or the shipping can be paid. I get back a seething accusatory email calling out my honesty, integrity and word. I kid you not. I calmly reply again apologizing for the mistake and I cancelled and refunded the buyer in full. Yet another email arrives, same tone as before. Again, I kid you not. I again calmly reply that I am a collector/hobbyist and that I am not in this to make a ton of money, however, I am not giving away a childhood tractor for free either. I simply stated that if I wanted to give it away, I would do so by my choosing, not by someone's dictator type direction. I mean, some of these "smart" people must think every ebay seller is Amazon. Again, this was my fault in listing, but I exercised the right "to take my toy out of the sandbox and go home" due to the idiotic demeanor and vitriol thrown my way!


I'm sorry to hear you have had all these issues. Reading this and all the bad stories I have read from sellers on Ebay over the years is the reason why I won't sell any of my collection on there.

Ebay and headache are the same! Unfortunately most of the time it's the only game in town. My other hobby collecting NHL hockey jerseys I have had much better luck joining groups associated with the hobby on facebook. Buying and selling there. No fees, you set your own rules, ie: paypal gift, etc. About 2 years ago I sold off around 100 jerseys, most through facebook. Only had one problem child who wanted to return it for some BS reason. He paid PP gift I simply told him "No". Case closed.
Ebay and headache. Exactly. I agree with most of the posters who complain about ebay. Have been on there nearly 20 years and have made a ton of money......for ebay (I usually just reduce my loss from selling something I bought and then changed my mind). It amazes me that no real competition has developed. Ebay is dictatorial, arbitrary, and very often stupid. There was a period when I was not selling a lot. I had perfect 100% ratings across the board, but ebay told me that I would be reduced from "top seller" (or whatever their category is) to "standard seller" because I did not allow returns on many of my items. And for six months or a year this was the case. Still had 100% ratings by my buyers, but that doesn't mean I'm a good seller according to ebay. Then I got serious about listing a bunch of stuff (all my stuff is hobby or book related), sold a couple grand in a month and- poof!- I'm suddenly a top seller again, even though not one thing had changed except now I was making more money for ebay.

Unfortunately the bottom line is that Ebay is the only real game in town.

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