Ebay problem...advice on lost parcel... (2 Viewers)


Lieutenant General
Aug 3, 2008
can anybody offer any advice...

I sold 5 sets of JJD to a fellow in Germany on 2/1/11...

value about $350.00 with postage included...

he paid with Paypal on 2/1/11...

I shipped USPS First Class International on 2/2/11...

I got a polite Ebay email from him today that he has not received his sets...

it has not been delivered in 2 months now...

I still have the receipt with the custom's number...

in my opinion...he is a bonafide buyer...he has 1,400+ Ebay purchases...

so I got to think he is legit and not playing games...

I called USPS and they offered no help except that another representative will call me in 2 business days...

I still have the receipt with the custom's number...

do I have any recourse...what is my liability...any suggestions?

Hi MIke, I have shipped International since 1994 and have never lost a box to Germany.Usually first class takes 10-14 days max to Germany.However, I will NEVER ship a box worth over $100 First Class. You have no tracking and customs receipt is worthless with First class.Every International buyer knows this and 99% of them are honest, a few will say they never received the box and there is nothing you can do about it.Buyer will file a claim with Paypal and Paypal will side 100% of the time on his side.Any box over $100 I always ship Priority International Airmail which provides tracking and insurance for whatever you want. Insure over $200 and buyer will have to sign for it. I have learned the hard way shipping International and dealing with eBay and Paypal. I will not even discuss value of a box and customs fees.His box could be held up in Customs if you valued at $350. Customs might want him to pay 20% of $350 and he is just telling you box never arrived so he does not have to pay customs tax???It is only going to get worse with new eBay policy of charging final value fees starting April 15. I am sure other forum members like Gideon and Beaufighter will offer similar advice . Hopefully this item only cost you $75-100 and not $350. Best of luck, Andy You can phone me at 262 857 2294 if you want to discuss further, nothing worse than a lost valuable box
I have shipped numerous packages overseas and have been very lucky not to have to face your predicament Michael. If it's an expensive item or items like yours I would have shipped it, like Andy said, by priority insured.

However, none of this really helps you know. Shannon once told me that everything usually shows up but if it doesn't you're probably SOL, unfortunately. Hard lesson to learn though. Frankly, when shipping overseas, I don't think the postal services are worth much.
can anybody offer any advice...

I sold 5 sets of JJD to a fellow in Germany on 2/1/11...

value about $350.00 with postage included...

he paid with Paypal on 2/1/11...

I shipped USPS First Class International on 2/2/11...

I got a polite Ebay email from him today that he has not received his sets...

it has not been delivered in 2 months now...

I still have the receipt with the custom's number...

in my opinion...he is a bonafide buyer...he has 1,400+ Ebay purchases...

so I got to think he is legit and not playing games...

I called USPS and they offered no help except that another representative will call me in 2 business days...

I still have the receipt with the custom's number...

do I have any recourse...what is my liability...any suggestions?


Michael, pull your customs #, and punch it into USPO site tracking. It will give you info if it ever left the states. Then go to DHL site which is the international carrier to Germany ( www.deutschepost.de) and punch in the customs # on their site to see track over there....I did this on a package to Gemany and it worked..Michael
USPS Express International...it was advised here and has been very successful. On my eBay ads I will state overseas buyers with 100% feedback can email me and ask to be included/added to the international bidders list. When the interested buyers from overseas inquire about being added I then have opportunity to mention that I "only ship" USPS Express International, stating it is costly...they usually always agree with the terms and I think they like the fact shipping time is approx 3-5 days from here to there...less time in transit the better!
My opinion As a retailer who ships hundreds of international packages evey month, You are s--t out of luck. A 1st class customs number is virtualy useless, and even if you had shipped it Priority Mail International the number is a delivery confirmation number and not a tracking number. The only USPS service that is trackable is Express Mail or Two Day. The USPS does not scan packages like FedEx does. They are scanned when the Carrier feels like it. I have shipped packages overseas that customers have emailed me saying thanks for the fast shipping, and the USPS site shows no tracking of any kind. Or shows the last scan leaving JFK and nothing else. Hopefully it will get there eventually or it will be returned to you. Also don't even bother insuring throughout the Post office. I have outstanding claims with them that are years old, and have never been paid. Insurance through a third party like stamps.com is the way to go. They pay within ten days.
First off...I want to thank everyone that give their advice and opinion...I appreciate that...

Andy...thank you especially for the polite phone chat and info...you were very helpful...

Secondly...I need to correct some information...

I did not send this USPS First Class International...

Mr. Moffat pointed out that if it was over 4 pounds...it could not have been sent First Class International...

enclosed is a copy of the receipt...it weighed 4 pounds 6 ounces...

it is listed as shipped "Germany-Air Mail"...

Mr. Moffat believes that must be the same as Priority...

he was encouraging in that he believes it has $100 automatic insurance...

hopefully so...

When a seller can provide a shipping receipt like yourself, then E-bay needs to provide "E-BAY SELLER PROTECTION" for you. We should not be left out to dry because a carrier/ customs mishandle things !!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Hi MIke, I have shipped International since 1994 and have never lost a box to Germany.Usually first class takes 10-14 days max to Germany.However, I will NEVER ship a box worth over $100 First Class. You have no tracking and customs receipt is worthless with First class.Every International buyer knows this and 99% of them are honest, a few will say they never received the box and there is nothing you can do about it.Buyer will file a claim with Paypal and Paypal will side 100% of the time on his side.Any box over $100 I always ship Priority International Airmail which provides tracking and insurance for whatever you want. Insure over $200 and buyer will have to sign for it. I have learned the hard way shipping International and dealing with eBay and Paypal. I will not even discuss value of a box and customs fees.His box could be held up in Customs if you valued at $350. Customs might want him to pay 20% of $350 and he is just telling you box never arrived so he does not have to pay customs tax???It is only going to get worse with new eBay policy of charging final value fees starting April 15. I am sure other forum members like Gideon and Beaufighter will offer similar advice . Hopefully this item only cost you $75-100 and not $350. Best of luck, Andy You can phone me at 262 857 2294 if you want to discuss further, nothing worse than a lost valuable box

Andy...thanks for the phone call...it really helped a lot...I'm hoping you are right about the automatic $100 insurance with this parcel...

by the way...I checked some older International receipts as you suggested...some that I know have already been delivered (3-6 months ago)...and their US tracking info appears to only go to as far as North Houston...which I assume is Intercontinental Airport...the info does not state whether or not it left the country and is in transit overseas...

I have shipped numerous packages overseas and have been very lucky not to have to face your predicament Michael. If it's an expensive item or items like yours I would have shipped it, like Andy said, by priority insured.

However, none of this really helps you know. Shannon once told me that everything usually shows up but if it doesn't you're probably SOL, unfortunately. Hard lesson to learn though. Frankly, when shipping overseas, I don't think the postal services are worth much.

Brad..I got a bad feeling about this...I'm getting a stomach ache...hahaha...

hopefully Andy is right about the $100 automatic insurance and I will get it...oooooooooooh my stomach hurts...{sm2}
Michael, pull your customs #, and punch it into USPO site tracking. It will give you info if it ever left the states. Then go to DHL site which is the international carrier to Germany ( www.deutschepost.de) and punch in the customs # on their site to see track over there....I did this on a package to Gemany and it worked..Michael

Michael...I tried this...even translating the site from German to English...at least parts of it...

I'm not sure what I'm doing...and when I punch it it...it won't translate to English...it's an interesting idea...I hope I can figure it out...if you get time...and don't mind offering a little assistance...please call me or send your phone number...409-740-7008...
When a seller can provide a shipping receipt like yourself, then E-bay needs to provide "E-BAY SELLER PROTECTION" for you. We should not be left out to dry because a carrier/ customs mishandle things !!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Have the same problem at the moment & gave ebay proof of postage but still refund buyer lucky for me item is insured {bravo}}
Hi There,

Not sure this will help much but in the month of January and into February the mail services here was really bogged down. They had some sort of log jam that dumped a ton of mail in Frankfurt during that period. This was the APO folks and I am sure they had some issues with mail moving out of Germany because I sent a package to the UK and it took close to 5 weeks to get there and was susposed to get there in less than 10 days tops even going through customs in the UK. My thoughts on this package is its stuck in German Customs. Still if it went Airmail it should have gotten here quickly. But I imagine you will probably have to suck up the refund on this unless you can find anything out via the US Postal System.

Sorry about the bad luck.

USPS Express International...it was advised here and has been very successful. On my eBay ads I will state overseas buyers with 100% feedback can email me and ask to be included/added to the international bidders list. When the interested buyers from overseas inquire about being added I then have opportunity to mention that I "only ship" USPS Express International, stating it is costly...they usually always agree with the terms and I think they like the fact shipping time is approx 3-5 days from here to there...less time in transit the better!

Mark...you may be right...

my Priority to Germany for 4.6 pounds in February was $37.95...

currently listed as $41.05 on their site now...

the Express Mail International is currently listed as $53.95 on their site now...

$12.90 more with the Express...

can you tell me how the Express protects me as a seller...I understand it's much faster...but am I protected any more for a lost package?
My opinion As a retailer who ships hundreds of international packages evey month, You are s--t out of luck. A 1st class customs number is virtualy useless, and even if you had shipped it Priority Mail International the number is a delivery confirmation number and not a tracking number. The only USPS service that is trackable is Express Mail or Two Day. The USPS does not scan packages like FedEx does. They are scanned when the Carrier feels like it. I have shipped packages overseas that customers have emailed me saying thanks for the fast shipping, and the USPS site shows no tracking of any kind. Or shows the last scan leaving JFK and nothing else. Hopefully it will get there eventually or it will be returned to you. Also don't even bother insuring throughout the Post office. I have outstanding claims with them that are years old, and have never been paid. Insurance through a third party like stamps.com is the way to go. They pay within ten days.

Ouch...that hurt to read that...but I got the feeling you're right...I'm a glass half empty type of guy and I think I'm gonna get beat on this deal...hopefully Michael's German Website will help if I can figure it out...
Just want to mention that there is still hope. Within the last 9 years I also did ship a lot of packages worldwide and none ever got lost. Twice a package was returned to me after around 4 to 5 weeks without an obvious reason. In both cases I doublechecked the address to make sure it was correct, shipped them again and everything went o.k. the second time around.
In two other cases, one package to the U.K. and one to Germany, they did arrive after 11 weeks (U.K.) and even 12 weeks (Germany).
In both cases I considered the packages lost after around 8 weeks went by and I had the buyers reimbursed.
Then, in both cases, the buyers notified me about the arrival of the packages and paid me again. So, it's not all bad people out there :wink2:
However, Mike, this whole story doesn't do you any good right now, but I just wanted to say, that while 7 to 10 days for delivery is the regular time when shipping to Germany, chances are that your package still shows up even after two months now.
When a seller can provide a shipping receipt like yourself, then E-bay needs to provide "E-BAY SELLER PROTECTION" for you. We should not be left out to dry because a carrier/ customs mishandle things !!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Ebay "seller protection" would be a Godsend...but I don't see that happening...why would they stand behind another company...

I can't even understand why anyone would have to purchase insurance from USPS or any mail service...

they don't ask me for it when I get a pizza delivered...it's their job to get it there...that's what I pay them for...

Have the same problem at the moment & gave ebay proof of postage but still refund buyer lucky for me item is insured {bravo}}

I'm sure I will have to refund his money...it will hurt...but hopefully...eventually the package will be found and make it's way home...
Hi There,

Not sure this will help much but in the month of January and into February the mail services here was really bogged down. They had some sort of log jam that dumped a ton of mail in Frankfurt during that period. This was the APO folks and I am sure they had some issues with mail moving out of Germany because I sent a package to the UK and it took close to 5 weeks to get there and was susposed to get there in less than 10 days tops even going through customs in the UK. My thoughts on this package is its stuck in German Customs. Still if it went Airmail it should have gotten here quickly. But I imagine you will probably have to suck up the refund on this unless you can find anything out via the US Postal System.

Sorry about the bad luck.


Dave...I had a package from TMTerrain that took about 7 weeks to arrive in January when the snow storms were hitting the UK and US...but this has been 62 days...I think this is sitting on a shelf in the "Undelivered Mail room" somewhere between here and Germany...
Just want to mention that there is still hope. Within the last 9 years I also did ship a lot of packages worldwide and none ever got lost. Twice a package was returned to me after around 4 to 5 weeks without an obvious reason. In both cases I doublechecked the address to make sure it was correct, shipped them again and everything went o.k. the second time around.
In two other cases, one package to the U.K. and one to Germany, they did arrive after 11 weeks (U.K.) and even 12 weeks (Germany).
In both cases I considered the packages lost after around 8 weeks went by and I had the buyers reimbursed.
Then, in both cases, the buyers notified me about the arrival of the packages and paid me again. So, it's not all bad people out there :wink2:
However, Mike, this whole story doesn't do you any good right now, but I just wanted to say, that while 7 to 10 days for delivery is the regular time when shipping to Germany, chances are that your package still shows up even after two months now.

Konrad...thank you very much for trying to sort out the German website...I appreciate your telephone explanation and all your efforts...I will take you up on the offer to be my German translator if I feel you can help me again on this...thanks so much for trying to find my custom's number on the Deutsch website...you're a Prince...^&grin

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