Ebay problem...advice on lost parcel... (5 Viewers)

hi mike,

i dont want to make you too much hope, but i can tell whats happen to me
(with german DHL/Post): i shipped a parcel with actionfigures to a customer, the customer aske me after 3 weeks when he will receiv the parcel. i tracked it and it shows me that its still on "delivery-tour" , so i set up a claim with DHL, send the customer a new parcel what reached him in 2 days. DHL did more than 2 month on "investigation", asked me to fill out a ton of papers and so on. after nearly 3 month they send me a letter: YES we found your parcel in a DHL facility, but unfortunatly the parcel was so long missing and nobody could reach me ( ? ) that they have destroyed the whole parcel to avoid more cost. - thats cool, or not ?

another 3 weeks more, i got payed the inshurance amount - and BANG... 2 days later the PARCEL arrived back at my home, in PERFECT shape - is that a crazy story ? - i think so.
DHL is such big a company that nobody knows what the other is working on....
- my wife told me to keep the inshurance amount and go out for dinner with her... we have done that. this case is now more than 5 years ago, and now its only a crazy story, but in the time when the parcel was missing it cost me a lot ov nerv´s...

so there is still hope, maybe... hopefully....

best regards panzeknacker
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that's a story with a good ending...

Brad mentioned earlier...Shannon told him once that all lost packages eventually end up being delivered...

I'm crossing my fingers...

unfortunately...mine was sent USPS First Class International...no tracking to speak of...

the customs number is tracked only to a facility 75 miles from my house...

after that USPS says..."Sorry...we can't track it"...
that must not include the UK post. Ask Rob how much goes astray. I once worked at christmas for the post office whilst at Uni and some of the things I saw were disgraceful. Its a miracle as much gets through I know not every parcel will eventually turn up as I have seen things smashed and binned in the sorting office rather than front up they were tossing the parcels about and broke it. Thats why they have a two week period and then its classed as lost. The great big black hole unrecorded, recorded, whatever, it all goes in the mail black hole!!!!
Got some encouraging correspondence today...hopefully something is happening on DHL's end...I received this email today from my ebay buyer on the sale and parcel this thread was about...

Dear Mr. Miller,
there is hopefully good news for both of us: I just came home from work and found a message from DHL Germany in my mailbox. It has got the date of the 31st of March and I do not know why it needed round about 3 weeks to arrive at my address. It says that there is a package from the USA for me that can be fetched at the local customs office and the only package from outside Germany I am waiting for is Yours so there is hope that the soldiers do turn up in the end.
Tomorrow morning I will visit the customs office hoping that the package ist still waiting there because in the DHL-message it is also said that the package usually has to be fetched within 14 days, otherwise it will return to the sender. I will let You know as soon as I find out more at the customs office and of course send You the money back immediately if I get the package at the customs office.
With kind regards...
I'm keeping my fingers and toes ^&grincrossed for you Mike.
I'm keeping my fingers and toes ^&grincrossed for you Mike.

Me too, here's hoping you get a positive result Michael




coming soon to a theater near you...

This is turning into a bad script for a Hollywood movie...

I could see an animated version for children...a movie aout a box named "Bob" and his travels from Galveston, Texas to Germany...

It could start with Bob neatly folded up in my closet next to his other box friends...them telling him it's his "big day" as I select him and start to pack toy soldier boxes in him...the drive in my car to the postoffice as Bob sheds a tear already missing home...then meeting new friends of other boxes as he sits on the postoffice shelf waiting to leave...

I think you get the idea...it might have to be a trilogy like Lord of the Rings...as the actual script started on Feb 2...82 days ago...

what to do...what to do...what to do...any ideas for an alternate title for this children's movie...

I'm starting to feel like the postal service is teasing me...I can't explain how frustrating this is to me...today's chapter unfolds like this...

Dear Mr. Miller,
today I was at the customs office. There I was told that the package is no longer there because DHL took it back in the middle of April. So I went to the DHL office. There I was told that the package is no longer there but allready on its way back to the USA. DHL also could not explain why the message that I found in my mailbox yesterday needed 20 days to arrive there, usually it should have arrived within 1 day.
So I fear that for the moment we can only wait and hope that the package at least comes back to You and does not get lost on its way to the USA. Please let me know when it has arrived at Your address, then we will have to think about what to do next.
With kind regards

coming soon to a theater near you...

This is turning into a bad script for a Hollywood movie...

I could see an animated version for children...a movie aout a box named "Bob" and his travels from Galveston, Texas to Germany...

It could start with Bob neatly folded up in my closet next to his other box friends...them telling him it's his "big day" as I select him and start to pack toy soldier boxes in him...the drive in my car to the postoffice as Bob sheds a tear already missing home...then meeting new friends of other boxes as he sits on the postoffice shelf waiting to leave...

I think you get the idea...it might have to be a trilogy like Lord of the Rings...as the actual script started on Feb 2...82 days ago...

what to do...what to do...what to do...any ideas for an alternate title for this children's movie...

I'm starting to feel like the postal service is teasing me...I can't explain how frustrating this is to me...today's chapter unfolds like this...

Dear Mr. Miller,
today I was at the customs office. There I was told that the package is no longer there because DHL took it back in the middle of April. So I went to the DHL office. There I was told that the package is no longer there but allready on its way back to the USA. DHL also could not explain why the message that I found in my mailbox yesterday needed 20 days to arrive there, usually it should have arrived within 1 day.
So I fear that for the moment we can only wait and hope that the package at least comes back to You and does not get lost on its way to the USA. Please let me know when it has arrived at Your address, then we will have to think about what to do next.
With kind regards

As a suggestion - contact DHL and tell them what happened about the notice to the buyer taking so long because they may try and charge a shipping fee for returning the package and maybe you can negotiate something off the shipping if you resend it to Germany

As a suggestion - contact DHL and tell them what happened about the notice to the buyer taking so long because they may try and charge a shipping fee for returning the package and maybe you can negotiate something off the shipping if you resend it to Germany


Terry...that's a good idea...if the parcel actually was mine and if the parcel is actually returned to me...I'll keep posting any developments...
Okay...this is encouraging...got this email today...

Dear Mr. Miller,

thanks for Your E-Mail.

In the meantime I additionally found out that the name of the US-sender of the package DHL took back from the customs office in the middle of April to send it back to the USA is "Michael E. Miller" so I think we can be quite sure that this has to be Your package (and we can hope that it will at least come back to You).

By the way, according to DHL the package arrived in Germany on the 29th of March at four o'clock 35 minutes p.m. at the DHL-import-office in Radefeld and from there was sent to the DHL office in Marburg, a city about 20 kilometers away from my hometown Rauschenberg, where it was given to the customs office in Marburg on the 31st of March.

Please lt me know if the package comes back to You.

With kind regards.
Okay...this is encouraging...got this email today...

Dear Mr. Miller,

thanks for Your E-Mail.

In the meantime I additionally found out that the name of the US-sender of the package DHL took back from the customs office in the middle of April to send it back to the USA is "Michael E. Miller" so I think we can be quite sure that this has to be Your package (and we can hope that it will at least come back to You).

By the way, according to DHL the package arrived in Germany on the 29th of March at four o'clock 35 minutes p.m. at the DHL-import-office in Radefeld and from there was sent to the DHL office in Marburg, a city about 20 kilometers away from my hometown Rauschenberg, where it was given to the customs office in Marburg on the 31st of March.

Please lt me know if the package comes back to You.

With kind regards.

If it has a tracking number, can you contact DHL before they ship it across the Atlantic and get it to the buyer? Or at least hold it in Europe till you and the buyer decide what to do.

If it has a tracking number, can you contact DHL before they ship it across the Atlantic and get it to the buyer? Or at least hold it in Europe till you and the buyer decide what to do.


Terry...if I understood the next to last email...it is in the process of being returned to me...

I hope so...
Mike this sucks. It is like a bad soap opera. It looks like you are going to get it back though. Good luck.{sm4}
Oooooh yea of little faith!!!!

meaning me of course...


my package to Germany sent on Feb 2nd arrived at my doorstep today...

I'm sooooooooooooooooo happy...

there are enough stickers on it that it doesn't need packing tape...^&grin

one box was opened...inspected and repacked...but all looks well...

I don't know what shelf this has been sitting on for 3 1/2 months...or in what country...but I'm going to guess German DHL and German customs kind of dropped the ball on this one...

If the customer in Germany wants it resent...I'm going to ask for free shipping from my local postoffice...but don't expect any...

it's okay...I had lost faith in the postal services...but feel better now...I lost the shipping...but I got my sets back...I feel fortunate...


Oooooh yea of little faith!!!!

meaning me of course...


my package to Germany sent on Feb 2nd arrived at my doorstep today...

I'm sooooooooooooooooo happy...

there are enough stickers on it that it doesn't need packing tape...^&grin

one box was opened...inspected and repacked...but all looks well...

I don't know what shelf this has been sitting on for 3 1/2 months...or in what country...but I'm going to guess German DHL and German customs kind of dropped the ball on this one...

If the customer in Germany wants it resent...I'm going to ask for free shipping from my local postoffice...but don't expect any...

it's okay...I had lost faith in the postal services...but feel better now...I lost the shipping...but I got my sets back...I feel fortunate...



Great news Michael {bravo}}


Does express international mail allow you to obtain a signature??
I'm trying to ship something to Greece and I can't seem to find a service thru the post office where I can obtain a sig and/or insurance??
Does express international mail allow you to obtain a signature??
I'm trying to ship something to Greece and I can't seem to find a service thru the post office where I can obtain a sig and/or insurance??

I believe both Priority or Express can be insured...I do not know about the signature...
That's great Mike but somebody need to reimburse you for all the crap you went through.You and the buyer should be able to put some kind of complaint on DHL and German customs.Maybe I shouldn't say that as I have something coming from Germany,oops:redface2:

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