Been reading through the thread and it is getting a bit 'hot'. The original thread was about EC Toys, the guy is getting on in years, I thought he was due for retirement when I last visited the shop 5 yeas ago. His shop also stocks diecast, trains and other collectables, which I have bought, but have noticed his lack of new Britains and K & C [no K & C UK wholesaler to buy from and WB just do not deliver]. It was time for him to retire and probably the returns on the stock and time were not worth carrying on and getting up in the morning, paying the business costs etc.
Andy from K & C comments - think a few people were a bit harsh, I have been a critic of K & C on this forum [at times on price, quality and accuracy], but I think Andy has done more for this hobby than anyone I can think of, K & C have consistently delivered and have pushed our passion for collecting forward, it is a business and he is there to make money, which I have no issue with of course, but his comments I think were about the TS market and was showing that the market is doing OK and the only way he can give evidence for this is to tell you what is happening with K & C. He was telling people how it is with his company and sales, pure and simply saying he thinks the TS is strong and he knew this through what is happening with his sales etc.
W Britains - this is the bit where I upset people, the problem with Britains is it is a poorly ran and manage company when compared with the other main TS companies such as K & C, F Legion, T Gunn and J Jenkins. I am not talking about quality, as quality is subjective and when compared with price it become relative, I will buy K & C at a certain price, but if it is too high I would rather spend my money on a F Legion figure as I think they are better quality for the money, but if a K & C set in an era I collect is cheap at the London show or on ebay I will buy it. Where I do think Britains are poor is on ranges and delivery. The ranges are very stale - Nap, US Civil War and Zulu have been done to death by them and they are churning out figures which are a bit "sameish" for me. They have tried new eras such as Viking, Clash of Empires, War of the Nile, but these have been let down by the lack of releases. The WW2 stuff looks good but I will not collect because of the poor release dates, I am beginning to think the 88mm gun is a myth, just pictures. Question, which will come first, Britains 88mm gun or proof that Big Foot exists, as I have only seen pictures of both.............
But everything at Britains is delayed and it not a new problem, this has been going on for years, but has got worse in the last 5 years, I know people who did not get their 2017 club figure until Dec 2017. it took too long for the new War of the Nile figures for me and I just stopped collecting the range and am in the process of selling them to buy K & C, T Gunn or F Legion. These 3 companies manage to release on a month basis. I go in the 2 main shops in the UK, Magpies at Evesham and The Toy Soldier Centre at the Guards Museum and they both go months and months with no release of Britains. It is a good job they stock other makes.