Camels AND Artillery! can't get much better than that Martyn. {bravo}}
Camels AND Artillery! can't get much better than that Martyn. {bravo}}
Very cooooool Martyn, thanks for posting that. ^&cool^&grin
Hmmm, I think we'll have to include Screw Guns in that ever growing "you can never have tooooo many" category.
Very cooooool Martyn, thanks for posting that. ^&cool^&grin
Hmmm, I think we'll have to include Screw Guns in that ever growing "you can never have tooooo many" category.
Martyn...I like your rendition of the Egyptian column better than the drawing...nice job!
Funny you should mention that Buster, I've just finished assembling this kit (dates from the mid 70's and only a tenner) I picked up at last month's London show. This will be my first so a long way to go to catch Martyn up!^&grin
A little late Martyn viewing today's Illustrated London News an as always thanks for featuring it. Looking forward to seeing the rusults of your paint brush of the Gun Jeff..........Joe
All these figures make up a mighty fine sight Martyn! ^&cool^&cool
Jeff :salute::