"EL Lawrence"--The Road to Aqaba (1 Viewer)


Feb 24, 2007
"I loved you, so I drew these tides of men into my hands
and wrote my will across the sky in stars
To gain you Freedom, the seven-pillared worthy house,
that your eyes might be shining for me
When I came."
T. E. Lawrence The Seven Pillars of Wisdom

The TGM L of A series is outstanding and I look forward to future releases.:smile2:


  • ElLawrence.jpg
    262.1 KB · Views: 340
Very nice Randy lots of future settings for this figure to behold. Cheers, Robin.
Great pic Randy and its a good looking figure to.................^&grin
A few days ago I got my set of Lawrence and the surrendering Turkish officer.
The sculpt of the camel and especially Lawrence himself is very nice.
The only issue I had, I did not like the dark brown feet.
It looked to me like they had some slippers pulled over the camel's feet :)
So, I decided to repaint mine and below you can see the result.


  • DSCF9973.JPG
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Konrad, I agree with your opinion on the color of the feet. Speaking of which, upon close inspection of your photo I think I have found a camel toe issue, they seem to be spread to far apart. I googled some images and they sure look wrong.
Looks much better Konrad, I think they should have used a lighter brown and blended it in with the leg. I also agree that the toes are too far apart and look a little weird.
TGM has already had input from collectors about the camel feet and promises to correct the issue in forthcoming releases. I wish they would issue a riderless camel that could replace the one that comes with Lawrence which is very nicely sculpted as is the rest of the camel.
TGM has already had input from collectors about the camel feet and promises to correct the issue in forthcoming releases. I wish they would issue a riderless camel that could replace the one that comes with Lawrence which is very nicely sculpted as is the rest of the camel.

Good idea Randy, some free standing camels would be useful. Cheers, Robin.

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