Enhancing Mass Battle Confederates (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Aug 31, 2007
My FLMB Rebs have recently undergone some minor surgery and discreet repaints in a vain attempt to reproduce-as close as possible-the excellence of the original 55th North Carolina figures. Firstly those darn ugly raised pants patches were ground off and their pants primed and repainted as close to the original pants colour.

Next additional but subtle light and shadow applied to their uniforms and all facials given more of a sun-tanned appearance.

A couple of their hats had a repaint but in particular the dubious "bright blue" Stetson worn by the Texan Lone Star Flag Bearer. He is now wearing matt black headgear with a rawhide hat band. More subtle shading applied to the creases and folds of all four flags iaw the other FL banners. Finally all the figures given a coat of matt varnish.

The end result...........

Now if Matt P. should read this post I have a request-

Matt as an avid fan and a keen collector of your ACW figures could I be so bold as to ask if your talented sculptors could ease up on adorning any future ACW Confederate releases with those darn pants patches that some of your Reb figures carry. They first appeared on some of the 55th NC figures, however, when you released the 13th Alabama set I was as happy as a munchkin when none of them carried these odd coloured patches on their pants. Only to have my happiness utterly dashed when they re-appeared on half of your ACW Artillery team and yet again on the MB series.

Matt it is one thing grinding off patches and repainting a $36.00 figure but a whole different ballgame messing about with a $60-80 one. So much so I never invested in the Reb gun-crew.

Not wanting to get too technical as I am far from being a stitch counter on a Reb outfit but historically the "ragged Reb" is no more than pure myth originating from the United Daughters of the Confederacy which promoted the Lost Cause image of the antebellum South and to preserve and uphold the memory of Confederate veterans fighting to the bitter end in rags and bare-feet.

Nearer to home Jeff Dougdale (known as Tullock on the forum) has kindly presented me with a personally signed copy of his brilliantly researched tome "Never in Rags" in which he presents overwhelming evidence that the Confederate soldier was indeed extremely well clothed and booted all the way through the war right up to Lee's surrender at Appomattox.

End of sermon Matt and far from being a criticism just a polite request for your future consideration from an avid FL ACW collector.

Bob the UKReb

Some great painting skills Bob, and as always displayed wonderfully...Sammy
Bob, great job on enhancing these figures so that they blend in with the rest as well as removing the patches. Great job as usual. Chris
Matt as an avid fan and a keen collector of your ACW figures could I be so bold as to ask if your talented sculptors could ease up on adorning any future ACW Confederate releases with those darn pants patches that some of your Reb figures carry. They first appeared on some of the 55th NC figures, however, when you released the 13th Alabama set I was as happy as a munchkin when none of them carried these odd coloured patches on their pants. Only to have my happiness utterly dashed when they re-appeared on half of your ACW Artillery team and yet again on the MB series.

Matt it is one thing grinding off patches and repainting a $36.00 figure but a whole different ballgame messing about with a $60-80 one. So much so I never invested in the Reb gun-crew.

Nice job on the revisions Bob!

Your request for no patches on the pants has been duly noted. :smile2:


Nice job on the revisions Bob!

Your request for no patches on the pants has been duly noted. :smile2:



Many thanks Matt for considering and hopefully accommodating my request.

And a big thank you to the rest of you guys for your support/comments and likes-Very much appreciated.

Many thanks Matt for considering and hopefully accommodating my request.

And a big thank you to the rest of you guys for your support/comments and likes-Very much appreciated.


No pant patches. All future patches will be located on coats / jackets etc.
Nice work Bob. Good to see you living up to the acolade of being a multi dimensional artist, rather than the singular strand we are more familiar with post London shows.:smile2:
Geat work Reb, I didn't know you had such skills with the brush and such :salute:::, also nice to see my fellow Marylanders fighting for the good guys for a change :wink2:.

Also like the response from Matt. regards Gebhard
No pant patches. All future patches will be located on coats / jackets etc.
Nice work Bob. Good to see you living up to the acolade of being a multi dimensional artist, rather than the singular strand we are more familiar with post London shows.:smile2:



I sincerely hope that my right hand will continue to grip a glass followed by the ability to raise my arm to down a pint of good English ale especially when you're buying. On that one dimensional single strand I do believe it's your round in December.
Do not mean to be picky, but external patches in general would not appear on ACW uniforms. If uniforms were patched or repaired, it would have been done internally to the clothing. Please keep this in mind for future figures. Chris
Excellent scene and photos Bob. Really like what you've done here.
Got to agree with previous posts. No more patches. I would like to make another suggestion...let's have more uniformity in the Confederate ranks. By the time of Gettysburg the Confederate depot system was in full swing. The Army of Northern Virginia would have appeared well dressed to the onlooker with whole brigades being identically attired.
Something for the future maybe?
Hi Bob,

Sorry i've missed the last couple of shows - just getting back into things now after time away from the Toy Soldier scene!
Really like your repainted figures and also the history lesson on the patches.
See you in December i'm sure!
Hi Bob,

Sorry i've missed the last couple of shows - just getting back into things now after time away from the Toy Soldier scene!
Really like your repainted figures and also the history lesson on the patches.
See you in December i'm sure!

Hi Easy, glad to see you posting again, hope all is well...Sammy
Marvellous Bob , was wondering how on earth you can continue to improve on years of sublime work , and then you went and got your eye done and youve got the eye of a 25 year old again mate!^&grin. Brilliant as always my friend. See you in London at Christmas Bob , I'll have my shopping list with me 😉

Best to you and Trudi
Wow!!! Rob and Easy both posting!!!! ^&grin good to see you visiting mate, have you had a chance to look at the First Legion new Brit Paras??
Wow!!! Rob and Easy both posting!!!! ^&grin good to see you visiting mate, have you had a chance to look at the First Legion new Brit Paras??

Thanks mate , he's a bad influence on me Sammy I've got 4 or 5 AFVs in my collection because he egged me on at shows^&grin And don't get me started on Simon either^&grin:salute::

New British Paras , must check them out.

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