Even More Careful (1 Viewer)


Jul 6, 2008
Hearing the UPS Truck pulling up, I eagerly meet the driver out in the front yard with a smile on my face. He holds in his burly hands a parcel containing my latest K&C order. After thanking him profusely, I rush inside, my pulserate rising slightly as I open the package and thrust my paw into the popcorn.

I open up the first box, being ever so careful not to tear the cardboard tab. I gingerly lift the top foam piece from my new treasure.

I don't know....Maybe I'm not responsible enough to collect K&C. Perhaps I never quite lost that last trace of teenage immaturity. possibly, im just plain clumsy. I hope i'm not getting a bit senile.

With a very slight back and forth motion I slowly work the Crusader Piece "Gruesome Trophy" loose from its warm nest. I hold my breath as I work the tip of my index finger around the back of the figure, lift slightly, and............The Trophy head is now in my hand instead of the Saracens.

It could be, one end of the figure wasn't as loose as i thought it was, creating a bit of a levering effect, combined with less than adaquete grip which....er ummm....

Really, I thought I was being carefull. (sigh) Am I the only one? (Sniff) Does this ever happen to anyone else?? Was it all because the fates weren't with me? The alignment of the stars????

You'll all need to excuse me now while I write 1000 times on the blackboard......"I PROMISE TO BE EVEN MORE CAREFULL WHEN I HANDLE MY K&C FIGURES".

Whats it gonna take for me to learn??!!!!!!
Hearing the UPS Truck pulling up, I eagerly meet the driver out in the front yard with a smile on my face. He holds in his burly hands a parcel containing my latest K&C order. After thanking him profusely, I rush inside, my pulserate rising slightly as I open the package and thrust my paw into the popcorn.

I open up the first box, being ever so careful not to tear the cardboard tab. I gingerly lift the top foam piece from my new treasure.

I don't know....Maybe I'm not responsible enough to collect K&C. Perhaps I never quite lost that last trace of teenage immaturity. possibly, im just plain clumsy. I hope i'm not getting a bit senile.

With a very slight back and forth motion I slowly work the Crusader Piece "Gruesome Trophy" loose from its warm nest. I hold my breath as I work the tip of my index finger around the back of the figure, lift slightly, and............The Trophy head is now in my hand instead of the Saracens.

It could be, one end of the figure wasn't as loose as i thought it was, creating a bit of a levering effect, combined with less than adaquete grip which....er ummm....

Really, I thought I was being carefull. (sigh) Am I the only one? (Sniff) Does this ever happen to anyone else?? Was it all because the fates weren't with me? The alignment of the stars????

You'll all need to excuse me now while I write 1000 times on the blackboard......"I PROMISE TO BE EVEN MORE CAREFULL WHEN I HANDLE MY K&C FIGURES".

Whats it gonna take for me to learn??!!!!!!

No its not just you, at the best of times I can be clumsy with the figures, but all I did with this one was lift it from the foam and the head dropped off, didn't even have to drop it a couple of times:D With a dab of glue though it sits right back on , great set though:)
Welcome to the forum sterjunkie. Sorry that your first post is a tale of woe, but I would guess this has happened to most of us at some point, with various manufacturers.

Take consolation in the fact that it was probably alot more painful for the person having the trophy removed from his body in the first place. :eek:

No offence, but when I opened up my box containing K&C UK's Lord Cardigan figure, I found the head separate from the body and the pelisse was unattached. A touch of superglue sorted it out, but still a complete mystery as the box was unmarked...:confused:
No offence intended toward K&C UK, superglue or unmarked boxes anywhere.

Welcome to the forum sterjunkie. Sorry that your first post is a tale of woe, but I would guess this has happened to most of us at some point, with various manufacturers.

Take consolation in the fact that it was probably alot more painful for the person having the trophy removed from his body in the first place. :eek:


Yes:D:D:D, a bit of a reality check:D ( the person part of course:eek:)
Guys - there have been times where these figures get broken do to the mail or packaging on the other end - it happens. I assure you - for what I spend on Toy Soldiers if they are broken in the mail - THEY GO BACK TO THE DEALER !

Either a replacement is found or refund is issued. Many time I tell dealers that "You must check those packages before mailing them to me - because it will come right back if broken" I have been very lucky this has not happen to me alot and that the dealers I have purchased from DO CHECK their packages or they HAVE REPLACED broken items.

I had one dealer who did not and he has lost my business forever.
I may be very lucky but I have almost never received broken or damaged K&C products in the mail. That being said, I myself have had several clumsy momments over the years, dropping or knocking over figures and chipping or breaking them. It happens to us all.
I got clumsy once opening a John Jenkins box. When I lifted one of the figures out of the foam, his bayonet got stuck in the foam without my knowing it - as I continued to pull the bayonet broke off. Learned my lesson - I am really really careful now. Thanks for the post. I have started collecting the MK series and the "Gruesome Trophy" is on my must have list. When I do purchase it I will now know to be very careful.

Never a major issue and any problem has been taken care of immediately by the respected dealer (all of whom are top notch in my book). Of course, I have broken my own on occasion as everyone has, I am still looking for a Green Howards Britain set baton on my basement floor as I have a band member who is missing one!!!!!!!!!!! I was trying to help him conduct one day while I was playing with the soldiers....

Has anyone ever been "victimized" by overzealous maid(s)? This happened to me a few years ago. I had a maid service come and clean every couple of weeks. They worked during the day while I was at work. So I did not supervise their activities.

It seemed they were doing a great job - everything would be squeaky clean when I arrived home. But then I started noticing that, for some reason, they felt compelled to lift and dust each and every figure. At least, that's what it appeared to me. Figures moved to different locations, rifles were bent, arms twisted, etc.

I first posted a small warning/caution sign - a plea to BE CAREFUL. But it did not solve the problem. So finally, I just resorted to a total "HANDS OFF" policy. Their services seemed to decline after that, and eventually I terminated the agreement. Now, my home is dustier, but at least my figures are safe!!!! (at least from "foreign" attack")
For me, my repairing figures got me back into the converting and repaint/redesigning of figures and vehicles which has turned into one of my most favorite things about these great figures and sets.
Welcome Sterjunkie,
Has anyone ever been "victimized" by overzealous maid(s)? This happened to me a few years ago. I had a maid service come and clean every couple of weeks. They worked during the day while I was at work. So I did not supervise their activities.

It seemed they were doing a great job - everything would be squeaky clean when I arrived home. But then I started noticing that, for some reason, they felt compelled to lift and dust each and every figure. At least, that's what it appeared to me. Figures moved to different locations, rifles were bent, arms twisted, etc.

I first posted a small warning/caution sign - a plea to BE CAREFUL. But it did not solve the problem. So finally, I just resorted to a total "HANDS OFF" policy. Their services seemed to decline after that, and eventually I terminated the agreement. Now, my home is dustier, but at least my figures are safe!!!! (at least from "foreign" attack")

After a few accidents, bent bayonets, rifles, and so on, I finally got Missus Heid trained not to touch our miniature figurines. Now, every time I get home I have to carry out an intensive dusting campaign while she watches with a certain half-hidden grin.....:eek::eek::eek:
Something tells me I should have kept quiet and just accepted that running repairs were a fact of life. :p


You are a talented writer, and I enjoyed reading your story very much until

the accident occurred, most of the top dealers are careful to take care of any

problems their customers have. Treefrog is especially nice, perhaps they

should be your dealer. Also, welcome to the Forum!

Rutledge: You have a maid? Way to go! Personally even my wife refuses to

enter the den much less dust!

Personally I open evey box with extreme care! I often use the plastic bag

most vehicles come in to gently lift them free. Years of experience have given

me a gentle touch, but you just never know how an item is handled.

When I was very young I worked for an airline, and I never forgot the

beating "Samsonite" bags received because of their commercials with the

Gorilla. Some of our simple minded ramp agents would put them through

their paces including dragging them behind the cart out to the planes.

Sorry, but any Airline reference would not be complete without a story

about Leon Nocon. Leon showed me the ropes on the ticket counter (I

became a training agent) Leon was 6'8 but he always worked stooped over

the counter so no one knew how big he was. When a customer pushed him

told him he was moving to slow, or asked him a stupid question.....such as

the weather at their destination. Suprised? seasoned travlers would know

that we could call operations and get the weather anywhere in the system.

Problem was operations was busy, and when you called them and identified

yourself they would slam the phone in your ear. Anyway when ever

someone got under Leon's skin he would stand up.....all 6'8, hand them their

ticket and tell them to have a nice day. He would then excuse himself from

the counter walk into the cargo room and say....."Boys where is this one

going"? Someone would shout out Madagascar! Leon would pick up the AOG

Airline flight log, grab the bag off the belt, put an interline tag on it, and say

"who's going to run this over to NY Airways"? We were at Newark, and NY

Airways was the chopper service to JFK. I bet they have a special building at

the main airport there just for Leon's bags.

This should answer the question on the other thread....Check through, or

carry on!

While I do prefer the lasercut foam over the old style, I certaily struggled to remove some figures lately and worried about breakage because it was just too snug and pushed too far down in the foam. Perhaps the foam shouldn't be cut to be quite so unnecessarily tight.
I got a couple of sets in the mail today and couldnt help but think of this thread as I opened them up. Luckily everyone was A-OK.

Funny this thread came up as I received the AK46SL today. Having a high level of manual dexterity(like a flipping long shoreman) I proceeded to put the antenna in its place. Well you guessed it, busted off the whole antenna holder – “hey coach, I broke it”. Nothing like waking up KGB early in the morning to give her the repair “to do” list before I go to work. Who is making friends at home today? Nothing like having your toy soldier collection make your personal life shine. On a high note, it’s a quick fix and an easy repair.

“Open him up? It’s not like he’s a flipping can of baked beans”

Take Care
I must say i've never had anything arrive broken in the post either from K&C UK or Treefrog.The only issue i had was the barrel on the winter Chaffee was loose,this was quicly fixed with a drop of superglue.

To coin Pats' phrase....
Gentle friends, It is amazing how many times things are found of the broken persuasion. Differing types of packing cause differing amounts of breakage. Blister packs are the worse for any item with more than one piece. Foam supports the piece better and is superior in protecting from shock. You ought to see all the D.P. stuff. Usually these problems are the result of not enough adhesive. Or, sometimes none at all. Happily these occurences are rare. Consider the # of figures made.

On the other hand unfortunately there are some designs that do not translate to shipping. Panzers and chaffees come to mind. We are blessed to have so many great manufacturers that take care of us. Quick replacement parts are often forthcoming. This is a small hobby and word travels fast!

If a piece arrives broken. ***** the damage. Can I just add a drop of CA? Look for paint damage. Check the piece carefully. Then call the dealer. A friendly tone will often get satisfactory results whereas a surly mood will find it less so.
To coin Pats' phrase....
Gentle friends, It is amazing how many times things are found of the broken persuasion. Differing types of packing cause differing amounts of breakage. Blister packs are the worse for any item with more than one piece. Foam supports the piece better and is superior in protecting from shock. You ought to see all the D.P. stuff. Usually these problems are the result of not enough adhesive. Or, sometimes none at all. Happily these occurences are rare. Consider the # of figures made.

On the other hand unfortunately there are some designs that do not translate to shipping. Panzers and chaffees come to mind. We are blessed to have so many great manufacturers that take care of us. Quick replacement parts are often forthcoming. This is a small hobby and word travels fast!

If a piece arrives broken. ***** the damage. Can I just add a drop of CA? Look for paint damage. Check the piece carefully. Then call the dealer. A friendly tone will often get satisfactory results whereas a surly mood will find it less so.

Absolutely KV.I knew if i wanted to K&C UK would have exchanged my Chaffee with no quibble at all.However with no damage to surrounding paintwork a small drop of the sticky stuff and all was good again.

As for a friendly tone on the telephone it makes no difference with K&C UK.When they realise its me they put on an accent and pretend to be a Chinese take away!!;):D


interesting thread.

there are pros and cons for all the packging. I for one prefer the lazer as pointed out by me in the poll. The 'eggshell' type foam allows for a couple of school boy errors...mailnly with the NAPS. If you take a mounted out of these hoof first the plumes can catch on the foam and ripp the whole thing off. When we check in the K&C UK dispatch area we lift generally to the head of the horse (side ways).

as the guys who have bought from us and many of the other good dealers........send it back or call us and we will change.

i would say that we have had to send a lt less over the recent years to our master modeller for repair! 9 / 10 these end up in our show room or on our tour van for shows leaving the 100% OK ones and un mended for customers

And McKenna you doofus!!!:D Lost him Lost him hes not a set of car keys!!


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