Facebook group for Trophy (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Mar 11, 2010
Hi All,

For those of you on facebook I started a group for Trophy Collectors and Fans. Just another platform to share images of your collections, buy and sell, and ask questions. Just search for Trophy of Wales Collectors and Fans and it should pop up.



You shouldn't talk to strangers online...meijo.

John from Texas
Dude, i met you online! That’s all the info I need to keep it up! 😀
Dude, i met you online! That’s all the info I need to keep it up! 😀

ZB, you got lucky. I could have been some whack job toy soldier collector from San Antonio who loves fajitas, margaritas and hangs out with Mike Miller...wait thats what I am.

You...under the table creepo who puts fajitas on his chocolate cake and hates his postman. But no judgement here.

John from Texas
When you are in Facebook, then click on Groups and then enter Trophy of Wales Collectors and Fans.

If you do a general search in FB you won't find it, so be sure to search in the Groups section.


Apparently we have to wait until our request is "Approved" before we can see anything on the FB group page. Why not make it easier to join and allow instant access when you click the request to join button.

I doubt that the FB Universe is teeming with naer-do-wells waiting to pounce on the group site and vandalize it.:rolleyes2:
I have set up a diorama depicting the charge of the 21st Lancers at Omdurman with 14 Lancer figures and Young Winston Churchill. They have just encountered a hoard of Dervish foot warriors and another hoard of Dervish horsemen advance to support their brethren. The pictures are posted on the Trophy Facebook page (12+ photos) since I'm so fed up with trying to post pictures on this forum. Visit the site, well worth the look.

I have set up a diorama depicting the charge of the 21st Lancers at Omdurman with 14 Lancer figures and Young Winston Churchill. They have just encountered a hoard of Dervish foot warriors and another hoard of Dervish horsemen advance to support their brethren. The pictures are posted on the Trophy Facebook page (12+ photos) since I'm so fed up with trying to post pictures on this forum. Visit the site, well worth the look.

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