Falklands War Series (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
I joined a few groups on Facebook to enquire about some history from the Falklands War. I shared the pics of the new sets and received distase from the veterans on the page. All to do with how they would never have worn hoods, never carry a GPMG that way and that there were always more helmets than berets on show.

Canny please everyone!🙄

Don't worry about that, usually Andy's sketches are representative of a particular moment , not a general guide of what a soldier wore in a war . If Andy has drawn those soldier with that kit, rest sure it is taken from a picture portraying a soldier wearing just that!
I have studied the Falklands Conflict for a fair few years.
I have no problem at all with anything K&C has shown us - quite the opposite in fact :salute:: - and believe me, I'm fussy :)

It is a series I thought I would never get to see, so personally I'm over the moon it has finally come to fruition.

Nice one cantinetozzo - spot on ^&grin

Easy solution, don’t buy them, more for me. Robin

I agree, either buy or don't, there are lots of other great sets out there to buy. However, your logic is flawed, why it is more for you? Are you going to buy them all? Might be better to take a breath before you, as ever, jump in to defend Andy.

I spoke to a couple of people, Falkland veterans, at the London Show last Saturday and they said they would not buy, one said it was "Too Close" to buy, while the other said "They just do not look right", would hold off until he sees them in the flesh, but from the pictures the uniforms looks a bit 'bright'.

As i said i agree, you like you buy, you do not like then do not buy.
The figures are correct, if i have learnt one thing from the Treefrog Forum is King & Country do not make mistakes.

I feel the comments by Goldman007 may have been tongue in cheek or sarcastic!

This is not a discussion i am going down the road of, there are people on the forum who find themselves incapable of having a discussion on the accuracy of a K & C piece, be it figure or vehicle, Andy included. The discussions either get personal and/or are deflected, but mainly there are never any answers, look at the recent discussion on the British DD sets, no answers. So, to take on what someone once told me, you cannot argue facts with someone who never believes they are wrong.

This issue is not one i find with other manufacturers on the forum, look at JJ and T Gunn. There have been recently a discussion on the merits of a JJ figure and a T Gunn Tank, which were informative and an actual discussion.

I won't be buying, accurate or not, I saw the real thing and still have the odd 'vivid dream' of my experiences there. Know it is a bit hypocritical as i collect WW2, Napoleonic and Saxons/Vikings.

The only comments i will make is on the beret wearing, I wore my helmet most of the time, the beret went on when there was a 'kodak moment'. Plus the camo looks a bit bright to me, certainly lighter than the one i wore [and have in a box in the attic] but it maybe the quality of the picture lighting, the pictures on the K & C site are always excellent.
I feel the comments by Goldman007 may have been tongue in cheek or sarcastic!

This is not a discussion i am going down the road of, there are people on the forum who find themselves incapable of having a discussion on the accuracy of a K & C piece, be it figure or vehicle, Andy included. The discussions either get personal and/or are deflected, but mainly there are never any answers, look at the recent discussion on the British DD sets, no answers. So, to take on what someone once told me, you cannot argue facts with someone who never believes they are wrong.

This issue is not one i find with other manufacturers on the forum, look at JJ and T Gunn. There have been recently a discussion on the merits of a JJ figure and a T Gunn Tank, which were informative and an actual discussion.

I won't be buying, accurate or not, I saw the real thing and still have the odd 'vivid dream' of my experiences there. Know it is a bit hypocritical as i collect WW2, Napoleonic and Saxons/Vikings.

The only comments i will make is on the beret wearing, I wore my helmet most of the time, the beret went on when there was a 'kodak moment'. Plus the camo looks a bit bright to me, certainly lighter than the one i wore [and have in a box in the attic] but it maybe the quality of the picture lighting, the pictures on the K & C site are always excellent.

Totally agree mate. Thanks for your service.

Partially the hope was that maybe some adjustments could be made before the series is in full swing, but I doubt it.

The problem as always is to find a right path between "toy soldiers" and "models". What is the iconic image of the Falklands Malvinas War? The RM with flag yomping. What is the most distinguishing element between a Para, a Gurkha, a Royal Marine? The beret. The veteran (and i always i admire every veteran) don't says "it's not correct", he says "for me the war was not a game, i don't buy it for that reason" not that is wrong how the soldiers are depicted. The K&C style is that, we know it. Every brand has his style, someone love Picasso, someone Caravaggio. If you go to a Picasso paintings exhibition you know what to expect and you don't expect the magic realism of Caravaggio. No disrespect intended , we just argue, but it's funny after so much time to read "it is incorrect, they don't wear those things"...oh wait, i'm a "rivet counter" also, and some critics are well deserved , some figures or series were a disappointment (series and figures made by Andy or others) . I tell you what i didn't buy , and that is toy soldiers that are like "soldiers" and that means everyone similar to another. It's not easy to give a toy soldier different facial features, so if they are dressed all the same, you have a sort of army of twins moving on your shelf or diorama. Obviously we are mostly expert, we opened a book or two so we know that in the field the soldier wear something different from the regulation, sometime he is completely different ! Think to the stereotyped German soldier, always perfect in the movies, in reality a scruffly looking guy mostly camouflaged and not a Hugo Boss model. So i presume that what i expect from this series is toy soldiers (and not models , that is perfectly feasible but is another hobby), with distinctive equipment, lot of heavy kit, and i think that the painted figures and the sketches all capture the spirit of that war.
I recon I may still get a few as it's a period I've never known much about and such an important part of Brotish history. It was about sovereignty and defending territory and for me there's nothing more British or honourable than that.

I agree, either buy or don't, there are lots of other great sets out there to buy. However, your logic is flawed, why it is more for you? Are you going to buy them all? Might be better to take a breath before you, as ever, jump in to defend Andy.

I spoke to a couple of people, Falkland veterans, at the London Show last Saturday and they said they would not buy, one said it was "Too Close" to buy, while the other said "They just do not look right", would hold off until he sees them in the flesh, but from the pictures the uniforms looks a bit 'bright'.

As i said i agree, you like you buy, you do not like then do not buy.

Obviously it was a joke. Lighten up Alice. :rolleyes2:
Originally Posted by kings of Alt Clut

I agree, either buy or don't, there are lots of other great sets out there to buy. However, your logic is flawed, why it is more for you? Are you going to buy them all? Might be better to take a breath before you, as ever, jump in to defend Andy.

I spoke to a couple of people, Falkland veterans, at the London Show last Saturday and they said they would not buy, one said it was "Too Close" to buy, while the other said "They just do not look right", would hold off until he sees them in the flesh, but from the pictures the uniforms looks a bit 'bright'.

As i said i agree, you like you buy, you do not like then do not buy.

Obviously it was a joke. Lighten up Alice. :rolleyes2:

I joined a few groups on Facebook to enquire about some history from the Falklands War. I shared the pics of the new sets and received distase from the veterans on the page. All to do with how they would never have worn hoods, never carry a GPMG that way and that there were always more helmets than berets on show.

Canny please everyone!🙄

Re- the 'would never had won hoods quote Scott - Odd as non of the figures yet shown are wearing hoods.

I presume they were referring to the figure carrying the L4A4 Light Machine Gun (Bren) and the Marine in 'Captured #3'

I think you will find they are not wearing hoods they are wearing 'Headovers' see pics

The first pic is a page from the 1980's 'Falklands War Magazine' - the second taken on Mount Kent May 30th 1982. The Marine in the centre seems to be wearing one.


falk1.jpg falk2.jpeg
By all means, please continue the debate about helmets vs. berets.

From an everyday, non-minutia collector’s stand point I will continue to applaud Andy and K&C for diving into more modern, relevant conflicts that other manufacturers shy away from.
Having just purchased my first Falklands figure, i checked a few books and i found this little sequence, proving that Andy always do his homeworks well. The book is a classic Osprey!


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Never trust an Osprey drawing mate. Original photos sure but not drawings.

I got my TF001 figure. The detail of the figure is excellent.
Not that I know a lot about uniforms, but I was expecting the uniform to be darker and greener as in the photos.
There is a lot of light beige. It doesn’t look right.
The other problem is the flag. There are blue marks all over it. I think there was a problem at the printers.
I must say after waiting so long and looking forward to this, I’m a bit disappointed. I hope this is just a one off that's been rushed and the new figures will be better

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