Fantastic Mounted Crusaders (2 Viewers)

What a wonderful collection you have! First Legion has done a beautiful job on their mounted Crusaders. I enjoyed seeing your pictures. Thanks for posting.
Mine have arrived and they are spectacular! I can't believe they look even better in person.

Once question though, my CRU045 seems to have come with a second sword. Is that just extra, or is there some place for it that is not obvious to me?
Nevermind, just noticed CRU046 comes with an extra sword as well. Just FL thinking of their customers again!

Along those lines, I just can't remember ever being so "wowed" by a toy soldier purchase. They are just so spectacular!
Bradley , i knew you would like them has i do , and yes they are Spectacular. ^&grin

they are alot better in hands than in photos.

and yes they do come with an extra sword. i was searching for about 15 minutes where to put that extra sword, and made a call to my dealer and told me that it was an extra sword in case we loose the first, good thinking from FL.

Serge :smile2:
Bradley , i knew you would like them has i do , and yes they are Spectacular. ^&grin

they are alot better in hands than in photos.

and yes they do come with an extra sword. i was searching for about 15 minutes where to put that extra sword, and made a call to my dealer and told me that it was an extra sword in case we loose the first, good thinking from FL.

Serge :smile2:

Do you mix the FL Crusaders with K&C Crusaders? On another thread I was told they look pretty good together if you don't mind that they are from different Crusades/periods.

K&C with FL. Mix very well together,

They are all mixed and its very difficult to see the difference.

K&C with FL. Mix very well together,

They are all mixed and its very difficult to see the difference.


I totally disagree, Every one has their own opinion and mine is that they are not compatible at all, the styles are just way too different . I have never seen a K&C figure that I would confuse with First Legion or vice versa no way no how no mater how far away the picture is taken. regards Gebhard
Hi Guys,

I agree with many of you that I think these FL Crusaders are superb pieces and would look good in any collection of Crusader figures.

As Gebhard has his opinion…so have I – Over the last couple of years I have been privileged to visit and see several large collections which incorporate both K&C and FL Crusaders and Saracens as well as other pieces from other manufacturers…All in all and also in the opinions of their proud owners they all get along rather well together and look even better!

At the end of the day it’s not about “confusion” it’s all about “compatibility” and “enjoyment”.

Best Christmas wishes and happy collecting!
Andy C.​
I totally disagree, Every one has their own opinion and mine is that they are not compatible at all, the styles are just way too different . I have never seen a K&C figure that I would confuse with First Legion or vice versa no way no how no mater how far away the picture is taken. regards Gebhard

I Agree Gebs....They don't mix well....Very different styles....I prefer First Legion Crusaders whose colors are less toy like and more subtle.....Also FL ranges have better sculpts and detail... IMO of course:wink2:
@ Gebs, When i was saying their was no difference i was meaning in height only, not in the way they were painted or sculpted, because we all know that FL is more detailed than K&C, but this also reflects in the price we all pay our figurines.

Well for me in my opinion,

They work perfectly together, if you dont like them just separate them.

I do have all the Union from FL and from K&C and i dont mix them because i think they dont fit well together, Its just a personal taste.

Serge. ^&grin.
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If you look at my first photo , you can see 1 FL Crusaders with 2 K&C figures, and in my opinion they just look superb together.

I dont want discussion on this, as i said its just a personal taste.

Serge :smile2:
I apologize, I should have sent that question to Serge in a private message.

In the WWII category I definitely fall into the "rivet counter" and only mix certain brands together categories, although I collect a most of the major brands. I just have my own personal tastes.

In some other areas such as Napoleonics I mix more frequently.

Gebhard and Vezzolf, I believe I have very similar tastes to you in the WWII ranges and appreciate your comments and opinions in those areas.

Andy, I always enjoy when the manufacturers interact with us. It is one of the main reasons I frequent this forum almost every day!

Thanks everyone, and Merry Christmas and goodwill to all!

I agree with Serge,I think they blend in well with the K&C figures.There are different painting styles between the manufactures in which, if they are mixed in together on the bigger dioramas ,I don't think its that much noticeable but if displayed besides each other in a curio or shelving display I think you would notice the deference in the sculpting and painting of the 2 manufactures.As far is size goes some of the FL figures are actually a tad bigger than the K&C ,but not that much as if you were comparing a K&C Civil War figure to say a Britain Civil War figure.In my Diorama I usually keep the figures together if they are battling each other,or maybe put a FL foot figure against a K&C on Horseback as you can see in some of the pics of my Diorama.That's just my thought ,and by the way I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.It would be nice if Santa would leave a few of the FL Crusader Calvary under my Tree ,I could fit them in somewhere on my Diorama
Great Pictures Serge,
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A BIG thank you Joe for your spectacular dio {eek3}

A photos is worth a 1,000 words, and your photos just show in my taste how superb we can mix different brand with First Legion.

Thanks again Joe much appreciated.

Serge. :)
Arrrgh,,, Joe. I can see that you have those first sets from the crusaders on foot, and i dont have them, and cant find them,

Im jealous . ^&grin

If you look at my first photo , you can see 1 FL Crusaders with 2 K&C figures, and in my opinion they just look superb together.

I dont want discussion on this, as i said its just a personal taste.

Serge :smile2:

Not a discusion...But personal tastes and opinions vary as you know:wink2:....The only way to do a true, accurate comparison of K/C and FL is to take "close up pictures" .."side by side"...Only then can some conclusions regarding compatibility be made....And sometimes EVEN pictures do not help to decide the issue as they can be mis-leading....You have to see it in the flesh...I do not mix FL with K/C in any ranges...IMO the styles are too an example in regards to NAPS: K/C and FL do NOT work well together....I display each mfg. product separately..... but to each their own....Whatever makes you happy.
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I collect the FL crusades but, not the KnC though I have a friend who has lots of companies crusades and has now began to mix them in a large setting, similar to what has been shown on here. They look fine in this setting when you look at them from a distance, the impact is very good. However, for me its not so good when you get close and see the obvious differences in design, paint, detail from various manufacturers.

There is big differences but i f you can live with it or, even not see it then as del boy says ''knock yourself bandy'' but, you have to expect counter comments about detail statements
What a great dio & pics.
I subscribe to the "it's your money, buy what you like" motto. As I tell the youngsters in the weight room/gym these days: "the only person I have to impress is me.
What a great dio & pics.
I subscribe to the "it's your money, buy what you like" motto. As I tell the youngsters in the weight room/gym these days: "the only person I have to impress is me.

I totally agree, for me Toy Soldier collecting is an individual sport with only my taste that concern me:wink2:. A lot of good points have been made and IMO in a large dio most peoples eyes can be confused or tricked into seeing the big picture and over looking the detail. But in my case I'm detail oriented its what I focus on, case in point notice not one person has commented on the plastic figures Joe has mixed into his Fantastic Display which when looking at the whole most would never notice. There is no right or wrong, its left to personal taste and they are just that personal. The good thing is we can freely share our opinions :salute:: and enjoy our collections and those of fellow collectors. regards Gebhard
I totally agree, for me Toy Soldier collecting is an individual sport with only my taste that concern me:wink2:. A lot of good points have been made and IMO in a large dio most peoples eyes can be confused or tricked into seeing the big picture and over looking the detail. But in my case I'm detail oriented its what I focus on, case in point notice not one person has commented on the plastic figures Joe has mixed into his Fantastic Display which when looking at the whole most would never notice. There is no right or wrong, its left to personal taste and they are just that personal. The good thing is we can freely share our opinions :salute:: and enjoy our collections and those of fellow collectors. regards Gebhard

Gebs, Excellent Post in all regards.... and are correct, "in a large dio most peoples eyes can be "confused or tricked" into seeing the large picture and over looking the details"....WELL SAID ....Apparent compatibility?????....I collect First Legion because their products are the best "detailed" figures produced out there today....That's what draws me to FL instead of the other mfg........For me with First Legion its about quality not quantity.....But to each their own and whatever makes you happy...Enjoy your collections and however you wish to display them.

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