Fargo (4 Viewers)


2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
The new season of Fargo starts tomorrow night. The TV reviewer in St Louis gives it 4 stars, the highest rateing. Say's it's better than last year. And we all agree last years version with Billy Bob Thornton was great.
Episode 1 was satisfyingly weird. The usual start to a story line full of twists and turns that will have me paying attention from beginning to end trying to follow and keep it all straight. Love the 'I hit a deer' line. So typical. She seems totally self-absorbed and is going to drag her poor husband down into the pit. This is going to be fun. -- Al
Episode 1 was satisfyingly weird. The usual start to a story line full of twists and turns that will have me paying attention from beginning to end trying to follow and keep it all straight. Love the 'I hit a deer' line. So typical. She seems totally self-absorbed and is going to drag her poor husband down into the pit. This is going to be fun. -- Al

Season #1 will be tough to top, but after watching E-1 and seeing the previews for upcoming episodes season #2 definitely has the potential to do so.

By the looks of the size of Todd from Breaking Bad ("I hit a deer" woman's husband), has spent a lot of his time between gigs stuffin' his face with Hamburger Helper.

I watched this last night, based on the Forum's recommendations. It was wild and off the wall. The film style was like an old movie from the 70's. Looking forward to the next episode.
The first episode was very good. It really captured the feel of late 1970's. A very weird time in retrospect. I'm no Sherlock Holmes but wouldn't the fellow's car who shot all the people in the Waffle place still be in the parking lot? And it would be a simple matter for the police to run the tags. Maybe that is covered in the next episode though. I seem to recall the bit about the woman driving home and parking in the garage after running over a guy and getting him stuck in the windshield has actually happened.
The first episode was very good. It really captured the feel of late 1970's. A very weird time in retrospect. I'm no Sherlock Holmes but wouldn't the fellow's car who shot all the people in the Waffle place still be in the parking lot? And it would be a simple matter for the police to run the tags. Maybe that is covered in the next episode though. I seem to recall the bit about the woman driving home and parking in the garage after running over a guy and getting him stuck in the windshield has actually happened.
I thought I remembered a remark by the cops about one too may cars in the parking lot for the number of victims. It was made either during the investigation of the scene or possibly in the previews to episode 2. Can't remember for sure. I think you are correct about the incident with the woman driving home with the victim stuck to her car, too. I seem to recall a similar incident down in Virginia with the woman driving home with the victim caught under the vehicle/wheelwell sort of thing. Strange but true. -- Al
Just like last year when in the opening credits they say "This story is true" It's not. It's just a put on by the producers which even makes this series more bizarre in a good sense.
The cops still seem mystified as to the killer even though his car was left in the parking lot. Maybe it was stolen but they seem to have moved on for the time being. Great show.
Thought Ted was a goner on the road all alone with the KC mob. As with last year's show, everything is so bizarre it makes looking away impossible. I just am intrigued as to where the butcher angle is going and how a seemingly 'normal' couple as those two turn into such calculating criminals. The Gerhardt's are headed for a family 'meeting' of major proportions. This show is brilliant. -- Al
Thought Ted was a goner on the road all alone with the KC mob. As with last year's show, everything is so bizarre it makes looking away impossible. I just am intrigued as to where the butcher angle is going and how a seemingly 'normal' couple as those two turn into such calculating criminals. The Gerhardt's are headed for a family 'meeting' of major proportions. This show is brilliant. -- Al

I'm with you Al, the camera angles and shots they use are top flight along with the unusual soundtrack. The characters are really well done and the story doesn't let you go.
This is building to what looks like a coming blood bath. Everybody is on the verge; the Gerhardt's, the butcher and his wife, the KC mob boys. It's gonna be a massacre. -- Al
This is building to what looks like a coming blood bath. Everybody is on the verge; the Gerhardt's, the butcher and his wife, the KC mob boys. It's gonna be a massacre. -- Al

all mom said was..............

I thought it would be impossible to top last years show.

I was wrong.

This is nothing short of brilliant.

And if I was the butcher, I would have carved up and disposed of his annoying, self centered moron of a wife, not the guy she hit...............
Finally a show to look forward too. Easy to follow the story line. Not like True Detective.
This week's episode was a goody, it all goes off the deep end. That Indian is a bad individual. There's a lesson to be learned here...city folk from Kansas City shouldn't go deer hunting in Fargo.:rolleyes2: --Al
This is just getting better and better. Everybody is chasing everybody and nobody is safe. The lawyer is great and the Indian is relentless. -- Al
Peggy lit Dodd up pretty good...
she is a most bizarre character...
"a little touched"...
no...a lot touched...

the Jabberwocky poem was a good touch...

watching next weeks preview...
after Milligan shot up the Gerhardt's house...

they said he killed or shot the cripple...
are they referring to the patriarch of the family in the wheel chair..Otto Gerhardt?

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