Favorite Artillery Set (3 Viewers)

These are the only Trophy sets that I chose to keep. The poses were unique and different. The uniforms were accurate for once, since most of Trophy's ACW stuff were not..I have no fancy ground matte, scenic backdrop or great camera work, but I feel that the beauty of these sets lie in that they do not look like the usual Trophy offerings at that time..Michael


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These are the only Trophy sets that I chose to keep. The poses were unique and different. The uniforms were accurate for once, since most of Trophy's ACW stuff were not..I have no fancy ground matte, scenic backdrop or great camera work, but I feel that the beauty of these sets lie in that they do not look like the usual Trophy offerings at that time..Michael
Michael: Thanks for sharing your photos of those great sets. I have the gun battery set on the left with the gunner holding the shell or powder cannister. I had never seen the other one.
These are the only Trophy sets that I chose to keep. The poses were unique and different. The uniforms were accurate for once, since most of Trophy's ACW stuff were not..I have no fancy ground matte, scenic backdrop or great camera work, but I feel that the beauty of these sets lie in that they do not look like the usual Trophy offerings at that time..Michael

Those are great sets.
Michael: Thanks for sharing your photos of those great sets. I have the gun battery set on the left with the gunner holding the shell or powder cannister. I had never seen the other one.

That is why I had to have them. The usual Trophy cannon has the same posed crew no matter how many sets you get. But here 2 separate crews were offered with 8 different poses. My only gripe is Trophy could have provided a more iconic cannon of the era, such as a Parrot. Michael
That is why I had to have them. The usual Trophy cannon has the same posed crew no matter how many sets you get. But here 2 separate crews were offered with 8 different poses. My only gripe is Trophy could have provided a more iconic cannon of the era, such as a Parrot. Michael

They are very nice sets Michael and definitely keepers {bravo}}:salute:::salute::


These are the only Trophy sets that I chose to keep. The poses were unique and different. The uniforms were accurate for once, since most of Trophy's ACW stuff were not..I have no fancy ground matte, scenic backdrop or great camera work, but I feel that the beauty of these sets lie in that they do not look like the usual Trophy offerings at that time..Michael


A wonderful selection of Union artillery and certainly worth keeping though some of our Southern friends may feel otherwise :smile2:
Managed to find these Tommy ^&grin:tongue:, I knew Joe had faith in me :wink2:





My initial reaction - {eek3}^&cool - . Followed by - Hey, not fair - clearly this was photoshopped - where are the moderators when you need them! And ending with - You win this round mon ami - you can never have enough artillery!! By the way, how long did it take you to put that photo together and what did the better half say while you were putting this together? Mine just shook her head and walked away muttering something to the effect that I was crazy......
I knew you wouldn't let me kdown Martyn an I see why the two Nappy Artillery sets make your favorites list Lawrence. Thanks for sharing them gentelmen,{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
The reason I sold off my large Trophy collection was that I was getting bored with the colonial service side of collecting repainted units of the same poses.. By the time I started Naps, I felt I was done with the brand. I do miss the Nappys the most ,with some regret..Michael
My initial reaction - {eek3}^&cool - . Followed by - Hey, not fair - clearly this was photoshopped - where are the moderators when you need them! And ending with - You win this round mon ami - you can never have enough artillery!! By the way, how long did it take you to put that photo together and what did the better half say while you were putting this together? Mine just shook her head and walked away muttering something to the effect that I was crazy......


Your wife and mine would get on EXTREMLY WELL Lawrence:wink2:

The picture took around 30 mins to set up, many of the Artillery pieces are in their boxes:redface2:


I knew you wouldn't let me kdown Martyn an I see why the two Nappy Artillery sets make your favorites list Lawrence. Thanks for sharing them gentelmen,{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

Many thanks Joe ^&grin

Cheers mate

My personal choice in glossy would have to be Steadfast's King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery series. That would include Set No.s SF 019A, 020A, 053, 054, 055, 064, and 065, 108, 109 and 110. Included are three different pieces of artillery and attendant limbers; 18 PDR RBL GUN MK 1, 12 PDR RBL GUN MK 1 and 13 PDR RBL GUN MK I. Excellent and accurate detail on each gun. Shown in the attachment is Set No. SF 053. In their advertisement for Set No. SF 110, the manufacturer RP World Models stipulates the following; "The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery 13 pdr cannon with the Royal Horse Artillery gun detachment. Consisting of 4 gunners in accurate firing poses. This set is supplied to the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery and every detail of the original masters were checked and authorised by them before production started. We are confident in stating that these are the most accurate sets we have ever produced, right down to the correct gold decals. These sets are also available direct from the King's Troop at their many displays."
Arnhem Jim
Arizona Territory


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