Favorite Britains set or figure? (2 Viewers)

Shannon Reuss

Forum Administrator
Staff member
Apr 22, 2005
With all the talk about the NEW Britains that we are waiting for with bated breath, I wondered what current or retired sets are people's favorite? I enjoy many different sets but a particular favorite that comes to mind is #17379 The Union 6-Horse Artillery Set because the sculpts create a sense of urgency with the horses all in running poses and the soldiers who are sitting with the cannon leaning forward like they are straining along with the horses to hurry up and get where they're going.
I like the Washington Crossing the Delaware sets too, although I always found it odd that Washington was not included in the main set, but in one of the add-on sets.
I really enjoy the Hunting Cheetahs of the Nizam of Hyderabad (#40187) because of the unique subject matter. The Bikanir Camel Corps (#40185) is a favorite for the same reason and I really liked the first in the winter stocking holder series "Winter Offerings" with the vignette of the soldiers from both sides calling a Christmas truce and trading their coffee and tobacco.
I could go on, but I'd rather hear your thoughts? What favorites come to mind?
I'm going to mention the die cast Britains vehicles of the 70's. The DAK Kubelwagen and BMW combination will always hold a place in my collection.
Hi All,

I too have a ton of Britians sets that are favorites but one that I really enjoy a lot is the Butcher Jack subset from the Crimean Series. I like it because it is realistic having been around soldiers for a long time and seeing them get worked up over something makes it real for me. I also love my Durbar set (nearly complete!) but especially the Elephant with the Duke and Duchess of Connaught its a work of art!

I also have some really great single figures from sets that I would love to put together especially my lone Irish Lancer. I have a lot of Lancers including the mounted band but the older ones are great to look at and really remind me of days gone by.

Now if I could get Britains to make an Edward the VII to go with the Durbar set I would be very happy indeed (hopefully I will be able to persuade Ana to make one for me!):rolleyes:

my favourite would probably be, the britains premier horse drawn GS wagon
{charles biggs] or the kilted black watch infantry from the same series.
I love my north gate set and the scottland forever capture of the colors of french 45 line. I can,t wait till they continue there napoleonic line. And i hope the sculpting and paiting is improved. Some britains sets looked so good while other left something to be desired but they had some great sets and i,m looking forward to seeing what comes out next.
Being from Indiana, I just have to go with the Iron Brigade Command set and the Iron Brigade firing set. Actually I might just have to make them a tie with the confederate 6-horse caisson set (since I don't have the union 6-horse artillery set yet).
I'll follow Diggers comment, My old Reenacting group was B Co. 19th Indiana "Swamphawgs" and Britians Iron brigade charging set is one of the few duplicate anything I own.Just great figures.Have about 100 Metals and plastic Conte conversions I did that all mix very well together.The 6 horse Artillery teams , both Union and Reb are splendid indeed.Also very nice are the British Napoleonic Guards defending, another duplicate.Saw 2 sets more at Chicago and like a dummy didnt grab them.
You guys are right, some sets are just great, others worthwhile if not a bit static and others I just pass on.
More Waterloo figures please!

:D Fubar:D
My personal favorite from Britains was the American Revolution Swoppet sets, both British & Colonial. I got them in my stocking way back in the 60's and I had no end of fun with them.
I will be the odd one out here in this conversation. My favorities are the Panzer IV's (all versions), the 105mm artillery set, the pack 75mm set, and the civil war cassion sets.

I don't have the civil war sets yet, but about six months ago I did not have any Napoleonic's either.:eek: Michael
Mine would be the Britains German 88mm gun and crew. I saw someone sell one on ebay about 2 years ago and it sold for $300! Its pretty rare and valuable now.
I would be remiss if I didnt mention my WWI Tank set I really hope they decide to build a few more of the WWI tanks and British Personalities to go with it.

Alex, I guess being a new collector for only about the last 2-3 years some things have gotten by me .I didnt even know Britians HAD an 88 MM gun at one point!


My favorite set is the British 7th Regiment from the battle of Cowpens. Really well done. I bought 2 sets. Unfortunately, the America set for Cowpens is not of the same quality in scuplting and finish, so I passed on that one.
just my 2cents.
My Favorite is the German Waffen SS - MG42 Team (17147)


2nd Favorite: Briatains Long Tom (17247)
Yes, the Waffen SS MG team is also my favorite because that was my first toy soldier set.
If I have to pick one favorite, I'd say the Lone Star set.

Other top sets include:

Clear the Way
Save the Colors & the Iron Brigade charging.
the Union Artillery gun and limber
Washington Crossing the Delaware
the Signing of the Declaration of Independence

The last two were especially good ideas as they represent two of the most powerful images many people have of the War for Independence.

I've heard rumors that they will be working on Rev war sets for the Battle of Yorktown. Perhaps they'll make a set of Washington receiving Cornwallis' sword via his proxy. Any thoughts?

Hmm, your list mirrors the list of sets I get the most calls about when people are trying to track down retired sets. You must have a lot of other collectors who agree with you.
If only I had stocked up on the Washington Crossing the Delaware sets...
fishead19690 said:
I love my north gate set and the scottland forever capture of the colors of french 45 line. I can,t wait till they continue there napoleonic line. And i hope the sculpting and paiting is improved. Some britains sets looked so good while other left something to be desired but they had some great sets and i,m looking forward to seeing what comes out next.
The North Gate of Hougoumont was the last set that I did with Richard Walker when we worked for Ertle/W. Britain back in 1997-98. You might be interested to know that the initial ACW and WWI sculpts for the First Gear/W. Britain line are already in preproduction so I am now working on the new Napoleonic and WWII sets which, at the time of the writing, will also include new components for Hougoumont. I still have my research file and photographs from my visit to the site some years ago and I am sure they will be put to good use! Ken Osen

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