Favorite vacation spots (1 Viewer)

Maine seacoast boothbay harbour
Charleston, SC
Like to visit Gettysburg on a regular basis: don't know if that classifies though. Used to visit the Delaware beaches (Bethany, mainly) with my family, when I was a kid, on a yearly basis. Kept up the tradition when I got married and had kids. Then my boys hit baseball league age, and then my kids hit college age. No more vacations. Last had one in 1989. -- Al
I have a great tip to Turkey this year, and would reccomend that.

I love India, as its so much different, Nepal for the mountains...

Of course UK, France, Belgium for all thier history, esp Napoleonic :) :)

My wife is taking me to Bali on Thursday, for my 60th B'day :) :)
Tropical island in the sun....

See ya in a couple of weeks....

No one has mentioned train travel. I hear the lines in Canada are pretty amazing. Had an overnight trip with my family to Berlin before the wall came down. Pulling into stations to switch locomotives in the middle of the night surrounded by East German police (to make sure no one got one, not off) with the platform surrounded by metal stakes, etc and Russian border guards checking passports was like a movie scene. Berlin is a special city. Love to go back some day.
Most anyplace with the right company.:D

My favorite place is Paris!:)

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