Well, I got to watch this today and I pretty much agree with your review, George. I give them points for the attempt at uniforms and detail but not much else. I would like to know where Breckinridge got those electric blue color trousers. That kid from 'Modern Family' needs to get the money spent on his acting lessons refunded. Even the battle sequences were a little disappointing as it is obvious that most of the action was filmed at the New Market reenactment with the Cadets charge kind of shoehorned in. I grade it better than North and South but not by much. Glad I didn't waste a trip to the theater. -- Al
This movie was out here in Massachusetts awhile ago in a very limited release, it came and went so fast I didn't get a chance to see it, was kicking myself for that.
Until I saw it over the weekend.
Of all the worst lines, this one takes the cake; "Is he your son?"........"They are all my sons."
Good Lord, so hokey, such nonsense.
And you're right Al; the reenactment footage they shoehorned in was pretty bad, you could tell what was reenactment footage and what was actual movie footage, much in the same way a lot of those cheeseball 1950's WWII movies would mix in actual footage with movie footage and it was plain as day what was what.
For the life of me, the American Civil War is so hugely popular in this country, why no one can make a decent ACW movie is beyond my comprehension.
That mini series HBO was going to release "To Appomatox" or "To the Wilderness" or "Whatever it was going to be called" has died on the vines too.
"Gettysburg" almost never made it to the theatres, it was going to be a TV miniseries until Ted Turner pumped money into it and his studio took over.
"The Last Full Measure", the third in the series of Gods and Generals and The Killer Angels also never made it, probably because Gods and Generals tanked as badly as it did.