Figarti 2015 Overview (1 Viewer)

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Make the most of your Figarti toys boys, you won't be seeing many more.
Well that maybe the case but I'm more than happy that figarti came out with something different like there V2 and train range instead of the same old tigers and Sherman tanks ::rolleyes2:
There is actually a little bit more in my post than some seem to acknowledge. I wonder if people read it all the way to the end. It was not, I believe, a criticism of Figarti but an opening comment about the way people see the 'Figarti situation' as a teachable moment and as something that other manufacturers can emulate. A shame no one really engaged with that. I think it is interesting and is actually quite different from a 'Figarti - do we love them or not' discussion. I did add that the issue of their survival was beyond just who lost interest. That was an opinion. I am sorry for the aggravation I have caused for those whose currency is confined to universal truths.

The comments may well have been accurate had you stayed with Conte as an example. They were not because of the unique circumstances affecting Figarti which you semed willing to ignore to put your point across. Figarti are still selling and seemingly from what was said at the weekend trying to develop and expand sales.
The comments may well have been accurate had you stayed with Conte as an example. They were not because of the unique circumstances affecting Figarti which you semed willing to ignore to put your point across. Figarti are still selling and seemingly from what was said at the weekend trying to develop and expand sales.

It was not, I believe, a criticism of Figarti but an opening comment about the way people see the 'Figarti situation' as a teachable moment and as something that other manufacturers can emulate. A shame no one really engaged with that. I think it is interesting and is actually quite different from a 'Figarti - do we love them or not' discussion.
It was not, I believe, a criticism of Figarti but an opening comment about the way people see the 'Figarti situation' as a teachable moment and as something that other manufacturers can emulate. A shame no one really engaged with that. I think it is interesting and is actually quite different from a 'Figarti - do we love them or not' discussion.

I do not believe I said your post was. The circumstances for Figarti are different from a company crashing and unable to compete and survive in the business as many of the comments in this thread suggest. Figarti are the main part of my collection but, I do not see a love them or not just substantially incorrect information being added about what is happening.

How is there a ''teachable moment'' when the man with the financial support lost interest. There is nothing there that is a ''teachable moment'' It is odd for me that many comments seem to be missing that it was not down to manufacturing decisions, price, design detailing or lack of, marketing, sales or, lack of just down to the man with the money moving on. Any of those points I raised could be a ''teachable moment'' for existing companies to address and if necessary avoid but, as I mentioned your points were incorrectly assigned to Figarti.

Has anyone actually paused and asked how hard it must be for a Figarti worker to pick up the reigns of a company and then carry on as normal with no financial support or savings? a few have in this thread but, the majority seem almost happy that Figarti seemingly is in trouble. That is a shame as Figarti have done remarkable things for the hobby and in terms of releases that have changed the hobby for the better.
Absent information there will be speculation. The hiatus of Figarti came as an inexplicable shock to long time customers who searched for answers to the situation. The forum members with inside informaton on the situation chose not to share it and instead cast aspersions upon the members who sought answers through supposition and questions. Superior knowledged carries a responsability to share IMHO.

The owner of a company has responsabilities to his customers. A major change in operations or policy should be conveyed to the customers. Informed customers do not speculate as to the cause of a situation when it has been explained.

Forum membership is international and for many members English is a second language. Please consider this before making unkind comments about grammer, syntax or spelling.
I have to take strong exception to Katana's overly broad statement. Inside information is often shared on the supposition that it will not be shared with others unless consent is given for disclosure. That is the essence of inside information. In another context, sharing it would be illegal.

Second, I don't see where aspersions have been cast on others.

Third, an owner of a company does not have a responsibility to his customers in this industry. If he's selling products subject to government regulation, such as food or drugs, that is a different story. That is not the case here. His or her job is to make product. It is up to us to determine whether we like it enough to purchase it. That is where the relationship begins and ends.
Brad; a cold legalistic assesment of a business owners relationship with their customers. Customer relations and communications is the essence of good business. Interaction with customers assists in problem resolution, new product concepts and future sales. The new owners must be applying your concept of good business and we can see how sucessful they have been!

The private inside information has already been dievulged and used to refute points of view not
found acceptable! I doubt the illegalality of that unless a confidential disclosure form was signed; if that is the case you are already in breach of it!

Global statements about forum members grammer is casting aspersions and is unkind and callous IMHO!
I had many conversations with Rick Wang and was invited to advise on some models details. I was also asked to suggest subjects for the shock and awe sets. It was clear to me that Figarti was started for Rick's father and expanded when the Wang's other businesses were slow due to the recession. I never saw Figarti as a long term business venture and was pretty convinced from comments that Rick made that was the case. I specifically asked him that question and the answer I got was that there were no plans to end Figarti but that it was not a main part of their business plan when the world economy recovered.

Whatever the cause of Figarti's current situation; it is regrettable and a great potential loss to the hobby. Figarti will be fondly remembered as is Honor Bound and their products will be respected, for their quality and innovation; both now and in the future.

21st Century Toys followed a similar path; innovation, expansion, overextension and finally oblivion. As in life, so in business; everything has its cycle of birth and death. A new company will arise to take its place and perhaps even exceed Figarti's accomplishments.

Kitana, The thing to me with Figarti is , they came on strong with some nice Vehicle and aircraft releases, but faded away as fast as they got going !

Kitana, The thing to me with Figarti is , they came on strong with some nice Vehicle and aircraft releases, but faded away as fast as they got going !



could you add to this point of faded as fast as they got going? I have collected Figarti from when they began producing things and were 32nd scale and for me there was a entry and then many years of solid releases including all the shock and awe. The years before Rick pulled out/back whatever from the company they released among other things a summer Panther and four versions of the steel wheeled Tiger I and Russian Tanks.

Since the takeover they have been less prolific with some repaints of the KV1 and they released a smaller batch of winter Panthers which I have two of. They are still selling repaints of all the companies old stock now in China.

I do not really see the faded as fast as they got going part of your comment

could you add to this point of faded as fast as they got going? I have collected Figarti from when they began producing things and were 32nd scale and for me there was a entry and then many years of solid releases including all the shock and awe. The years before Rick pulled out/back whatever from the company they released among other things a summer Panther and four versions of the steel wheeled Tiger I and Russian Tanks.

Since the takeover they have been less prolific with some repaints of the KV1 and they released a smaller batch of winter Panthers which I have two of. They are still selling repaints of all the companies old stock now in China.

I do not really see the faded as fast as they got going part of your comment

Yes I can ! Since the named take over things went down hill as far as production. This is fact. Anyone can clearly see that they are nothing of the company that they were 2 years ago.
Selling repaints of old stock is just that, getting rid of what is left in their inventory. For what ever reason that they are in the current position that they are seems a bit too far gone for trying to rationalize their possible future.
I have no gripes with Figarti as they made some nice models, but they are gone.

:rolleyes2:...I wouldn't bet on their being GONE as you say....The new owners may release items less often but they are far from gone or forgotten:wink2:....Again if they WANT TO....They can still be a viable player in the TS business....BUT ONLY IF THEY WANT TO AND REMAIN COMMITTED....AND GET TO WORK.....Many of us will purchase their products if they CHOOSE to produce quality 1:30th TS products....The choice is up to the new owners of Figarti.... to succeed or not.:wink2:....We await with credit cards ready.:salute::{sm4}
Yes I can ! Since the named take over things went down hill as far as production. This is fact. Anyone can clearly see that they are nothing of the company that they were 2 years ago.
Selling repaints of old stock is just that, getting rid of what is left in their inventory. For what ever reason that they are in the current position that they are seems a bit too far gone for trying to rationalize their possible future.
I have no gripes with Figarti as they made some nice models, but they are gone.



Thank you for the timely response. Are you angry or, trying to promote your point with force as I thought that bold typing and enlarged writing was pretty well known as that. forgive me if its your way or, you have visual issues but, its come across to me as forceful and angry type setting. I am simply asking what you base your comments upon. There is little need to rationalise what has happened to Figarti as everyone who wants to understand and accept knows the former owner left the man who held the cash and a less financially strong worker took over. I am not certain that they are using left over stock they are re-issuing older stock that is their property now and trying to make money that way. Seems pretty clever to me and, sounds like hard work.

Has the new owner been at the helm for long? I am not certain exact time but its not much more than a year so, again my question is what ''fact'' are you basing your comments on that they are ''gone''

You can pick up now a wide ranging number of sets that have previously been hard to find and retired for many years if you use the Chinese equivalent to e-bay. Repainting models is still a different model and, many companies are doing this as we type to maximise their profits from a mould. First legion and king and country are two who spring to mind.

This actually may be the point opinion of collectors etc on what they see as a companies standing may not actually fit with what is happening. Figarti showed new sets and some repaints at Chicago so, they are trying and I hope and wish them well.

Had this guy not thought lets give it a go then we could all universally agree that Figarti was over as a toy soldier manufacturer but, that is not the case. It may not be as fast as some like yourself want etc and it certainly is not for myself collecting Figarti as I do but, lets pause give them space and support and see how the guy makes out before condemning them on opinion
:rolleyes2:...I wouldn't bet on their being GONE as you say....The new owners may release items less often but they are far from gone or forgotten:wink2:....Again if they WANT TO....They can still be a viable player in the TS business....BUT ONLY IF THEY WANT TO AND REMAIN COMMITTED....AND GET TO WORK.....Many of us will purchase their products if they CHOOSE to produce quality 1:30th TS products....The choice is up to the new owners of Figarti.... to succeed or not.:wink2:....We await with credit cards ready.:salute::{sm4}

I am less concerned with the rate of new product releases than the quality; which seems to have declined. The worst example of this and the start of the decline was the last Panzer IV. I was excited about this release and looked forward to adding it to my collection. Close inspection showed a number of problems with the model. Phillips head screws were used to hold on the Schurtzen mounting rails. No attempt was made to conceal the screw heads; which greatly detracted from the realism of the model. No Schurtzen were included with the model; which was sold at $249.00. How much more could it have cost to provide Schurtzen; as TCS does on a far less expensive Panzer IV. The late version Tiger Is were a large decline in quality from the first Desert and Winter Tiger I models; with the recoiling barrel feature. The deck hatches did not open, no figure was provided and the details were soft. The Panther G is an excellent model and excells in detail; but the paint color and quality was very dissapointing. The T34-85 another excellent model; but flawed by quality issues. The barrel will not stay up; but flops onto the deck. I had to shim it in place and several very obvious parts were missing!

The point is the quality of Figarti products had been in decline for several years before the sell off.
The last gasp of the old Figarti was a proliferation of repaints of old models i.e. JS-2, ISU-152 and Panther G, mixed in with the new KV-1, SU-85 and SU-100 all of which are still available on Ebay two years after release!
I am less concerned with the rate of new product releases than the quality; which seems to have declined. The worst example of this and the start of the decline was the last Panzer IV. I was excited about this release and looked forward to adding it to my collection. Close inspection showed a number of problems with the model. Phillips head screws were used to hold on the Schurtzen mounting rails. No attempt was made to conceal the screw heads; which greatly detracted from the realism of the model. No Schurtzen were included with the model; which was sold at $249.00. How much more could it have cost to provide Schurtzen; as TCS does on a far less expensive Panzer IV. The late version Tiger Is were a large decline in quality from the first Desert and Winter Tiger I models; with the recoiling barrel feature. The deck hatches did not open, no figure was provided and the details were soft. The Panther G is an excellent model and excells in detail; but the paint color and quality was very dissapointing. The T34-85 another excellent model; but flawed by quality issues. The barrel will not stay up; but flops onto the deck. I had to shim it in place and several very obvious parts were missing!

The point is the quality of Figarti products had been in decline for several years before the sell off.
The last gasp of the old Figarti was a proliferation of repaints of old models i.e. JS-2, ISU-152 and Panther G, mixed in with the new KV-1, SU-85 and SU-100 all of which are still available on Ebay two years after release!

Think you already told us this already more then once it getting a bit same old story to be honest :rolleyes:
I am less concerned with the rate of new product releases than the quality; which seems to have declined. The worst example of this and the start of the decline was the last Panzer IV. I was excited about this release and looked forward to adding it to my collection. Close inspection showed a number of problems with the model. Phillips head screws were used to hold on the Schurtzen mounting rails. No attempt was made to conceal the screw heads; which greatly detracted from the realism of the model. No Schurtzen were included with the model; which was sold at $249.00. How much more could it have cost to provide Schurtzen; as TCS does on a far less expensive Panzer IV. The late version Tiger Is were a large decline in quality from the first Desert and Winter Tiger I models; with the recoiling barrel feature. The deck hatches did not open, no figure was provided and the details were soft. The Panther G is an excellent model and excells in detail; but the paint color and quality was very dissapointing. The T34-85 another excellent model; but flawed by quality issues. The barrel will not stay up; but flops onto the deck. I had to shim it in place and several very obvious parts were missing!

The point is the quality of Figarti products had been in decline for several years before the sell off.
The last gasp of the old Figarti was a proliferation of repaints of old models i.e. JS-2, ISU-152 and Panther G, mixed in with the new KV-1, SU-85 and SU-100 all of which are still available on Ebay two years after release!

I am not quite sure what you want from Figarti? I think also you contradict yourself because you state the Panther is excellent then say not in paint or detailing I saw nothing wron g with the Panther G or the steel wheeled late production Tiger I. Both had very good detail and on the Tigers they showed detail down to the minutia.

I have two 34/85's and cannot think of any quality issues

TCS are not really a company I would use to draw attention to Figarti's alleged failings. I have had a number of very poor TCS offerings and they have incorrectly wheeled a Tiger I my sturmtigers arrived with missing parts and, I am not sure if you have one but, turn it upside down and look at the two screws holding in the bottom plate they are enourmous and could be used to put a TV on the wall. They also have taken a huge hit in detail and quality and the Panzer IV you mention was really poor and, in the UK was £145 pretty close to and in fact the same price as UK Figarti prices.

As for e-bay you look at any manufacturer and you can find any of their items still available to buy. I am not sure what that point means or adds to the overall points you are making

I do not contradict myself. I stated the the Figarti polystone Panther G was excellent . Excellent means to exceed others. The Figarti Panther exceeds the K&C, TCS and Honor Bound Panthers in quality and detail IMO. I have posted comparison reviews of Panthers on the Forum. The Figarti Panther is not perfect; perfect means without flaws. The Figarti Panther is Excellent but imperfect. The paint and finish are not up to Figarti's high standards IMO.

I hope this serves to clarify the terms that I have used and their derivation. Words have precise meanings and should not be twisted to mean something not intended or taken out of context.

I have several TCS pieces that I consider very well done. The Jagdpanther and Stug III are two of Brians best Panzers IMO. I could find no bolts or screws on the bottom or elsewhere on these Panzers or on my Arnhem Tiger I. I suggest you check to make sure the vehicles you are talking about are made by TCS; better yet post a photo showing the offending screws. Brian is very helpful in correcting problems. I suggest you contact him about any missing parts or defects and he will resolve your issues in a timely manor.

I referenced TCS to point out that Schurtzen were supplied with their Panzer IV; not to compare the quality of the two companies products. TCS armor is 1/28 scale and Figarti armor is 1/30 scale, totally incompatible in both size and style IMO. Also as Neil is fond of saying if you don't like it don't buy it!

I do not contradict myself. I stated the the Figarti polystone Panther G was excellent . Excellent means to exceed others. The Figarti Panther exceeds the K&C, TCS and Honor Bound Panthers in quality and detail IMO. I have posted comparison reviews of Panthers on the Forum. The Figarti Panther is not perfect; perfect means without flaws. The Figarti Panther is Excellent but imperfect. The paint and finish are not up to Figarti's high standards IMO.

I hope this serves to clarify the terms that I have used and their derivation. Words have precise meanings and should not be twisted to mean something not intended or taken out of context.

I have several TCS pieces that I consider very well done. The Jagdpanther and Stug III are two of Brians best Panzers IMO. I could find no bolts or screws on the bottom or elsewhere on these Panzers or on my Arnhem Tiger I. I suggest you check to make sure the vehicles you are talking about are made by TCS; better yet post a photo showing the offending screws. Brian is very helpful in correcting problems. I suggest you contact him about any missing parts or defects and he will resolve your issues in a timely manor.

I referenced TCS to point out that Schurtzen were supplied with their Panzer IV; not to compare the quality of the two companies products. TCS armor is 1/28 scale and Figarti armor is 1/30 scale, totally incompatible in both size and style IMO. Also as Neil is fond of saying if you don't like it don't buy it!


Thanks for the reply. I am speed reading the threads you have started on scale so, hang tight I will be up to speed soon. I think your last statement is an oxymoron is it not? You clearly are buying what you don't like because you are finding so many issues with them. I am not changing your words only discussing what I am reading and interpreting. Your posts are good and your passion for the topics shows and, why I am responding as they are the most interesting things being discussed here at the moment.

I did clearly state that the Sturmtiger was the release with two really large screws on the underside. This was purely required as the design of the TCS release had changed and been done to make much cheaper models and make them easier at production line. If you look at that if you have that you will see them.

Once I fathom the photo posting part of the forum I will post pictures.

I think Figarti have always or at least with what I have and seen opted for the darker tones on their armour releases. look at the catalogue the Panther G colour was the same as the likes of the Stuka du voss and the Jagdpanzer Lang etc. My allied collection especially the Russians are very dark in tone and I think this was made more visual with their weathering. That is a style they adopted it may not be accurate but, they came to the hobby with the Tamiya 35th scale mentality rather than what other manufacturers brought
I am less concerned with the rate of new product releases than the quality; which seems to have declined. The worst example of this and the start of the decline was the last Panzer IV. I was excited about this release and looked forward to adding it to my collection. Close inspection showed a number of problems with the model. Phillips head screws were used to hold on the Schurtzen mounting rails. No attempt was made to conceal the screw heads; which greatly detracted from the realism of the model. No Schurtzen were included with the model; which was sold at $249.00. How much more could it have cost to provide Schurtzen; as TCS does on a far less expensive Panzer IV. The late version Tiger Is were a large decline in quality from the first Desert and Winter Tiger I models; with the recoiling barrel feature. The deck hatches did not open, no figure was provided and the details were soft. The Panther G is an excellent model and excells in detail; but the paint color and quality was very dissapointing. The T34-85 another excellent model; but flawed by quality issues. The barrel will not stay up; but flops onto the deck. I had to shim it in place and several very obvious parts were missing!

The point is the quality of Figarti products had been in decline for several years before the sell off.
The last gasp of the old Figarti was a proliferation of repaints of old models i.e. JS-2, ISU-152 and Panther G, mixed in with the new KV-1, SU-85 and SU-100 all of which are still available on Ebay two years after release!

SORRY BUT....Over all I must disagree completely with your assessment of Figarti quality.... I happen to own many WWII Figarti AFV models and WWII Planes....They are of VERY GOOD QUALITY INDEED and with BETTER DETAIL then most other alternative choices......Also they were FAIRLY PRICED for the level of quality....Are they perfect? NO ......No TS manufacturer's products are perfect.....That includes K/C , CS and FL.......AND FURTHERMORE......In many ways Figarti has exceeded the quality of other brands of TS products....Those are the FACTS.....LASTLY....E-bay sales mean nothing.... Most TS products on E-bay are NOT SELLING especially when offered at ridiculous inflated prices:rolleyes2:....The REALITY of these facts are supported especially concerning a particular evil-bay seller who has marked up K/C prices over 200% of original retail.{eek3}^&grin.....Of Course NOT SELLING WELL:wink2:....Therefore one must correctly conclude that e-bay sales are a POOR INDICATOR of product quality or desireability
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