Figarti 2015 Overview (1 Viewer)

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Let me put to bed any "speculation" about where this information came from - the ONLY 2 Figarti Distributors as I was in person with one at the Westcoaster toy soldier show in March with the folks from Figarti. The other in the UK is a personal friend who I talk to regularly.

Point about same information already posted.....................Guess what, YES - in other words not much has officially changed. Figarti is in the same position they have been in for the last year. Hence my comment that the hobby marched on in 2015 and will continue to do so in 2016 with or without them.

As to capital - I can't speak personally if they have the cash or not and it is speculation on that. The real question is whether they want to invest or finance the venture on their own - that is different than what actual cash you have or not which was the point of my one comment.

My general point is that there really isn't any update and by all means, continue to post, but I am amazed at how such a non subject (since they really are not doing anything) can bring out such reactions!


Three points:

First, it was apparent where your information came from because you said so in your post.

Second, their capital position is not subject to speculation as this comes from Matt of HB, to wit:

"Brad, cash is king and they don't have it. To get it they need to trickle out inventory and save/wait. Or they need a pile of cash wired over to get about 8 things in production for September delivery.

Isn't cash flow the problem for all small business'."

Thirdly, I'm in agreement as they are in the same position they have been since Shi Yong took over: never-never land.
Three points:

First, it was apparent where your information came from because you said so in your post.

Second, their capital position is not subject to speculation as this comes from Matt of HB, to wit:

"Brad, cash is king and they don't have it. To get it they need to trickle out inventory and save/wait. Or they need a pile of cash wired over to get about 8 things in production for September delivery.

Isn't cash flow the problem for all small business'."

Thirdly, I'm in agreement as they are in the same position they have been since Shi Yong took over: never-never land.

Wasn't directed toward you (#1). Capital, again, you have more knowledge on that than me, I wasn't sure if it was not having or not willing. #3, I hear ya, I think and/or hope we are all in agreement there! Reminds me of the Metallica Song Enter Sandman :)


Sorry if I appeared short but this whole thread is starting to drive me silly. Again it's the definition of insanity.

See you in a few weeks.


Sorry if I appeared short but this whole thread is starting to drive me silly. Again it's the definition of insanity.

See you in a few weeks.


No worries at all, we are all saying the same thing, you hit the nail exactly, it is a silly circle of insanity that in the end is truly meaningless. Toy Soldiers will continue to march on!

Message received: break....cut and dry...roger that. You hit the major points here and Matt from Hobby Bunker mentioned it and shed a light on us the info he have provided....this transmission ends....Thank you....

Now...let's move out...{sm0}:cool:

Ok, stayed out of this long enough, but having spent some time with both current distributors who are the only ones who have any updated information, I would recommend listening to what they have said or posted here and elsewhere:


1. Figarti is still in business

2. Figarti does have a list of items they would like to produce including the protos shown in both Chicago as well as the Westcoaster

3. They are selling older stock in China as well as a few repaints at shows through Hobby Bunker and Grey Goose

4. They have asked for input from Hobby Bunker and Grey Goose for items/repaints, etc.

5. Any speculation as to their financial situation is just that speculation. Having capital, risking capital, deploying capital are all separate issues and anything here is just speculation.

6. Could Figarti close shop tomorrow? YES, nothing is guaranteed

For now, I would say they continue to exist in a holding pattern, if/when they produce new items, I think conversations then would be more productive. Until then, this thread is what they call the "Psycho Circus" or the "Insanity Merry Go Round", in other words - it ain't going nowhere and all it will result in is more speculation which turns to argument which turns to hard feelings.

No reason to get upset, they have not produced much if anything in 2015 and the hobby carried on, it will continue to carry on and if they produce in 2016, great, if they don't, well, that's that.


I worked in a major Australian Bank, twice as relieving Manager up to the early 90's and can appreciate the need for some insanity to get you through the day.

This forum has always been good for a laugh, some members discussing endlessly about scale, others about Football, baseball and even business loans for Figarti. I suspect the new owner has already applied for a business loan to make those little tanks, what do you think :wink2:

I have no idea on the business loan, sure does sound like they need one and what I saw in person at the Westcoaster is that this ship aint sailing anywhere fast, but I will leave it to the newbie expert from York who believes they are alive and well. One thing I agree is they are alive..........

Anyhow, I agree, the forum is always interesting, and oh boy, you mentioned scale, the "S" word! Seriously, I respect the scale guys, they are passionate, everyone collects everything differently.

I have no idea on the business loan, sure does sound like they need one and what I saw in person at the Westcoaster is that this ship aint sailing anywhere fast, but I will leave it to the newbie expert from York who believes they are alive and well. One thing I agree is they are alive..........

Anyhow, I agree, the forum is always interesting, and oh boy, you mentioned scale, the "S" word! Seriously, I respect the scale guys, they are passionate, everyone collects everything differently.


Tom, did Figarti mention anything possible for this years Chicago show at the West Coaster??...Sammy
Tom, did Figarti mention anything possible for this years Chicago show at the West Coaster??...Sammy

I saw a wish list that included:

1. Karl Morser in Camo

2. King Tiger - no details

3. Bergetiger (Previously shown)

4. I forget the name of the rail tank that was previously shown

5. Panther variant

Of course on their own, all good ideas. Personally, I would buy the Desert Bergtiger b/c I thought it looked neat along with the Rail Tank. I was honestly surprised that they were not for sale yet. It was difficult to get an answer frankly. One final comment, the repainted "tents" were not very appealing and looked second class compared to Figarti's usual quality and appearance.

Anyhow, I hope they do come out at some point. I would like the other Karl Morser variant versus the Grey one already done and I have. I forget which one is Odin, either the one already made or the Camo, I am forgetting which is which and I forget the other code name.

I think the Bergtiger is dunkelgelb and did not see any action in the desert. The camo Karl was briefly on the website they sell on

I think you are correct on the Berg, I only refer to it that way b/c of color, I am a fan of the desert, so IMO everything was used there in the battleground of my own collection! :)

Yes on the Karl, they did do a prototype paint and I hope that one sees general release as that probably was the most interesting thing to me on the list.

I really look forward to seeing a 1/29 Kingtiger to go with my 1/29 Panther G. The TCS Kingtigers were 1/27 and will not work with my W. Britains Fallschirmjagers; they look like Hobbits! The K&C Kingtigers I have seen are 1/32 and my Falschirmjagers look like Frederick the Great's Prussian Grenadiers next to one.

The 21st Century Cold Steel King Tiger is the only model Kingtiger I have found at 1/30 scale. I have had Kingtigers in 1/72, 1/60, 1/50, 1/48, 1/35, 1/32, 1/24 and 1/16 scales. The oversize 21st Century Kingtiger was pure happenstance; based on the fact their their other Cold Steel die cast Panzers were also overscale i.e. the PZ IV and Stug IV. Until Figarti or someone else comes out with a true 1/30 scale Kingtiger compatable with true 60 mm figures, I will make do with what I have.

I think a Kingtiger from Figarti equal in quality and size to the Panther G could effectivly resurrect Figarti!
Getting back to the topic, I saw Matt of Hobby Bunker today at the New Jersey Show and we spent a while talking about Figarti. Although they need an infusion of capital, they are indeed alive and kicking. They have plans for a number of things including a King Tiger, which may come later this year. Right now they're working on Panthers and items that will have the greatest appeal to collectors and thus readily salable.

Matt said he would try to come on here in the next week or so and try to post some more details.
Getting back to the topic, I saw Matt of Hobby Bunker today at the New Jersey Show and we spent a while talking about Figarti. Although they need an infusion of capital, they are indeed alive and kicking. They have plans for a number of things including a King Tiger, which may come later this year. Right now they're working on Panthers and items that will have the greatest appeal to collectors and thus readily salable.

Matt said he would try to come on here in the next week or so and try to post some more details.

That is fantastic news and, I for one will now give my insanity merry-go-round a great big spin
I was reading through the exchange above, and it occured to me that there's a downside to the mods simply deleting the offending posts. I suggest that because the evidence of "Walter *itchy's" presence is effectively expunged, leaving the forum forever vulnerable to disruption. Perhaps the venue would be better served by flagging his posts with an appropriate icon and instructions for using the forum's mute function.

I have deleted this thread quite heavily and then closed it. It's a shame that a group of grown men behave like this.
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