FIGARTI / BSP The East (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Apr 6, 2006
Back to the Grit......We now join up with our strong Allies Figarti in a thrust to the East.

The first snow begins to fall....

The buildings are heavily modified Hobby Bunker Buildings.



I love your comments.....

We cant take this very far, our interest in the East is just in its infancy. We missed most of the early Figarti stuff. So our resources are limited. But we do have some, so we will call this Glimpses of the East. And we welcome your interesting captions. I really enjoyed the ones so far. Alex
Your initiative to use your brilliant talent to focus on the eastern front is most welcome! Great looking dio! Despite the shortage on eastern front sets, can't wait to see what´s yet to come!
Your initiative to use your brilliant talent to focus on the eastern front is most welcome! Great looking dio! Despite the shortage on eastern front sets, can't wait to see what´s yet to come!

Thank you men.

There are two sides to showing a well done scene. Building the scene itself and photographing it.

If you are not a great photographer (ME) it is easiest to use natural light or to do summer scenes with heavy shadows. I have never used natural light and, I have used the shadow effect with some success. The winter is the greatest challenge, picture the sky before and after a storm, or just a generally cloudy day the lighting gets weird.

I have to say this scene looks better in person, I don't think I quite hit it. But I will continue to work on my winter climate as we progress. I recently did a John Jenkins WWI winter scene below also.

I always picture the East very ominous and of course there was nice weather also, but I want this series gloomy. Alex

PS By the way I just broke out the Storch for the first time ...WOW it is excellent, as is the Flack Gun. Good going Figarti.

another PS, modifying the Hobby Bunker buildings is a real time saver. They are inexpensive and with some work they show very well. We have more under construction.
What a great scene. Glad to see you guys experimenting.

I think BSPs style will work well in the East.
What a great scene. Glad to see you guys experimenting.

I think BSPs style will work well in the East.

Thanks Frank

I think the Manufacturers should give you a commission for the interest you have brought to the East.

I have to do some work on BSP's new "Headquarters" ( My new Garage / Shed ) so I will leave you with this pic and come back with a few more later. I made the hue in this one a bit cooler although I am partial to the warmer tones. Alex

Great piece of work....Always loved the prime mover and coupled with the flak vierling its just Awesome!!!..The spotter plane is also beyond Cool!!...And all put together with the buildings ....Great!!. Thanks for showing.

Excellent set up and photos Firebat. Very realistic looking and those Figarti sets are really nice.
Excellent set up and photos Firebat. Very realistic looking and those Figarti sets are really nice.

Everyone has their favorite manufacturer, and as of late all of the manufacturers do a great job, but if I was forced to choose IMO Figarti has a slight edge when it comes to AFV's. I cant quite put my finger on it as to why, but they just have a very different "feel" to them. More like a scale model, but that is just me. Actually they seem to look like they are made of metal like the real thing.

John Jenkin's new stuff is excellent, as is First Legion's as far as having that Scale Model feel. Alex
This Storch was a real sleeper for me. I picked it up on a whim, I didn't even open it for a while....but when I did WOW !

Now to the pic the Fall mud is starting to turn to the Winter snow.

Awesome work (yet again!). I always look forward to your work. Love the bundled up gunner up on the deck.
The Storch is a beauty mate glad i grabbed one,and great set up and pics mate like Mike i look forward to your work cheers for posting.
This Storch was a real sleeper for me. I picked it up on a whim, I didn't even open it for a while....but when I did WOW !

Now to the pic the Fall mud is starting to turn to the Winter snow.

They better hurry. It will hit -63F on January 26 1941
We are glad we you enjoying this BSP/Figarti trip to the East

A new Friend !


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