Figarti SAS Jeep (5 Viewers)

Only 100? Geez, I better get a move on. Anybody know the price?
I believe everything is going to be 100 for now on, and with no price increase for now. And I believe there are not going to be any reruns. As I said many times in the past, low numbers provide for a true collectable, bravo to Rick and Ana........ Alex
I understand it's 100. What I want to know is what is the price: how much does it cost?
I never thought to ask:confused: when I find out I will let you know. Maybe Steven Knows. Alex

Do you know when it is going to be available?

The figures are not removable. Do people want 1/32 scale SAS jeeps without crew?:)

Yes and with ability to buy extra different crew to make a multi jeep raiding party.......Please, tell Rick this is a homerun and not restrict it to a single....Michael
They have the references and are thinking about it. They want to see how well this SAS jeep does first.:)

It would be great if this vehicle sold out quickly then, yes indeed maybe he would be produce something this, the LRDG Chevy Truck:



Confirmed with Rick $89..................Alex

100 pieces no price raise. Great products. I am a Figarti man all the way now. I am glad that I am associated with them. A true collectable at a great price, now I am excited. Thanks for taking care of the collector...........Thanks Rick!!!
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