Figarti & Super Glue (1 Viewer)

I'm not convinced it is the seller we choose that is the arbiter of whether or not it arrives unscathed. I use a few selected dealers and they are all top-notch when it comes to delivering the product - regardless of manufacturer -in the finest condition. I generally find that the issues seem to originate at the factory and are either due to sloppy repair attempts or careless packaging (inner box containing the item).

In the case of my Winter Panzer Shannon and Mandi were gems - as always -in addressing my issue and I have no complaints with the retailer. At the same time, it is too bad they have to shoulder the responsibility for something that is obviously not their fault.

Such is life, I suppose. At the same time, I value the great dealers we have at our disposal as well as the creative minds behind the items we pursue so exuberantly. After all, I don't hold the folks at the top responsible for EVERY glitch but if it becomes a pattern of personal or friendly experience I begin to shy away.

Take care-

You are not alone in the world.

Ha! If I'm not mistaken I still have two fingers glued together.:D

I'm also not speaking about the fingerprint that has now become part of my

I use a super glue called Zap A Gap.There are 3 kinds.One that bonds insantly,the second that gives you a little time to get your piece in place ( most recommended ),and a slower type.I also have an accelerator for super glue but you have to be careful with it or you may discolor any paint that it touches.

Thats actually the stuff I use now! I must say it lasts a long time, I have the

instant bond, and the filler type. Filler type actually worked pretty well. The

instant bond is the one that gives me the most trouble. The tip became like

a rock, so now I'm down about an 1/8 inch and I have a special "diamond

tipped" needle to open it up again.:eek:

I'm just hoping I don't need it any time soon.:eek:
I thought it fair that I provide another update after working with TF on my issues with winter panzer. TF spoke with Figarti regarding the issue I had and Figarti graciously offered to make another hatch for me to replace the one with the disolved packing foam and distorted paint. I really appreciate their offer and focus on customer service and will certainly continue to enjoy and collect their pieces.

Thats actually the stuff I use now! I must say it lasts a long time, I have the

instant bond, and the filler type. Filler type actually worked pretty well. The

instant bond is the one that gives me the most trouble. The tip became like

a rock, so now I'm down about an 1/8 inch and I have a special "diamond

tipped" needle to open it up again.:eek:

I'm just hoping I don't need it any time soon.:eek:

As I said,you are not alone.
Hi Guys.
Just wanted to add my observations here. I bought the first Figarti Stuart and since have bought several Figarti vehicles, most lately the “Monty” Grant. Most have arrived unscathed but a couple have required minor adjustments and regluing of small parts. This has not been a concern for me since I realize that the more detailed and realistic a vehicle, the more likely smaller parts may come loose or require adjustment.

I’m not knocking other manufactures but if you will reexamine their vehicles, you will see that the finer details have been designed into the molding process. The result is details such as hatch covers and mounting brackets, and wheel sprockets and spokes are often supported by filler that detracts from the realism. There is a trade-off here. Personally, I would rather have the finer detail and more realistic vehicle and make the minor tweaks myself.

Semper Fi!
Hi Guys.
Just wanted to add my observations here. I bought the first Figarti Stuart and since have bought several Figarti vehicles, most lately the “Monty” Grant. Most have arrived unscathed but a couple have required minor adjustments and regluing of small parts. This has not been a concern for me since I realize that the more detailed and realistic a vehicle, the more likely smaller parts may come loose or require adjustment.

I’m not knocking other manufactures but if you will reexamine their vehicles, you will see that the finer details have been designed into the molding process. The result is details such as hatch covers and mounting brackets, and wheel sprockets and spokes are often supported by filler that detracts from the realism. There is a trade-off here. Personally, I would rather have the finer detail and more realistic vehicle and make the minor tweaks myself.

Semper Fi!

I agree Rick completely. There is a trade-off and my choice is for more realistic vehicles. Thank heavens there are so many choices in the market.

i have been dealing with shannon and treefrog for all my figarti viet nam series
had a few m16 slings apart but everything else very fine
i just purchesed the marine mule which has many thin parts and it came thru fine
Just wanted to add my observations here. I bought the first Figarti Stuart and since have bought several Figarti vehicles, most lately the “Monty” Grant. Most have arrived unscathed but a couple have required minor adjustments and regluing of small parts. This has not been a concern for me since I realize that the more detailed and realistic a vehicle, the more likely smaller parts may come loose or require adjustment.

I’m not knocking other manufactures but if you will reexamine their vehicles, you will see that the finer details have been designed into the molding process. The result is details such as hatch covers and mounting brackets, and wheel sprockets and spokes are often supported by filler that detracts from the realism. There is a trade-off here. Personally, I would rather have the finer detail and more realistic vehicle and make the minor tweaks myself.

My personnel opinion is that the manufacturers are starting to over engineering polystone vehicles. The vehicle should be used to display the figures. If your after a truly scale model you can buy a FOV vehicle for under 30 bucks that's detail blows away any polystone vehicle I have ever seen. Or for the price of an HB vehicle have a professional model builder assemble and paint a scale kit for you. I know when I'm spending 300 bucks on a collectible I should never have to fix, glue, or do any painting at all !

Now I did receive the Figarti V2 support vehicle today. It arrived in one piece, no crazy glue necessary. To me the highlight of the piece is the figures. The vehicle is nice, and is perfect for displaying the figs.
I agree with TSB. As a long time collector, when I spend money I expect the

item to be like new.....I don't expect to be making repairs.

Which brings me to another point, descriptions.

A very large dealer has been selling items on Ebay lately that are BROKEN!

BROKEN items should not be described as being in Good Condition, or even

Fair Condition.........the first word in the description should be BROKEN!

It is quite annoying when you find you have to read the fine print even

when dealing with a major dealer who should know better!

In my opinion descriptions should be accurate.

That is why I do not use the term "Mint"! Even a brand new item, can have

a paint flaw, or scratch from packing which would not make it a "Mint" item.

Like New means, it is as if you just took it from the box.

So lets all be sure to Read the Entire Description before we Bid!:eek:

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