This hobby would be all but over had Germany not had Micky Wittmann!!!!! I have said this many times that the fixation on a very small number of Germans (wittmann, Meyer and that's about it) by all manufacturers is a real sad feature and shows a limited understanding of history and speaks volumes of what manufacturers think collectors know or, will buy.
I am amazed that we have never had a Wittmann stug (however, watch there is bound to be one manufacturer who could do that now in Grey!!!!LOL)
I would have just liked to see a steel wheeled Zimm tiger and skipped the association with Wittmann. Probably the fact that Wittmann did not ride in a Konigstiger may have something to do with its non arrival who knows??
I think, its time that manufacturers just released German AFV's and let the collectors decide who manned it or was the commanders.
Figarti won't make a non command Tiger I that is for sure as it would mean remaking a mould and, as we have seen (however nice it looks) that they want to make a mould and maximise the selling potential whether accurate or not.
The vision of this hobby is far too narrow and should widen and appreciate that collectors are a knowledgeable lot and even someone like me who likes Tigers gets easily bored with the standard wittmann role out time after time... forgot, after time