Figarti Tiger II - First Picture (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Dec 2, 2008
Long rumored, finally here. Looks as if they discontinued the "Silver" weathering.

Guess you nailed it Neil! Nice April's fool for you too Andanna!....{sm3}{sm4}^&grin
There are some things you just don't joke about.................:mad::wink2:^&grin
A pox upon your house sir!

It is never OK to joke about a Figarti King Tiger.
A pox upon your house sir!

It is never OK to joke about a Figarti King Tiger.

Duly noted.

Just imagine Rick would have been provoked by this thread to actually announce it. ^&grin

So I hope nobody took it too seriously. If you did, sorry.
Awhile ago Rick said he could make one but didn't want to. I suppose that if enough collectors ask, Figarti may change its mind.
Just in case someone is counting, I was heartbroken by this being a joke as well. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge!
A Figarti King Tiger is long over-do.....Come on Rick....If you make it with the weathered quality and detail of the last 3 Tiger I tanks released we would surely buy will buy it....(make it a Henschel Turret (2 turret numbers) with some missing fenders and some rust).....The last 3 tigers are excellent....No Joke.
mentioned before that I would like to see a Figarti Konigstiger and how they would do it but, as has been mentioned it was suggested it was not a high interest item for Figarti
Sometimes you just have to wonder what kind of considerations lead to the decision of which model to make. I am one of those who is really struggling with the decision to do a command Tiger (of which only very few were made in the great scheme of things) versus a regular steel rimmed Tiger. Wittmann seems to be a gift that keeps on giving.
This hobby would be all but over had Germany not had Micky Wittmann!!!!! I have said this many times that the fixation on a very small number of Germans (wittmann, Meyer and that's about it) by all manufacturers is a real sad feature and shows a limited understanding of history and speaks volumes of what manufacturers think collectors know or, will buy.

I am amazed that we have never had a Wittmann stug (however, watch there is bound to be one manufacturer who could do that now in Grey!!!!LOL)

I would have just liked to see a steel wheeled Zimm tiger and skipped the association with Wittmann. Probably the fact that Wittmann did not ride in a Konigstiger may have something to do with its non arrival who knows??

I think, its time that manufacturers just released German AFV's and let the collectors decide who manned it or was the commanders.

Figarti won't make a non command Tiger I that is for sure as it would mean remaking a mould and, as we have seen (however nice it looks) that they want to make a mould and maximise the selling potential whether accurate or not.

The vision of this hobby is far too narrow and should widen and appreciate that collectors are a knowledgeable lot and even someone like me who likes Tigers gets easily bored with the standard wittmann role out time after time... forgot, after time

Sometimes you just have to wonder what kind of considerations lead to the decision of which model to make. I am one of those who is really struggling with the decision to do a command Tiger (of which only very few were made in the great scheme of things) versus a regular steel rimmed Tiger. Wittmann seems to be a gift that keeps on giving.
This hobby would be all but over had Germany not had Micky Wittmann!!!!! I have said this many times that the fixation on a very small number of Germans (wittmann, Meyer and that's about it) by all manufacturers is a real sad feature and shows a limited understanding of history and speaks volumes of what manufacturers think collectors know or, will buy.

I am amazed that we have never had a Wittmann stug (however, watch there is bound to be one manufacturer who could do that now in Grey!!!!LOL)

I would have just liked to see a steel wheeled Zimm tiger and skipped the association with Wittmann. Probably the fact that Wittmann did not ride in a Konigstiger may have something to do with its non arrival who knows??

I think, its time that manufacturers just released German AFV's and let the collectors decide who manned it or was the commanders.

Figarti won't make a non command Tiger I that is for sure as it would mean remaking a mould and, as we have seen (however nice it looks) that they want to make a mould and maximise the selling potential whether accurate or not.

The vision of this hobby is far too narrow and should widen and appreciate that collectors are a knowledgeable lot and even someone like me who likes Tigers gets easily bored with the standard wittmann role out time after time... forgot, after time

Mitch ,

Your post is dead on !! :salute:: I don't even own a Wittman Tiger , I do not feel a pressing need to buy one since they get released every other month...! Tiger's are awesome !! But they are being released so often they are becoming played out...K&C has done a good job of deviating from the in point the Pz 35t & Pz 38t , I am still smiling about those release's...I think everybody want's to play it safe so to speak , While Andy is crushing fastball's over the center field fence...


I am glad your getting the releases that interest you but, I would say that the manufacturer you speak of as innovative has been as stuck in the mud in terms of using the same old, tired, and repeated releases that I mentioned more than anyone.

I would think a Konigstiger from Figarti would be new as they have never released one before, the Sturmtiger from CS was nice to see as its not had any real focus from manufacturers. Some of the early war sets being released are good in terms they have not been done but, I would imagine it won't be long before the same old ones start getting released with a different paint job to cover the ''interest'' in grey

UOTE=jager7080;636131]Mitch ,

Your post is dead on !! :salute:: I don't even own a Wittman Tiger , I do not feel a pressing need to buy one since they get released every other month...! Tiger's are awesome !! But they are being released so often they are becoming played out...K&C has done a good job of deviating from the in point the Pz 35t & Pz 38t , I am still smiling about those release's...I think everybody want's to play it safe so to speak , While Andy is crushing fastball's over the center field fence...

Gentlemen, Many good points made in this thread.... Surprisingly, Figarti has not made a King Tiger yet and the other available options are something I would NOT care to purchase.....I think that if Figarti did a King Tiger with the same degree of quality and weathering as their recent Tiger I Tanks....they would be flying off the shelves.....They would definitely have to have some missing fenders and excellent weathered camoflage....No excessive scratches to simulate weathering ....If they can do this at a similar price point as the recent releases of "big cats"....There would be no problem selling out....I think the time is right.
I'm with you guys although I prefer the more regal sounding Königstiger and will be all over it when Figarti make one.
I think some are getting on Figarti a bit too hard with the Wittmann connection. I don't know about the rest of the guys who own the Beautiful Tiger I 222 but mine is clearly marked on the box as the Wattmann Tiger I not Wittmann Tiger I:wink2:^&grin.... regards Gebhard
Toy Soldier makers are business men first or they will no longer be in business! They make what sells; Tiger Tanks sell. CS made some superb M8 Armored cars that are still in dealers inventory several years later. K&C , Figarti and CS made excellent Panzer IV's which seem to be slow movers even though this was the tank with the greatest number deployed in the Whermacht until May 1945! Collectors are asking Thomas Gunn to forgo the nich market of obscure panzers and make a Tiger. Figarti seems to be the most innovative manufacturer to date in terms of the range of vehicles made i.e. JS-2, IS-152, Jagdpanzer IV and Nashorn. No other manufacturer had done those in the history of the hobby to my knowledge. Playing it safe with well known products in a competitive market and a stagnant ecconomy is just good business sense!

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