FL PanzerIV (short barrel Gun) (2 Viewers)


2nd Lieutenant
Oct 22, 2006
I would like to see First Legion release a "grey" Panzer IV (with short barrel gun).....Hopefully in 2different turret numbers....My "lonely" FL (grey) Panzer III needs some early Barbarossa re-enforcement..... Or Maybe....would even prefer a re-release the grey Panzer III with 2 more turret numbers....This would be helpful to create a larger diorama scene....Maybe we can convince Matt and FL to do this if it is not already being planned.:wink2::wink2:...Who knows????...."hint" "hint"....
May I ask, Frank, whether the Figarti model addresses this gap? It does look good and is available at a good price point.
May I ask, Frank, whether the Figarti model addresses this gap? It does look good and is available at a good price point.

I did not like the Figarti Panzer IV.....I purchased it when it came out BUT got rid of it....To me it seemed "too large in scale", lacked detail and did not go well with my FL Stalingrad figures.....Also it did not have the rear storage bin which I found somewhat disappointing....I think that First Legion could do a much better job on the grey Panzer IV although the price point may be an issue....It seems that Figarti has the Tiger I model all wrapped up and at a good price, ALSO VERY WELL MATCHED to new FL Waffen and Fallschrimjagers....Figarti has hit a HOME RUN with their new Tiger Tanks....Maybe we will see a much better Panzer IV from Figarti.....Could be.... but until then we need Eastern Front Panzers III and IV's....If the new Figarti method for AFV's continues I will buy their AFV's for use with my FL Stalingrad figures......Figarti is definitely on the right track.
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Hopefully, when FL do a PzKw IV they will do an F version,perhaps one with a short gun tubel (F1) and one with the longer version (F2 - what the British called the Mk IV Special) - both shared the same chasis. Also as both versions saw service in North Africa, FL should also be able to issue both types in Afrika Korps markings (one for 15th Pz and the other for 21st Pz).
Hopefully, when FL do a PzKw IV they will do an F version,perhaps one with a short gun tubel (F1) and one with the longer version (F2 - what the British called the Mk IV Special) - both shared the same chasis. Also as both versions saw service in North Africa, FL should also be able to issue both types in Afrika Korps markings (one for 15th Pz and the other for 21st Pz).

I started prepping this Figarti to make it over as a Fall Blau F2 to tie in with an eventual FL PzIVF1 or F2. Still waiting to see how its going to go here...sand or grey, numbering / division markings, etc. all work stopped long ago.

Fall Blau F2.jpg
Look forward to seeing the Panzer IV finished.
Look forward to seeing the Panzer IV finished.

Thanks guys. Mitch, if you or anybody else has an opinion on this, please post: What do you all think the color is of the gun barrel?

For Summer/Fall 1942 Russia/France & 42-43 Africa, I have noticed that many gun barrels on PzIII/IV-long are substantially darker than the body of the tank. Their has been discussion on other forums that there was a grey heat resisting primer used on gun barrels, but this seems to be a later war thing...not in this time period. The best color photo example I have found is the Stalingrad StuG below

which strikes me as reddish brown primer.

The next best is this, which is captioned the GrossD in Summer 1942. Maybe not GrossD as some object, but I'm sure Summer 1942 as the hi res has a column of Grey soft skins & PzII in the rear

The 60 mID again at Voronezh 1942

and a few months later on the other side of Europe in Toulon, 7PD

Similar pics show up around El Alamein & Tunisia

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