FL - Scoop! (2 Viewers)

Thanks for the scoop! FL makes it sooooo hard to stick to one period, those French knights look so amazing and their Rome offerings are enough to tempt the devil himself!
I don't get it,what's the scoop?

Hi Mark ,
I'd say the scoop is all those new figures for Agincourt :wink2: I could be wrong but I don't think they have been shown yet and how about that Marcus Aurelius figure and don't forget that downed Crusader getting ready to buy the farm haven't seen that one either. So I guess its scoops not scoop:wink2:. regards Gebhard
Seems that crusaders are starting to be shining coloured here too....:cool:
Every time I say I'm not getting into WW2 FL puts something out which causes me great strain! That Pak 88? Looks FANTASTIC! I'm such a sucker for artillery as well!!! After all you can't start the party without ARTY! :D
Thanks for the update Neil, any chance of it in better lightning for a pic?? Just hope the Hanomag comes in grey as well :)...Sammy
Thanks for the update Neil, any chance of it in better lightning for a pic?? Just hope the Hanomag comes in grey as well :)...Sammy

Hey Sammy, that pic was of the new DAK 222 box. I took a few pics and with the cell phone and lighting I have that was
The best pic.

Sorry, Neil

All I can say I bet that Hanomag should come in all 3 colors DAK, GREY & I am hoping SS camo {sm3}
Hey Sammy, that pic was of the new DAK 222 box. I took a few pics and with the cell phone and lighting I have that was
The best pic.

Sorry, Neil

All I can say I bet that Hanomag should come in all 3 colors DAK, GREY & I am hoping SS camo {sm3}
Thanks for the info Neil, I'm already dreaming of a camo Hanomag to go with the new Western Front range!!! Just looking at the detail of your pic of the Africa Co. Hanomag looks outstanding, and that's just a picture on a box!! Hope to hear from the fellows at First Legion on these new sets soon...Sammy
Hey Sammy, that pic was of the new DAK 222 box. I took a few pics and with the cell phone and lighting I have that was
The best pic.

Sorry, Neil

All I can say I bet that Hanomag should come in all 3 colors DAK, GREY & I am hoping SS camo {sm3}

Neil, don't forget the winter hanomag! that's what I'm waiting for!
Neil, don't forget the winter hanomag! that's what I'm waiting for!

Many thanks for Notascoldasbastogne for this info:salute::
SdkfZ 251 is scheduled in three versions : Russia (poss winter camo), Afrika and Normandy.
Many thanks for Notascoldasbastogne for this info:salute::
SdkfZ 251 is scheduled in three versions : Russia (poss winter camo), Afrika and Normandy.

Please tell me it can be in both a Sd Kfz 251/1 and Sd Kfz 251/3 configuration. That would be awesome to have both in a single diorama!
The DAK Hanomag looks great! Some more pic's would be nice and I would be interested to know the price and roughly when it will be released.

Two interesting releases. I like the PAK and would like to see a Guderian command half track as he used one of these at times. Not sure if its where they are going in terms of the west but, it would be a good set
Wow! These pending releases look awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arg! More choices now! :)

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