Flags of Our Fathers Movie Trailer (Japanese Version) (2 Viewers)

Thanks...................I hope it is the Private Ryan of the Pacific Firebat
The book was great, I hope that Mr. Eastwood can capture the gallantry of ordinary American boys sent into the hell that was Iwo.
I also hope he will not fail to show the sacrifice of 80% or more casualty figures sustained in the units by these men in the name of freedom and the brothers in arms. If done right it can be a glorious tribute and an anti-war movie at the same time.
Hi Guys,

A big thank you to “Desk11desk12” for highlighting the Japanese trailer.

From what I could see it looks pretty **** good and authentic. The “Computer Generated Imaging” was also utilized in a great way to show the American invasion fleet at sea and on some of the beach battle scenes.

Actually I’ve been following the making of this movie on and off for the last 15 months. Clint Eastwood managed to get hold of at least 6 or 8 Amtracks (like the K&C one) and a few landing craft plus assorted Shermans and other relevant vehicles.

Soldier wise, from what I saw on their website, they had about a couple of companies worth of Marines (about 250-300 men). The whole thing (or most of it) was shot in Iceland – lots of black volcanic sand and not many tourists to worry about … and cheap!

From a K&C point-of-view (and Figartis as well) this movie should really spark a lot more interest in IWO JIMA and the Pacific War in general. I feel many collectors have “missed-out” on this side of the war, not intentionally perhaps but just because of the main focus of European Theatre of Operations by ourselves and others.

Anyway still on the subject …

A couple of weeks ago a very well-known Hollywood Director (no names please) was in Hong Kong and visited the K&C head office. He’s a collector himself and when he saw the production samples of our new Japanese troops he ordered 10 complete sets! Boy, did that make my day! I was fortunate to have lunch with him and his wife and he told me that he planned to give a full set of IWO JIMA Marines and Japanese to Clint Eastwood himself. They’re both great golfing buddies. So, that made my day doubly good!

Well, look out for the movie and … take another look at those Marines and Japanese of K&C. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

Best wishes as usual and…happy collecting…and viewing!

Andy C.
Thanks Carlos, it looks great. The last movie I went to was Blackhawk Down; I won't miss this one. P.S. We missed you at Ed Ruby's house in July---it was like a museum. Hope you can make it to Bill Connolly's in September.
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The other day while flipping thru the channels I watched the last battle in Sav. Pvt. Ryan for probably the 25th time. If Flags of Our Fathers is anywhere near as good, I truely can,t wait.
Speaking of the last battle in SPR, that scene where the GI is stabbed in the hand to hand fight is one of the hardest scenes ever to watch.
Does Hanks or Speilberg have any thing to do with Flags?
Speaking of SPR, can anyone confirm that the German that stabbed the GI was the same German the GIs set free at the Radar station near the start of the movie (he walked away blindfolded). They certainly looked similar to me but I've never seen anything official about it.
Thanks Alex, I thought as much. But to me they didn't make to big a deal of it in the movie and I think a number of viewers would have missed it. For example why the German guy didn't kill the translator/office guy when he met him on the stairs after he stabbed the GI. Because he had more or less saved him back at the Radar station.
Thanks Alex, I thought as much. But to me they didn't make to big a deal of it in the movie and I think a number of viewers would have missed it. For example why the German guy didn't kill the translator/office guy when he met him on the stairs after he stabbed the GI. Because he had more or less saved him back at the Radar station.

Well, this viewer missed it. That dovetails nicely with the translator then killing the German who pleaded for his life earlier in the movie.
Well, this viewer missed it. That dovetails nicely with the translator then killing the German who pleaded for his life earlier in the movie.

I've been waiting for this for sometime. I read the book last Summer.


The one that kills Fish is a much bigger man and not as slack jawed. They all have their heads shaved { standard practice} and tend to look similar but NO. Not the same guy.

I've been waiting for this for sometime. I read the book last Summer.


The one that kills Fish is a much bigger man and not as slack jawed. They all have their heads shaved { standard practice} and tend to look similar but NO. Not the same guy.


Yes it is the same person. I got my DVD of SPR out to check on make sure. Yes it the same guy that is the point. If you can't take a prisoner you kill him.
Go back and take real close look and you will see it is the same guy.
I'm sorry, but it's just not the same guy. There is a clear difference between the two. For exemple, the first guy is from a Heer-unit, while the second one is Waffen SS. Steamboat Willie did NOT kill Mellish, but he shot Captain Miller! After that, Willie was shot by a desellusioned Upham.

To prove it, here are a few links to the SPR-encyclopedia:

On this web page you can clearly see the differences:

I'm sorry, but it's just not the same guy. There is a clear difference between the two. For exemple, the first guy is from a Heer-unit, while the second one is Waffen SS. Steamboat Willie did NOT kill Mellish, but he shot Captain Miller! After that, Willie was shot by a desellusioned Upham.

To prove it, here are a few links to the SPR-encyclopedia:

On this web page you can clearly see the differences:


Yeah but, no but :) It all makes sense now Joey, thanks for the links. As the link suggests I was one of the viewers that mistakenly thought the German that stabbed the GI (Mellish) and is later shot by the translator was the same guy, being the German they captured and released earlier.

What then did happen to the guy that stabbed Mellish, and why didn't he kill Upham, I won't sleep until I find out :D
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Oz, I have had that discussion numerous times and the concession is, yes it is the same guy.
Right before he is shot after he surrenders he says "Haupom" or however you spell the guys name.
If you notice he has SS markings on him when he is shot, however when he was captured and forced to dig a grave I don,t believe he did.
Okay, so we all believe it the way we see it. We've hijacked the thread.

As for the Flags of our fathers film, Theres another link{ if I was puter savy I would know how to post it but I aint} and I believe it's the Japanese version of the film called" Red Sun Black sand" and that there are 2 entriely diffeent movies that were done.One foucusing on the Flagraisers before during and after the war, and the Japanese version dealing just with the battle.There is a message board following this production and If I had more time to sift through all the posts and arguing{ Geez how'd of thought there would be people arguing about it all} I suppose it might make more sense but thats the drift I am getting. 2 movies? Really? GREAT!
If I am confused which is often the case just lmk and I will crawl back to the dawghouse where I belong.

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