Flashman and the Dragon (3 Viewers)

Aye, so anyway, the Imps just keep pounding away at the attacking French infantry. How long will it be before our Gallant Gallic Allies crack in the face of superior firepower and weaponry..?? (And niffty yellow/red Tee-shirts).

Mind you, the Brits aren't exactly setting the heather alight either as they attempt to deal with repeated human-wave assaults on their positions.

The fighting on the British flank is so fierce, they've even had to get "Rupert" out of his bed to add his miniscule contribution.

Even here, those Brave Scottish Laddie's face advanced weapons technology as the Emperor's Mercenary Mongol Troops unleash hell in the form of firecracker arrows. I'll tell you, its almost more than flesh and blood can take, but these fine examples of North British Hairy Barbarians can take it, as long as the bar is still closed.

So, will the French say "Sacred Blue and Name of a Name", then slink back to their lines where the local snail population is already an endangered species..?? Will the Brits say "Well, Sod this for a Game of Sodjers" and start a game of football instead..?? Who knows..?? Depends how much narcotics and/or beer your faithful narrator imbibes over the next 24 hours I suppose...:D:D:D
To be continued.
In the face of suicide attacks by overwhelming Imperial Forces, our "Brave Boys" are forced to give ground.

So where is the inspirational British leadership..?? Why are the "Good Guys" being obliged to fight to the last man..??
Where is James Hope Grant (leader of the Allied Expeditionary Force)..??


Yup, you've guessed it. The inspirational British Generals..?? Why, they're wooping it up in some Pagoda far
behind the lines - as usual.
Donkeys led by sheep. Or is it sheep led by donkeys..?? Can't remember which.


By the way, Hope Grant is the guy with the amazing plume and bent sword..:eek::D:D

So, will Flashman escape from Chokey and return to the frae toot de sweet, just in time to turn the tide of battle
at the Taku Forts..??
You must be hallucinating.......:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
To be continued.
The lady running the Grog Shop back at the "Pagoda Behind the Lines" has a big thumbs up for this as well Jeff. Seems her profits have soared since the Allied Expeditionary Force hit town.

Mind you, she's taking no chances on bar-bill defaulters. Wise precaution while all these Frenchmen are around.

So, anyway. The failed assualts on the Taku Forts have penetrated some pea-brains. What to do..?? Bet they wish Flashy was here to retrieve the situation for them, thus ensuring the General Staff are still on-course for their inflation proof pensions.

Talking of our Reluctant Hector, it's about time we checked back on him and see if he's got himself elected onto the Escape Committee yet.
Nope, here's our Brave Flashy taking a stroll around the prison yard. Looks like he's been treated to a free shave and haircut while in close custody though. Also, seems like he put up a bit of a fight while attempting to save his whiskers from the chop.


To be continued.
So, while Jung Lu decides to defer sentence to his trusty Henchman Liu Bin-Chuan and return to the battle at the Taku Forts, Flashman gets dragged off to the local Buddhist Temple for his just deserts.

Ouch, ooyaah-ouch, :eek::eek: That's some hiding the cowardly one has taken this time.

The Court Executioner gets involved.....Natch.

Poor Flashy. Looks like his goose is cooked this time and no mistake. :eek::eek:

To be continued.
So, while somewhat more than Flashy's pride is smarting, what of Jung Lu..?? Why, he's only thrashed 3 horses again getting back to his cavalry regiment. "The Courageous Forelock Tugging Lancers".

As TCFTL's form up on the fringe of the battle for the Taku Forts, what can stop the Imp forces from sweeping the Allied Expeditionary Force back into the sea..?? Dunno yet cos I'm making this up as I go along. I'll dream up some miraculous event over the next 24-hours. Wonder if it's time to introduce the AE Dancing Girls yet..??

To be continued.

Excellent job and fantastic use of figures. Shows what a person like you and UK Reb can do to bring a story to life.
...........what can stop the Imp forces from sweeping the Allied Expeditionary Force back into the sea..?? Dunno yet cos I'm making this up as I go along. I'll dream up some miraculous event over the next 24-hours. Wonder if it's time to introduce the AE Dancing Girls yet..??

You're making this up as you go along?:eek::eek: And there was me thinking at the very least that this is the genuine history of "The Heid in China"

In that case if you want some reinforcements I can send you over a couple of boxes of Roger's Rangers :D:D:D
You're making this up as you go along?:eek::eek: And there was me thinking at the very least that this is the genuine history of "The Heid in China"

In that case if you want some reinforcements I can send you over a couple of boxes of Roger's Rangers :D:D:D

This is in fact the genuine history of "The Heid in China". It's all subliminal memories of when I was here in 1859 ~ 1861 during a past life.
When do you reckon you can get those Rodgers Rangers airlifted to me..?? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

So, while the fate of the entire Allied Expeditionary Force hangs by a thread, the camera cuts back to The Summer Palace and the events surrounding our caddish hero.

This movie's a real epic folks. It's got everything. We've gone from a kind of Romance to a War Film to a Courtroom Drama in double-quick time, cos it looks like Flashman's been hauled up in front of The Imperial Board Of Punishments. Hey, at least he's being given the chance to explain his misdemeanours and plead for continued operation of his Crown Jewels.
"I plead Not Guilty to all these ridiculous charges M'Lud, by Jove" declares the Poltroon.


The photographer from the Chinese National News (or CNN) has been assigned to the case to ensure the World knows there's been no breach of human rights - well, not too many anyway.

Mind you, the Jury are an odd lot. The foreman's been appointed cos he seems to have a lot of time on his hands, two of them are apparently too busy discussing Flashy's, hmmm, attributes, to listen properly to the evidence, and the other guy? Well, he just looks confused.

The Chinese authorities didn't pull out any stops whatsoever when Flashman's Defence Attorney was appointed. Old Perry Mason here was tarred & feathered and run out of Peking last month for alleged involvement in some dodgy deals on e-bay.

Tune in tomorrow, same channel, maybe same time, certainly same place, for more adventures of;
Flashman and the Dragon.
Excellent Harry, just what I needed to cheer me up whilst at work. I look forward to the next installment.

A nice T34 or perhaps an AK version Ramjager is what you need in these dios
Harry my boy
The Chinese authorities didn't pull out any stops whatsoever when Flashman's Defence Attorney was appointed. Old Perry Mason here was tarred & feathered and run out of Peking last month for alleged involvement in some dodgy deals on e-bay.


Just so I can sleep easy tonight, can you please assure me that no chickens were actually harmed during the filming of this epic?
Good stuff H. Keep 'em coming :)

You're making this up as you go along?:eek::eek: And there was me thinking at the very least that this is the genuine history of "The Heid in China"

In that case if you want some reinforcements I can send you over a couple of boxes of Roger's Rangers :D:D:D

Along with members of the 2/24th provided by The Lt. if required

There is one pic showing a samurai holding a big sword behind his back. Are him going to decapitate the guy or not?

I really like this photo it is a Nice sharp clear shot.
Along with members of the 2/24th provided by The Lt. if required

I'm carrying out a clandestine recce later this afternoon. I'll ensure your 2/24th figures and Reb's Ranger figs are parachuted into a drop-zone which is close enough to ensure they have no problem seizing the bridge.
Oops, wrong movie. :D:D;)
Actually, thanks to the Chinese Postal Service, reinforcements in the form of 2/24th and Rodgers Rangers (among others) have already been mobilised and assuming they're not intercepted by real live SS troops (Customs Officials), they will be putting in an appearance on this thread in May/June.
I reckon I can get the two Representatives of Original Indigenous North American Inhabitants, i.e. Woodland Indians, that I already have to double as scouts for the Imperial Forces. I'll claim that they come from the Far West of China.
Similarly, there's got to be a way I can introduce some Saracens as well. They can represent Muslim Chinese residents, of which there are actually, hmmm, quite a few. In fact, because China contains so many disparate ethnic groups I can almost get away with featuring just about any figures I feel like. I've already figured out how I can introduce Greek Hoplites....watch this space next month.....;);)
Come to think of it, Woodland Indians can be the Taiping Ever Victorious Army.
Meanwhile, I'll get back to the developing Courtroom Drama later today.


There is one pic showing a samurai holding a big sword behind his back. Are him going to decapitate the guy or not?

I really like this photo it is a Nice sharp clear shot.

If I allow the Court Executioner to decapitate Flashy, then that's the end of the thread's raison d'être. Can't have that, so here's a clue; there's going to be a "Great Escape" coming up. It'll probably be shown at Christmas as usual.

I can almost get away with featuring just about any figures I feel like.

Oh, almost forgot, Charge of the Light Brigade and The Thin Red Line are also earmarked for a guest appearance.
Oh my God, I've created a Monster.....It's Alive..!! :eek::eek:


Just so I can sleep easy tonight, can you please assure me that no chickens were actually harmed during the filming of this epic?
Good stuff H. Keep 'em coming :)


Please rest assured. No chickens, whales, ants or even Chinese citizens were harmed in any way during the filming of this epic.


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