Flashman and the Dragon (6 Viewers)

A nice T34 or perhaps an AK version Ramjager is what you need in these dios
Harry my boy

Well Damian, I did consider employing the LRDG Chevy's as Imperial Chariots, but I want this narration to be as accurate as possible, so the old undersized Hitlers Staffcar will have to do instead.

So, back to the action.
And in comparison to Flashy's Defense Attorney, the State Prosecuter is a rather fearsome chap, B'Gad.


Flashman's been allowed to change out of mufti and back into uniform. With some Hollywood magic (special effects), it seems he was also able to grow his whiskers back overnight.
The Judge reads out the charges....As expected, it's a lengthy list, which includes theft of some marbles from the Acropolis in Athens by Flashy's Dad - a subject this movie'll return to once Lord Elgin puts in an appearance....

"Do You Swear To Tell The Truth, The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth So Help You God - You Miserable Miscreant..!!"
"Don't be wet. I'm Flash Harry. By Jove, I couldn't tell the truth if my very Crown Jewels depended on it".


The camera cuts to a shot of the public benches. They're in uproar as usual :eek::eek::rolleyes::rolleyes:.

To be continued.
Over at the Jury's bench there's wild speculation going on.
"No-oooo, surely she didn't, whisper, whisper, yes she did, whisper, whisper, that Eunoch Little An told me, whisper whisper, Yehonala, whisper, whisper, what..? no-oooo, played with his whiskers..?? whisper, whisper, then she....what..?? whisper, whisper,
Lord have Mercy. Well, I never did, whisper, whisper, no-oooo, you're joking, performed The Fabled Manchu Fan Dance..??
Oh, I do believe I'm going to have an Attack of the Vapours....
Tee-Hee, Tee-Hee-Hee....Tee-Hee-Hee-Hee....:eek::p:rolleyes:"


While on the public benches, there's the usual heart-rending plea's for a hand-out.

So they get one. :)rolleyes:......Groan).

Suddenly, the State Prosecuter who's been prowling the courtroom like some Crazed Crusading Missionary rounds
on the "12 Fine Upstanding Men (and Women) True" and snarls;
"Gentlemen and Ladies of the Jury - You Can't Handle the Truth :eek::eek:".


To be continued.
And so, while the Jury in the Flashman Case hawk & spit and begin to consider this extraordinary statement from the State Prosecuter, what of events back at the Taku Forts..?? Well, as the 300 members of The Courageous Forelock Tugging Regiment form up, it seems that some traitorous local shepherd has informed the Allies of a secret path through the mountains....

Yup, and as the troops move through the narrow defile, muttered mumblings are heard;

"Gott in Himmel Rolf, vat are ve doooo-ing here..??"
"Ve are spreading the German Culture throughout a....desss-perate vorld".

And if you lot think that last one was bad, I'm already making plans to rip off "Last of the Mohican's" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

To be continued.
Well Damian, I did consider employing the LRDG Chevy's as Imperial Chariots, but I want this narration to be as accurate as possible, so the old undersized Hitlers Staffcar will have to do instead.


I think those overdeveloped Egyptian dancing girls are more Flashy's style
Any chance of Richard Sharpe making an appearance? He was stationed just over in India you know;). Or has he already come and gone and I missed him somehow:eek:!
So, while the disgruntled shepherd points the way through the mountains to the Special Airhead Service troops;

Let's cut back to the struggle at the Taku forts.

Lot's of action going on here today Guy'n'Gals. Seems Lord Elgin, the celebrated Soldier and consumate Political Agent, has put in a belated appearance.

With his Wee Brother, Little Lord Elgin the Black-Heart.

So will the presence of the Politico's turn the tide..??
Don't forget, The Courageous Forelock Tugging Lancers. They're just off camera at the moment, but will they finally decide to charge down the Valley of Death for the Glory of The Empire, or will they just go home to play Mah Jong instead..??
Stay tuned and find out.
Inspired by the presence and sleeze of the Politicals, the Bonnie Brave Sodjers o' the Queen,
surge up to the walls of the first fort.


And the second fort.

And the third fort.

Aye.....Them wizz the days, aricht.

So, what's all this to do with Flashman, Yehenola, Little An, or any of the other current shenanagins up North at the Summer Palace then..??
Aaah-Haah, by the time the camera pans back to the "Bounder" I'll have thought up some kind of tenuous link, ummm.....maybe.
To be continued.
So, while the disgruntled shepherd points the way through the mountains to the Special Airhead Service troops;

Let's cut back to the struggle at the Taku forts.

Lot's of action going on here today Guy'n'Gals. Seems Lord Elgin, the celebrated Soldier and consumate Political Agent, has put in a belated appearance.

With his Wee Brother, Little Lord Elgin the Black-Heart.

So will the presence of the Politico's turn the tide..??
Don't forget, The Courageous Forelock Tugging Lancers. They're just off camera at the moment, but will they finally decide to charge down the Valley of Death for the Glory of The Empire, or will they just go home to play Mah Jong instead..??
Stay tuned and find out.

Oh I say! I thought it was you Adder! BLACK ADDER!
But what's this, there seems to be something happening (at last) over on the French flank,

By Jingo, it seems to be some Brit Sarge leading a French footslogger's charge - Can it be..?? Is it possible..??....

Yeeeeeessss...!!! By request from a member of the audience (Saber),
it's a special guest appearance from none other than......
Sergeant Richard Sharpe, who's been shipped over from the Chelsea Pensioners Old Folks Home in India to stiffen
the resolve of our French Allies.
(He was demoted back to the ranks on retiring from taking the Queens Shilling).


Meanwhile, back at the "Pagoda Behind The Lines", it's business as usual.

To be continued.....

It's all very well providing us with all this excellent entertainment, but what happens when you go back to work?........:(:p:D:D (This is really great stuff :)).


It's all very well providing us with all this excellent entertainment, but what happens when you go back to work?........:(:p:D:D (This is really great stuff :)).


Thanks Jeff,
As Rob said a few days ago, it's a fun thing.


It's all very well providing us with all this excellent entertainment, but what happens when you go back to work?



Don't look for me in this category to pick up the mantle as I couldn't possibly compete with this "Boy's Own" thrilling and addictive nonsense :D:D:D
I could suggest that we look on ebay to see if we can pick up some old copies of Hotspur and Wizard if I remember correctly they were jam-packed with weekly stories similar to Harry's British Empire heroics. Might keep us going till he comes back. :D

By the way Harry when do you return to start earning coin of the realm again or are you having too much fun to bother?


Don't look for me in this category to pick up the mantle as I couldn't possibly compete with this "Boy's Own" thrilling and addictive nonsense :D:D:D
I could suggest that we look on ebay to see if we can pick up some old copies of Hotspur and Wizard if I remember correctly they were jam-packed with weekly stories similar to Harry's British Empire heroics. Might keep us going till he comes back. :D

By the way Harry when do you return to start earning coin of the realm again or are you having too much fun to bother?


You forgot to put "The Victor" and "The Hornet" on the list....:D:D
I return to putting rice on the table and slates on the pagoda roof on 25th April. Primarily cos that's when my visa runs out :mad: and, very much by way of a secondary consideration, that's the dates that are on my flight tickets, :( By Jove....!!!!


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