Focke Wulfe 190 and New King and Country Warbirds (4 Viewers)


I can tell you one thing, I will be pushing hard for an RAF Fire Truck, and more ground crew. I am very excited at the thought of RAF pilots, ground crew and vehicles with todays level of quality. Could you imagine my RAF airfield peopled with figures of todays quality. It boggles the mind!
Louis a great big YES!!!,to every word in your post.That would be so cool,as you say with todays quality it would be stunning.Ground crew,Pilots,WAAFS bowsers oh my god!.Do it Loius DO IT!!!!!

Right. Who you kidding. That's what they all say until they see those planes up close and personal. I remember Shannon saying to me last year that she didn't get this airplane thing but then she saw them and said something like, now I understand.

Youre right - I am kidding :p

There goes the savings account........:eek:

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