Focke Wulfe 190 and New King and Country Warbirds (2 Viewers)

This process does artificially inflate the worth of the pieces given to the always chosen few....What better way to make something priceless than to make it available to no one....Michael
Hey Fred,

If you carry on being naughty in class you'll have to go sit in the naughty chair!

I don't understand why its so complicated. Just take preorders and make that many. Andy makes mucho money at no risk and those that want them get their planes. Everybody is happy.

Andy says the planes that were made: the FW190, five Typhoons, 5 ME110's and a Curtis were made as an experiement with a Philippine company. K&C did not have a prior relationship with this company and initially ordered only 12airplanes to see the quality -- Andy was stunned the high quality of these planes. Because this company has only 3 people, Andy worries ordering a lot of planes at one time will cause this company to compromise the quality of their product e.g. hiring more people to help produce the order where the new hires do not have the craftsmenship of the initial three. It is a question of quality vs. quantity and Andy wants quality. In addition, these three are more like artists and do not want to make large numbers of the same plane like a factory. End result, small numbers of a particular plane. Again, Andy asks for patience and promises to come up with a fair distribution plan.:)
I don't have a problem with very limited runs provided the variant isn't a popular one like an aircraft of a top Ace or famous personality.
Andy says the planes that were made: the FW190, five Typhoons, 5 ME110's and a Curtis were made as an experiement with a Philippine company. K&C did not have a prior relationship with this company and initially ordered only 12airplanes to see the quality -- Andy was stunned the high quality of these planes. Because this company has only 3 people, Andy worries ordering a lot of planes at one time will cause this company to compromise the quality of their product e.g. hiring more people to help produce the order where the new hires do not have the craftsmenship of the initial three. It is a question of quality vs. quantity and Andy wants quality. In addition, these three are more like artists and do not want to make large numbers of the same plane like a factory. End result, small numbers of a particular plane. Again, Andy asks for patience and promises to come up with a fair distribution plan.:)

Thats fair,we havn't even heard Andys plan yet.

In all fairness, when we (meaning people like Louis and I) were pushing for these to be made again, there was initial interest but it waned a little bit and while the poll results don't reflect all K & C collectors, it wasn't overwhelming support. The numbers were good, about 60 percent, but not in the 80s area. So when Andy decided, allright I'll make these again, he was going to cautious. Who wouldn't be? He was probably overwhelmed with the response and initially the response looks good. However, in a months time, will all the people clamoring now still be clamoring? Hard to say. Also, let's not forget these are not exactly inexpensive. Sometimes when you want something, you say screw it, I'm getting it, but then in the sober reflection of reality when the ardor has lessened a little bit, you're not so sure.

So, as Steven said, give him a little bit of time. This whole thing is so new that he need some time to come up with a fair process.
To be frank, I'm really only interested in the Fiesler Storch. I'm sure the other models they intend to make will be great but I'd hate to see them be slow sellers because people didn't put their hands in their pocket for the aircraft with limited diorama appeal. I suspect that members here with significant collections of airforce based figures and vehicles are thin on the ground.
Another spot on ob Oz.I can really picture the storch in a AK dio,but i'm a Figure/vehicle collector and i just can't see many other planes fitting in.If we had some resistance figures then a Lysander would be nice.The only planes i really want would be a crashed ME109 in an English field being guarded by the home guard.But for Air enthusiasts these warbirds must be manner from heaven!

I think there will be the two types: the specially made ones and the ones made in more quantities like the Storch and the Lysander.
I think there will be the two types: the specially made ones and the ones made in more quantities like the Storch and the Lysander.

Brad,are you saying you've heard the word 'Lysander' being spoken in the higher echelons of K&C society?

No, not at all. I can ask Andy about it when I see him next Friday but I haven't heard that at all.
At the Chicago Show Andy mentioned the Lysander as a possible follow up to the Storch in the regular production warbird line. Andy indicated the regular production warbirds would be types of planes that would work will in two different types of dioramas: both airfield and action dioramas. So I wouldn't be worried about planes that don't fit well in dioramas.

Andy intends to produce ample planes that work in action dioramas, as well as ample airfield diorama accessories like ground crew, pilots, fuel bowsers, other RAF vehicles, and airfield related buildings/facades for the less action diorama friendly planes.
In an earlier thread I believe I (and/or someone else) suggested the spotter aircraft used in the Battle of the Bulge movie (an Auster I think) as well as a Lysander would be good dio material. Gliders and a DC-3 would be great as well, but they are a tad HUGE :)
Andy intends to produce ample planes that work in action dioramas, as well as ample airfield diorama accessories like ground crew, pilots, fuel bowsers, other RAF vehicles, and airfield related buildings/facades for the less action diorama friendly planes.

I reckon they would be popular because there are far more guys that collect model aircraft than figures. But if you think I'm fussy about detail, you should here some of those prop heads whinge about errors. Suffice to say, "rivet counters" is a polite term for them :eek: :)
You know - with everything coming out and still more to come - I believe I can wait for the bigger production Warbirds and be happy with that. :)
I don't believe that for a second. Who are you kidding. That logic will go out the window when you see the planes next weekend. When I first met Louis I said I would be happy with one. He shot back "No, you won't." He was (and is) right. I have three K & C planes (plus one poly), getting one of the older ones next week, and I want more.
I don't believe that for a second. Who are you kidding. That logic will go out the window when you see the planes next weekend. When I first met Louis I said I would be happy with one. He shot back "No, you won't." He was (and is) right. I have three K & C planes (plus one poly), getting one of the older ones next week, and I want more.


I have self control.


Right. Who you kidding. That's what they all say until they see those planes up close and personal. I remember Shannon saying to me last year that she didn't get this airplane thing but then she saw them and said something like, now I understand.
At the Chicago Show Andy mentioned the Lysander as a possible follow up to the Storch in the regular production warbird line. Andy indicated the regular production warbirds would be types of planes that would work will in two different types of dioramas: both airfield and action dioramas. So I wouldn't be worried about planes that don't fit well in dioramas.

Andy intends to produce ample planes that work in action dioramas, as well as ample airfield diorama accessories like ground crew, pilots, fuel bowsers, other RAF vehicles, and airfield related buildings/facades for the less action diorama friendly planes.

Excellant Louis.Now i would be really interested in airfield dio's.Wth planes,ground crew bowsers etc could be cool.Any info you or Brad can get when you see Andy on this would be most welcome and much appreciated.Can't tell you how good it is to get new info from events you can't attend.Thanks


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