for all you dehli durbar fans (3 Viewers)

Re: for all you dehli dhurbar fans

Hi Guys,

Thanks for the kind comments, I really appreciate it.

The Camels are from 3 makers. The three leading the way are Britains Bikanir Camel Corps, followed by a pair of Shamus Wade figures that are part of a set I am trying to rebuild. They are next to another Britains figure, the Jaipur Camel Drummer (a favorite of mine) and are followed by 2 sets of Marlborough Jaipur Camel Gunners sets D47 & D48. The amazing mix of animals and colors is one of the main reasons I love the Durbar display. Also since there are so many sets and makers it will be a very long time until I complete the display.

Have a great day guys and Happy New Year.

Re: for all you dehli dhurbar fans

Dave: I just posted 3 more albums. The 4th has Britains Durbar and Marlborough Durbar you might be interested in.
Re: for all you dehli dhurbar fans

Hi Tommy,

You have some really wonderful displays! Thank you so very much for sharing them with us.

One question the Krupps Gun in the WWI display are the gunners Romanians or another Country from Austro Hungarian empire?

Also really loved the old Hollow cast Britains. Will look more closely later so we can talk about the various groupings.

Thanks again

Re: for all you dehli dhurbar fans

Dave: That is the Austrian Skoda mortar set. Check my messages to Damien about the set. Thanks. Tommy
Re: for all you dehli dhurbar fans

Hello Raymond: Attached is a photo of the inside of the Rewa Carriage and some photos from my collection. All are Marlborough except the 3rd shelf which is Trophy, Hocker and Beau Geste. The photos from the museum are great. Marlborough's website doesn't bring out the colors like Redhugh's photos. Tommy

Hello Tommy,
I don't know how I've missed your wonderful pictures until now.
Absolutely magnificent !!!
Re: for all you dehli dhurbar fans

Durbar afficionados may be interested in the attached photographs showing the Delhi Heralds and the State Trumpeters. The Heralds, one British and one Indian were chosen from the 18th King George's Own Lancers and wore the tabards embroidered with the Royal Arms, the Indian representative, Captain Malik Umar Hyat Khan, wearing a gold silk turban while the British officer, Major E.C. Corbyn wore a white tropical helmet. The trumpeters were drawn from each of the British regiments serving in India and from a selection of Indian cavalry numbering 24 in total, 12 British and 12 Indian. as with the Heralds Indian trumpeters wore a gold silk turban and the British white helmets, although as the other photo shows, dark blue jockey caps were worn on some occasions, most likely on dismounted duties in the evening. The uniforms were similar to those worn by the Household Cavalry except for the cypher, which bore the initials GRI as opposed to GR, and that no sword or sword belt was worn. Additionally the 13th Hussars provided a kettledrummer and, according to one authority, special banners were designed for this one occasion being of similar design to those carried by the Household Cavalry ie the Royal Coat of Arms. However as the rather delapidated photo of the mounted trumpeters shows the banners of the 13th were also in use.
Mounted figures of both the Heralds and the State Trumpeters are available from Asset.


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Re: for all you dehli dhurbar fans

Road to the Durbar
Hi Tommy,

I am glad you have posted this photo. The Marlborough Durbar figures are not frequently seen on the forum and it is a joy to view them. Thanks for sharing this portion of your collection with us!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Hi Tommy,

I am glad you have posted this photo. The Marlborough Durbar figures are not frequently seen on the forum and it is a joy to view them. Thanks for sharing this portion of your collection with us!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Thank you Pat. Hopefully the rest of my year old order will be here before the end of the year.
Very nice photo, Tommy. I like how you blended fore- and background. And the figures are just wonderful. Thank you very much.
Very nice photo, Tommy. I like how you blended fore- and background. And the figures are just wonderful. Thank you very much.
Thank you. Scott and Martyn have helped me with some more backdrops so I hope to have some more photos posted soon. Glad you liked it.

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