That list makes me think that you're very serious about your resolution, Rob
1. Great man, one of the greatest leaders in the Western world in modern times. Half American, too, wasn't he
2. Neither, and not Courtney Cox, either. Pre-pregnancy Jenna Fisher, or Jewel Staite.
3. Since some studies have shown a connection between hair loss and higher levels of testosterone, you're actually manlier if you're losing your hair.
4. Probably a lot like our own USPS, or the French army--brave soldiers, badly led
5. Try our cable monopolies. When I can order just those channels that I want to watch, and not have to pay for shopping channels and Telemundo, I'll go back to cable.
6. Meh.
7. You oughta ride our subways sometime, it'll make you nostalgic for your Tube.
8. Neither. Whisky's a waste of good barley, and vodka's a waste of good, well, potato peelings. Give me a good malty, sweet double bock.
9. Yes. And those who throw cigarette butts out the window, too. I don't care if you want to smoke, but use your @#$% ashtray!
10. Try our obsession, with our professional and college football. It's so bad that we turn a blind eye to serious crimes because of it.
11. See #1
Seriously, though, regarding avoiding arguments--I find myself often starting a reply, then I'll stop and cancel it, because it's not worth the aggravation sometimes. Sort of the same thing as writing a letter when you're angry, and waiting a day to post it, you wind up throwing it out.
But I applaud your resolve and wish you the best in following it! Merry Christmas!