French indian war - Ambush in the forest (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Apr 1, 2015
Hello, I'm new on the forum. Hope someone likes this pictures. Finally I have finished this permanent display to show my FIW collection. It is made of wood, it is hanged on a wall and it is Closed by a glass and in no direct sunlight. It is made by two levels ( 1.6 meters or 5,3 ft large and 0,16 mt , 0,5 ft deep ). It is a bit crowdy but , sorry, no more wall avaiable. I've to finish the trees ( more foliage ),the river under the canoes and something in the background ( next holidays) . If someone likes it , i can post some more pictures. Hope to see in the forum more jj fiw diorama. Thanks for replying.image.jpgimage.jpg
It's a nice set up. 1 little advice, a use of a background poster going to make a lot of difference( more realistic).
Welcome on forum! Great figures and very nice set up. Thanks for sharing.
A very colourful and imaginative display - Nice!!

Hi, and welcome to the forum!

I think your display is great......I love the JJD FIW.

Very nice dioramas of the French and Indian War. Thanks for sharing them with us and welcome to the forum!
Thanks for sharing your very nice display of your JJD FIW collcetion . . . . . Welcome to the forum . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Excellent displays.Only a background will make them better.
Very well done, I like the use of foilage and other cover. Nice choice of figure poses too. The entire scene looks very animated.

Welcome to the forum.A lot of action going on in these displays.JJD figures lend themselves to this.Well done that man.
Thank you to all for your appreciation and suggestions. I'll do something for the background. I only add some pictures of the british soldiers.
Love the fellow with the Lax stick. A little humor?, or just one of those creative moments where anyone with a club in their hand can fit in the mele Fine diorama, let's see some more
Walt Damon
Welcome to the forum mate, and thanks so much for sharing your wonderful displays, love this period and the figures are amazing to see close up in a forest setting!^&grin
Thanks, not to annoy but just some more for the requests of more pictures ( last) . Hope to see some from your diorama with the same characters.image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg

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