German radio and medic team (1 Viewer)

Ana Donzino

First Sergeant
Apr 25, 2005
Finally, the pictures of the new figure sets:

HB33 - German radio team, wehrmacht


HB34 - German medic team


We are in half production so dealers should be getting those in 10 days or so.

Hope you like them. I do! :D:D:D

Like I said, Honour Bound the best....
any plans for winter versions of these or other figures?

Bill W
Interesting concepts, and very nicely done!
They are good sculpts :cool:

Now we need some German Artillery pieces to go with the Radio Crew ;) :D
new figures are outstanding. really like the action of the figures and Rolf the medic wonder dog.- lancer
Good sets! What is the kneeling medic holding in his hand?

Thank you all. :)

Yes, there will be winter versions if you are interested on them.

The kneeling medic is cleaning the wound. I separated him from the wounded soldier for the picture so you could see him more clearly.

Wow , they look very well done and thought out..nice to see some grey uniforms as well..the dog is a nice touch:cool:
Wonderful original poses, sculpting and painting. You have raised the bar on figures of World War II Germans and created some refreshingly new looking sets. As a Battle of the Bulge collector I look forward to your winter versions.


Anna i'm extremely impressed with these releases.

a few enquries -

1) where's the flamethrower figure set?

2) You mentioned a winter version for both German radio and medic team, will there be pictures soon.

3) when i purchase the medic team. is there a way to replace the dog?
the dog is excellent, but I'm a muslim, and we can't keep dogs (alive or not) in our homes.

pls let me know, so i can finalize my order with Mandi.:)
Excellent sets Ana. Your figures continue to get better and better.

I'll be getting both these sets. I particularly like the medic set. :)
:cool: NICE! HB Figure's! NOW, an OPEL Maultier Haftrack Cargo Truck,and a SDKFZ232-8-Wheel Armored Car with Radio Antennae?
If you are intersted in selling or trading the dog, maybe we can work something out,
PM me if your interested.

Anna i'm extremely impressed with these releases.

a few enquries -

1) where's the flamethrower figure set?

2) You mentioned a winter version for both German radio and medic team, will there be pictures soon.

3) when i purchase the medic team. is there a way to replace the dog?
the dog is excellent, but I'm a muslim, and we can't keep dogs (alive or not) in our homes.

pls let me know, so i can finalize my order with Mandi.:)
Thank you all.

Nasir - the flamethrower set is on sculpting process so there's still a couple of months before I can have pictures of it.

Winter versions haven't been made yet, but they won't take that long since we'll modify the masters as we did with the food line. So they won't take 2 months, but it won't be less than 4 weeks to have something ready.

Unfortunately there's nothing we can do about the dog since it's a bonus for the set. I can only offer not to include it. But I believe you can exchange it with other collectors for something you'd be more interested to have.


Awwww poop! More dogs! I love dogs! Especially German Shepherds! Winter version? Way cool!;):cool: No offense Nasir! Salamm Malekem!
Sorry, Ray, I didn't answer your question. Cost is the same as other figure sets: $125.

He seems a more regular sized dog, the Figarti version looks SUPERSIZED to me ;)

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