Glenn Miller Band (2 Viewers)


Major General
Nov 24, 2010
I have long been very attracted to the Frontline Figures Glenn Miller Band. However, this was a Limited Edition set from Frontline ( now out of production) - and is now both difficult - and getting rather expensive to find. Last set I saw going on e-bay - cost very close to a cool $1,000.{eek3}

The set also comes as ready-painted - so not really my thing at all - except for those glorious figures.::cool:

So..............last time I was at Dorset Soldiers HQ - I raised the possibility of finding some appropriate figures which MIGHT be suitable - to make up as a version for myself. I discussed this with Giles Brown - Head of Figure Development ( well - head of everything actually^&grin) - and I came away with a few bits and pieces to play with - to see if something could be done.

I bought eight figures - some arms with trombones and some seated figures and a few other bits. Some standing figures are shown below.

Note that the left-hand figure above, is a basic American GI figure - and looked suitable as a donor for some of the standing members of the band. The central figure is simply fitted with a pair of arms with trombone - which is a generic set from Dorset Soldiers. To the right - is my attempt at Glenn Miller - made up by first removing the GI head - and then grafting on a head with peaked cap and glasses, which is another spare part from Dorset. Then I removed the right arm from the Trombone - leaving the left one on - which can now be lowered to the side of the figure, ( see removed bits at base of the figure).

Below - see the new right arm - raised as if either conducting the Band - or waving to the audience - who are doubtless applauding madly at the performance!:D This was made up from the upper arm of the piece already removed from the trombone - and a suitable lower arm from another donor figure. (drilled and pinned together - with a dab of milliput to fill any gaps - which shows up as white here).


As I wanted the trombonists to have the instruments raised in the air - I had to modify the heads a bit - so took them off and replaced them by pinning them to look up a bit. The resulting figure now looks okay.

Giles also does some seated American GI figures - so I bought some of those too. The trumpet was a problem though - so I bought a few that looked like they might do. I'm at the fitting of second arm stage currently - so thought I would show how far I had got with my embryonic band. I need more seated with saxophones, guitar, clarinet and at a piano - as well as a drummer with a drum-set - and another standing with double bass - which I think I can source from other existing figures at Dorset, next time I visit.

That's all I have in castings at the moment - as this was very much an experiment. I think that the Band itself is now feasible - as there are only two basic figures required (Standing and Seated) - and I'm currently in discussions with Giles about the other add-ons that I would like to complete the band - and the extras that accompanied the Frontline set - like The Andrew Sisters singing, and hopefully some dancers too.

So...........after I finish the trumpet players - some more musicians/instruments to buy and modify to complete the band - and then we will see what we can come up with for the extra bits. All the best for now:D - johnnybach
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Looking good JB, I can't almost hear the tune of "Little Brown Jug" ^&grin

I thought it was St Louis Blues March ^&grin

Great figures jb {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}


I thought it was St Louis Blues March ^&grin

Great figures jb {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}



I'd better check out the music - two of you can't be wrong - spuds and carrots notwithstanding.

Should be fun trying to get the rest of the band together!{eek3} They're certain to cost less than a thousand bucks though!:D

I'll finish these off - but then there may be a short interlude - before I can get the rest onstage, (always providing we can find a baby-grand piano! - where's the Milliput?:rolleyes2:) jb
And here's my first pass at the figures that I currently have for Glenn's band. Four seated trumpet players - and three trombonists - in addition to Glenn Miller's own horn, of course. Just a few tweaks required, here and there with a bit more paint and varnish, where I've worn some off by handling too much.

I'm grateful to Frontline Figures, for the idea in the first place - and Giles Brown of Dorset Soldiers, for being able to know where to put his hand on the figures and additions that might be modified to suit. The seated trumpeter figure had one arm with trumpet, originally from a Napoleonic Bugler figure, whilst the other supporting arm is just a spare he makes to support a number of instruments. As can be imagined, both arms required a little "coaxing" to fit the figure - but no major surgery involved!:D

I'm sure now, that I can make up a band with a passing resemblance to that beauty from Frontline - and we shall see how Giles gets on with the problem that I posed him - of how to get the singers and dancers together??

To be continued - at some future point. johnnybach:D
Yo yourself Vic:D Thanks for that info.

Sarum Soldiers also make one - though Giles says he can make me one too. I hope to visit the Seaside in Dorset once again in July - so we shall see what he's got for me then. If not - I'll contact Patrick at Sarum - and will definitely come back with one then, from...............whoever. As you may have seen - the seated GI figure to play it , won't be a problem.

The sticking point at the moment - are the jiving dancers. They were always an add-on set with Frontline - so I'm working on Giles to do a new mould for three dancing guys in uniform - and three ladies in summer frocks ( If you look closely at Frontline dancers - you will see that there are only 3 different casts - which are then doubled up and painted differently, to give six dancing couples).

Of course, a few more orders for the dancers from others, might help stimulate production!

Maybe check with Asset Miniatures I think they make some sort of WW2 dancers, think its a Conga Line but maybe they could be modified?

I'll have a look at the London Show next month.


Maybe check with Asset Miniatures I think they make some sort of WW2 dancers, think its a Conga Line but maybe they could be modified?

I'll have a look at the London Show next month.


Ah yes - so they do - good idea John, thanks - I'll check 'em out. :D jb
Great project, John! You're off to a good start. Don't forget the woodwinds--you need a couple of clarinets, alto saxes and at least 1 tenor sax. You'll also want a string bass, and the drum kit.

Your bash to make the figures seated has worked well. I can offer a tip, as a former musician myself (trumpet/cornet, E-flat alto horn and French horn), the trumpet players should have good posture, and hold their horns at least horizontal, or maybe slightly elevated (especially anyone taking a solo). That posture supports good breathing--just as with voice, your strength playing a wind instrument comes from your diaphragm. My music teacher and my band leader always emphasized that. Plus, if you drop the bell of the instrument, you wind up blowing into the music stand, instead of projecting.

I'm looking forward eagerly to your progress on this!

Hey Brad!:smile2:

Most of my projects usually begin with me seeing something that I like - and this one's no different. Awhile ago, I saw a post by someone looking for the dancers to go with their Frontline Band. Never saw the set before that - but liked it straightaway.

So......had a peek at Google Images - and there it was. Lovely set - so imaginatively put together. So..............had a look at some past e-bay pics - and then found out the bad news.

Limited Edition set - which never got to the 500 sets they said were being made. Long since sold out - and................."How Much!!!!"{eek3}

Last set I saw went for $995 - plus insured postage from the USA - which would also usually mean that our Customs would raise Import Taxes, plus our dear old GPO would add their charming "Handling Charge" too!! ( I hate that!).So......................NO Frontline set for Johnnybach then. do I go about making something similar for myself???????

As it happens, I had arranged with Giles Brown, at Dorset Soldiers in the UK, to visit to collect my latest order - so I thought that I would dash off an e-mail along with a pic of the Frontline set - and an enquirey. Imagine my surprise, when back came an e-mail which suggested that he might have a few bits and pieces which COULD be made up to look a bit like them.

So..............when I visited the shop, Giles had the castings you've already seen - which I took with me when I left - to play around with.

Since then - we have been chatting (via the Internet) - and now think the Band is certainly possible. We have the two basic figures as seated and standing - and arms/instruments for the rest are available to adapt to fit;(Clarinet, sax, Double Bass, guitarist, Drummer, and pianist). I'll have to make up a drum kit from some drums - and the piano should be available too, (though another is available from Sarum - if required). I may also need to fabricate the fancy music stands from thin sheet metal - but all of that is okay too.

Obee has just given me an idea to chase up for the dancers too, ( though I'll see what Giles comes up with first, as he has a few ideas to work on).

BUT - I think it COULD all work out - and maybe an alternative Glenn Miller Band at something like 20% of the cost of the real thing might be within reach, plus all the fun of creating it from a few castings, of course.:D

NOW - that's more like it. Head up - don't want your music all over the floor!;) jb
Hi: JB
I am the guy looking for additional Dancers to add to my complete G.M. set. I still have not been able to confirm that there was an add on set of dancers available, If anyone knows or has seen Please post. I am happy I bought this when I had the opportunity. It is one of my favorites!!! You have started a great project, I look forward to your progression I wish you Luck!. I am still looking for additional dancers to fill the Dance Hall. Please advise me of any leads.
Best Regards.
Mr. Murph
Hi: JB
I am the guy looking for additional Dancers to add to my complete G.M. set. I still have not been able to confirm that there was an add on set of dancers available, If anyone knows or has seen Please post. I am happy I bought this when I had the opportunity. It is one of my favorites!!! You have started a great project, I look forward to your progression I wish you Luck!. I am still looking for additional dancers to fill the Dance Hall. Please advise me of any leads.
Best Regards.
Mr. Murph

Yo Murph! Keep watching for when this thread re-surfaces - as I'm also still looking for some "lookalike" dancing castings, to paint up in the style of the gorgeous Frontline set. was you that really began my quest? :confused: Thanks!:D

This is one of the BIG snags with any Limited Edition sets. Because there are only a finite number originally produced, ( and by all accounts, this one never even got as far as the original set number of 500), as time goes by, sets and any add-ons get separated, damaged or lost along the way - and then things start to get difficult to find, and expensive to complete. IF I do ever find any of the "real thing" along the way - I will let you know, of course - but I doubt whether I ever will. Just be glad that you have what you have - and keep looking!

I have a few leads to follow up - such as the British Company "Asset" - who make a Conga Line of dancers - and also a jiving couple. Most of the figures involve British uniformed service-men though, so would require adapting before painting to make them look more like the Frontline American GI's. I will wait to see what Dorset Soldiers have dreamed up though, before going down the Asset route - as they would be more likely to look the same as my other adapted castings from Dorset.

I am pretty certain that I will finish the Band - so will do that first - then at least I have them. The Andrews sisters SHOULD be relatively easy to add, as all three are in the same pose. So - like you - I will probably find that adding a dozen dancers will be the most difficult part.;)

But hey Murph - if it was all easy - it wouldn't be so much fun putting things together eh?:D

Thanks again, for getting me started down this road. I'm pretty sure that anyone else who likes the set too, will be able to follow my solution - and be able to obtain a set from Dorset Soldiers as castings - to either paint - or have someone else paint for them. The bonus with that - is that they will only cost a fraction of what the Frontline band goes for today. Glad you like 'em so far. :D

Best of luck with your search:cool: -johnnybach

Maybe check with Asset Miniatures I think they make some sort of WW2 dancers, think its a Conga Line but maybe they could be modified?

I'll have a look at the London Show next month.


IF you have a camera with you John - and Anne has some of the Conga-line (and the Jiving pair) around - would love to see a couple of snaps - if you could oblige. If not, maybe you could talk one of the Forum geezers with cameras into doing the job??? :D I do have a pic which I extracted and blew up a bit from the front of the online Asset catalogue, which shows some of the Conga line, (below)- but NOT the Jiving sailor with Girl.

Cheers for now - was happy to learn that you have now apparently finished with "the day job" :wink2: Enjoy the show, whatever. All the best - jb
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IF you have a camera with you John - and Anne has some of the Conga-line (and the Jiving pair) around - would love to see a couple of snaps - if you could oblige.


I'll see what I can do for you, and also have a look at all the tables, as there could be something that w don't know about?

You may have to wait a while until I get a chance to download images and then email them to you, or post here, but I'll try ^&confuse



I'll see what I can do for you, and also have a look at all the tables, as there could be something that w don't know about?

You may have to wait a while until I get a chance to download images and then email them to you, or post here, but I'll try ^&confuse



Thanks John, you're a pal. Don't worry about time though - as I won't be back in the UK until July anyway. Just would like a better look at those castings at some time, if possible. Might be good to post them here - as it may give others an opportunity to have a look at one of the smaller British TS company's products too. One snag with the Asset catalogue, is that there aren't very many pictures at all - just lists of them. All are first-class, however - and I have bought many from Anne and Col - all of which are sculpted by Alan Caton - so I know they'll be good.

I would like them to fit in with my Band though - so will look at what Giles may have come up with first, (probably in August) - when I can combine a seaside visit to Costa del Dorset - (and a bag of fish'n'chips for me - and a large Ice-cream for la Commandante)- with a visit to Dorset Soldiers HQ once again. :D

Thanks again amigo - jb
Hi to all Glenn Miller Band fans - especially, perhaps, those of a Toy Soldier persuasion.;)

As you may have seen - I have been making up some of Giles Brown's (Dorset Soldiers) figures - to make up a version of the band. As you may also know, the magnificent Frontline version is now only available on the secondary market - so is getting both difficult to find - and consequently a bit pricey.

I have been in discussion with Giles for some time, with a view to the possibility of Dorset producing some singers and dancers as add-ons to the Band.'s the good news. Below, you can see a pic of Frances Langford ( in evening dress), here playing herself in the 1954 Film "The Glenn Miller Story". Giles has lately made figures of the backing group ( male and female) - AND of Frances, based on this pic. Even better news - is that Giles has also agreed to make some Jiving Dancers, to complement the Band and singers. He tells me that once he gets a bit of "design time" free - he will begin the process.

SO......The GM Band, Frances Langford and her backing group are available as either casting - or painted - NOW:^&grin - whilst some jiving dancers WILL also be coming along at soon. SO.......if you (like me) have been watching and waiting for the opportunity to own a version of the Glenn Miller Band, singers and dancers - part of the ensemble IS available - and all WILL be available, once again at some point in the future. And as Dorset Soldiers rarely "retires" figures - these will be around as either painted or castings for a long time to come.

How Good is that?{sm3}

P.S. I'm off to collect the rest of my band, singers and Frances very soon ( as castings, of course) - so will let you see how they eventually turn out when completed. jb:D

Hello: J.B.
I am excited to see your post. As you know I am looking for any additions to my complete G.M. Band. I want to fill the Hall !!! Looking forward to your results. keep me posted.
Best Regards!
Mr. Murph

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