Gloss Figures (1 Viewer)

Really appreciate all the feedback - have seen some patterns and good ideas develop. Have noted the following:

1) This is a very subjective hobby - which is great -
2) Something nostalgic in gloss that appeals not only to the more seasoned collector but interestingly also seems to have found some following in younger/newer collectors - to the degree of matte? - probably not - but it appears there is interest out there - which as I said in #1 above is good
3) Gloss for British for sure, 19th century in particluar - makes sense and is what we were thinking
4) Gloss Americans - good point about full dress as opposed to campaign dress figures

Keep the ideas and thoughts coming guys - thank you!


PS - for the Matte folks our new WWII range with 12 new matte WWII sets (36 new figures, vehicles and accessories) will have a four page flyer out in about three weeks.
Hi Richard,

Very good to hear! I still like the glossy but there is always room for some others.

I also like what you all have done so far with the website. Please keep the updates coming there too. Any Idea as to when we can expect the club figures?

I think it is possible for a glossy figure to be detailed and relatively realistic. These are the ones that I really like. I've got some 1990's and 2000's Britains Zulu War and Delhi Durbar glossy figures which are, to me, a good example of what I like, they even remind me of the plastic Britains Deetail ( another thing of wonder ). For now, at least, I am not into too unrealistic gloss, like Wim Hocker or others, with two rosy cheeks on the soldiers faces, although I much respect that style and it's roots in toy soldier history.
I like matte for WW2 or ACW, but for the colonial British I prefer «realistic» gloss, the colours and their brightness are just too lovable, you can not find such colours in today's battle uniforms. I guess it's all about enhancing more ceremonial like uniforms. I'd never think of Delhi Durbar in matte, for instance. So I think there's a place for gloss and for matte, even with recent, relatively younger collectors like me ( hey, I am already 40, oops... ).

I believe there is room in this hobby for both matte and gloss. I have been collecting for 15 years and have both kinds. Generally, I like WWII action figures in matte (e.g., K & C and Frontline), but I would disagree with those who say all WWII figures should be matte. I have some beautiful Hiriart WWII gloss marching sets.

My Zulu War sets are both glossy (e.g., Imperial and Trophy) and matte (Frontline) and I enjoy them for their differences. My Napoleonics are all Frontline glossy figures. My Civil War are Frontline matte and Edmunds glossy.

So go ahead and do the U.S. military either way, but if this series is going to be a compaion with your British series you might want to do them the same way. I intend to buy it which ever way you choose.
DMNamiot said:
Hi Richard,

Very good to hear! I still like the glossy but there is always room for some others.

I also like what you all have done so far with the website. Please keep the updates coming there too. Any Idea as to when we can expect the club figures?


Hi Dave:

The club member exclusive figures will be shipping in July/August. The deadline to pick your figure is April 15 - approaching fast! The first two club exclusive sets will be shown in the May/June issue of the Standard - a Guard inspection at St. James Palace 1815 - smae style as the Redcoats and two Confederates going over a wall section - one getting hit falling back - wall section and figs will fit in with the Jackson in the Valley figures.

Be good,

Hi Richard,

Great to hear on the arrival dates for the figures I selected the Britsh Soldier. I am really looking forward to the coming new sets they sound really great. You all are doing a great job with the Company and I am sure the future is very bright for you all.

One answer would be to issue all the figures in matt paint and suggest collectors of 'glossies' spray them with a clear gloss or satin finish :)

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