Gods And Generals (3 Viewers)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
I', sitting up watching this movie on TCM (Turner Classic Movies) and it is 4 hours and 10 mins long, with breaks in the middle ofcourse:)

But it is all about the American Civil War, and from the moment I sat down which was at half past 9 I havn't moved, I've been using my mum's laptop to post on this forum, so please if you have e-mailed me tonight, and I havn't responded, then know it is because I am on a different computer:)

Battle scenes in the movie are many, and they are spectacular:D
Covers more of the early stages of the war, and is very, very, very interesting!:D
I thought this movie was ok but way too much talking.Gettysburg was much better.Gods and Generals didn't go over too well and was the reason the third movie of the triolgy was never made.Too small of a core audience.
It is a great film!:) Scott, you should consider reading the book that the movie is based off, it is one of my favorites...

I liked Gods and Generals infinately more than Gettysburg. I agree it could have used more fighting.
I liked both movies but I seemed to like Gettysburg a little bit more. any opinions on who played the better Lee? I liked Martin Sheen better, not a big Duvall fan.
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I liked both movies but I seemed to like Gettysburg a little bit more. any opinions on who played the better Lee? I liked Martin Sheen better, not a bit Duvall fan.

I liked Gettysburg much better that Gods and Generals, although I have both on DVD. Gods and Generals seemed to be to preachy to many long speeches.

My vote is for is for Martin Sheen, although Duvall portrayed Lee very well.
Agree that G&G was a very good book but a lousy film with just a few good chapters/scenes.

Jackson was indeed a peculiar and enigmatic character who firmly believed everything was in God's hands but he was also a ruthless killer general which simply did not get translated onto the screen concentrating more on his religous beliefs. And worse neither did his brilliant relationship with Lee as the strategist and Jackson as the executor come across in the movie.

The battle scenes:
First Bull Run poorly depicted and utterly confusing to any viewer unfamilar with the history.

Fredericksburg: Brilliantly depicted enhanced by Chamberlains injected prose of Caesar crossing the Rubicon to describe the coming carnage of those suicidal Union charges up Maryes Heights.

Chancellorsville: Good and the only scenes in the film that demonstrated Jackson's supreme skill in executing Lee's quick thinking strategy.

Worth bearing in mind that the film that was released had a good 45-50 minutes cut from the original mainly on another key battle Antietam which according to the re-enactors was splendidly staged. Never released in the West but apparently there is a Chinese copy of the whole film and a member on here has seen it-my old mate HarrytheHeid.
Wish I had a copy as it may have given me a different opinion on the movie.

Agree that G&G was a very good book but a lousy film with just a few good chapters/scenes.

Jackson was indeed a peculiar and enigmatic character who firmly believed everything was in God's hands but he was also a ruthless killer general which simply did not get translated onto the screen concentrating more on his religous beliefs. And worse neither did his brilliant relationship with Lee as the strategist and Jackson as the executor come across in the movie.

The battle scenes:
First Bull Run poorly depicted and utterly confusing to any viewer unfamilar with the history.

Fredericksburg: Brilliantly depicted enhanced by Chamberlains injected prose of Caesar crossing the Rubicon to describe the coming carnage of those suicidal Union charges up Maryes Heights.

Chancellorsville: Good and the only scenes in the film that demonstrated Jackson's supreme skill in executing Lee's quick thinking strategy.

Worth bearing in mind that the film that was released had a good 45-50 minutes cut from the original mainly on another key battle Antietam which according to the re-enactors was splendidly staged. Never released in the West but apparently there is a Chinese copy of the whole film and a member on here has seen it-my old mate HarrytheHeid.
Wish I had a copy as it may have given me a different opinion on the movie.


Dear Reb, I am glad you mentioned another version out there. On Saturday, I am going to a gaming show and one of the most complete war movie vendors will be there. If it is out there, he has it or can get it. I will try to buy the extended version and let you know the results..Michael
I rented it from the video store. I loved it. I rented it soooo much that I ended up convincing the video store owner to sell me one of his only 2 copies. The double video is long since gone but I now own it on DVD and it gets a real workout. Great movie!
Gods and Generals
Couldn't wait for it to be released here in Australia. Dragged my girlfiend along to see it. I was so disappointed. :( Gettysburg was a movie. Gods and Generals was like a poorly acted Shakespearian production.
Never released in the West but apparently there is a Chinese copy of the whole film and a member on here has seen it-my old mate HarrytheHeid.
Wish I had a copy as it may have given me a different opinion on the movie.



I did have a copy with the Antietam footage. It was a pirate copy I bought in a suburb of Shenzhen years ago. I think it was before you joined the forum, but when we were living in Dubai, the same conversation as this came up in some thread and I seem to remember offering to rip it and send it to anyone who wanted a copy. I had no idea the sensation that would cause. I think it was CapitolRon offered to sell his soul for a copy. Happy to oblige a fellow Frogger I had a hunt through my DVD collection - and couldn't find it? It transpired that The Light Of My Life had loaned it to someone (?) while I'd been out in Yemen slaving my guts out for weeks in order to keep her in the style to which she'd rapidly become accustomed. I never did get it back.
I've hunted high and low for another copy of it here in China but the only version I can find is the one everyone else has.
Missus H has been told, in no uncertain terms I might add, several times now NOT to loan out my DVD's or audio CD's, cos some of them are irreplaceable. But I might as well be talking to that chair over there for all the good it does. I just found out two days ago that she's loaned out my copy of "Lust - Caution" to one of her girlfriends. You can't get it in China - it's banned. You can't even get a pirate copy, or if you can, then I've no idea where. I had to buy mine in Hong Kong and the real joke is that unless her girlfriend has a multi-region DVD player, she won't be able to watch it anyway cos I think HK is Region 3, while mainland China is Region 4.
And she'd better get it back cos I haven't seen it myself yet.

I liked both movies but I seemed to like Gettysburg a little bit more. any opinions on who played the better Lee? I liked Martin Sheen better, not a big Duvall fan.
These films have been hashed over many times on this forum. I also liked G-burg over G&G, and by a wide margin. As I have said, G&G was ruined for me by the Confederate USO scene where Lee was clapping and singing and having a high old time with the boys. Horrible scene. G&G was a speech-fest that just didn't work. I have also engaged in spirited discussions over who played the better Lee. I like Sheen's better than Duvall's but that is due to the writing as much as anything. Sheen just did a fine job conveying the character. As a final note, I own G-burg on DVD but wouldn't have the theatre version of G&G. Now, if the rumored re-enactor's cut of G&G was to become available, I would certainly give it another look. If only I could block out that USO disaster. -- lancer
These films have been hashed over many times on this forum. I also liked G-burg over G&G, and by a wide margin. As I have said, G&G was ruined for me by the Confederate USO scene where Lee was clapping and singing and having a high old time with the boys. Horrible scene. G&G was a speech-fest that just didn't work. I have also engaged in spirited discussions over who played the better Lee. I like Sheen's better than Duvall's but that is due to the writing as much as anything. Sheen just did a fine job conveying the character. As a final note, I own G-burg on DVD but wouldn't have the theatre version of G&G. Now, if the rumored re-enactor's cut of G&G was to become available, I would certainly give it another look. If only I could block out that USO disaster. -- lancer

Exactly, and on CW/WBTS forums as well. Some Southerners like the film and feel obliged to defend it. It's really not a good a good film on many levels.
Will we ever see the last movie of the trilogy..I think it was to be called "The Last Full Measure" or something like that. In Gettysburg they refer to the movie as Gettysbeard for the obviously fake beards on the actors. Longstreet for one.

Bill W
These films have been hashed over many times on this forum. I also liked G-burg over G&G, and by a wide margin. As I have said, G&G was ruined for me by the Confederate USO scene where Lee was clapping and singing and having a high old time with the boys. Horrible scene. G&G was a speech-fest that just didn't work. I have also engaged in spirited discussions over who played the better Lee. I like Sheen's better than Duvall's but that is due to the writing as much as anything. Sheen just did a fine job conveying the character. As a final note, I own G-burg on DVD but wouldn't have the theatre version of G&G. Now, if the rumored re-enactor's cut of G&G was to become available, I would certainly give it another look. If only I could block out that USO disaster. -- lancer

Re-enactor's cut? Misplaced my copy of Gettysburg:eek: I have to look at Amazon.:rolleyes:
I heard "The Last Full Measure" won't be filmed as Gods And Generals did poorly and there isn't a large audience for Civil War films anyway.I kind of disagree as a movie like Glory did well.I think Gettysburg did better than G&G because it focused on one battle in a three day period where G&G tried to present a 2 year period.I was disappointed in Cold Mountain too as I thought this was a Civil War film but actually the war was just background for the actual story but the opening battle scene was good.What was the movie with Toby Maguire in it I thought it was a pretty good movie.
G&G was the only movie I fell asleep while the movie was on. I never sleep in movies but that one was crap. I did not like the book also.
I heard "The Last Full Measure" won't be filmed as Gods And Generals did poorly and there isn't a large audience for Civil War films anyway.I kind of disagree as a movie like Glory did well.I think Gettysburg did better than G&G because it focused on one battle in a three day period where G&G tried to present a 2 year period.I was disappointed in Cold Mountain too as I thought this was a Civil War film but actually the war was just background for the actual story but the opening battle scene was good.What was the movie with Toby Maguire in it I thought it was a pretty good movie.
The Maguire movie was "Ride With The Devil". It was about Quantrill and the Bushwhacker war in Missouri. Agree it was a good show. -- lancer

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