Good Day to you all (1 Viewer)


Mar 17, 2011
Hello Guys [do not know if there are any 'Gals']

Greeting from a fellow K & C Junkie, been collecting over 10 years and live in Bristol England I will be at the London helping a friend on his stand - CharlieBrown soldiers, he has Conte/Britains and K & C. I am looking to either swop or sell a RAF Hurricane RAF07-01 SDN
Bought in error, I have 2 of this Hurricane and am willing to either swop for RAF Hurricane RAF07 UFK or sell for £125. Which will just be used to fund my K & C habit from their stand at the show.

Let me know if you are interested.

See you in London

Will post some pictures of my collection when I figure how to download pics
Welcome Hagmanbaker, good to have you aboard, hope to see you in London.

Welcome aboard! :smile2: I hope you enjoy the March London Show . . . I hope to get there myself as soon as my youngest is old enough to sit through a flight that long.
Hello Guys [do not know if there are any 'Gals']

Greeting from a fellow K & C Junkie, been collecting over 10 years and live in Bristol England I will be at the London helping a friend on his stand - CharlieBrown soldiers, he has Conte/Britains and K & C. I am looking to either swop or sell a RAF Hurricane RAF07-01 SDN
Bought in error, I have 2 of this Hurricane and am willing to either swop for RAF Hurricane RAF07 UFK or sell for £125. Which will just be used to fund my K & C habit from their stand at the show.

Let me know if you are interested.

See you in London

Will post some pictures of my collection when I figure how to download pics

Stranger in the mess,,welcome enjoy things
welcome to the forum. I' m sure you will off load the hurricane

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