Good riddance!! (1 Viewer)

You do tend to sugarcoat things, Rob. Trooper
Iam surprised at the outcry about this as the public who bought this piece of poor grade toilet paper hold as much culpability in wanting to read what they do

Everyone for many years has known the dirty ways the NOTW operated and now its a big thing.
I'd link you to a Fry and Laurie clip about "It's a Wonderful Life Rupert Murdock" but it had cuss words. It's on my blog (see the bottom link) or see YouTube.

"..Everyone for many years has known the dirty ways the NOTW operated and now its a big thing..."

Right Mitch.....some Americans view Murdock's products and think they are informed.
Of course I don't live there but it seems closing the paper is extreme. Many innocent people will lose their jobs.
Of course I don't live there but it seems closing the paper is extreme. Many innocent people will lose their jobs.

And its also being seen in a cynical view as it appears it may just open as another Sunday paper in a short time, although this has not been confirmed. The idea of hacking into a dead girls phone and DELETING some of her messages to make more room, it truly beggars belief.


Is the feeling that everyone on the paper is involved or that it's just so infested with the stink that no other option is possible?
And its also being seen in a cynical view as it appears it may just open as another Sunday paper in a short time, although this has not been confirmed. The idea of hacking into a dead girls phone and DELETING some of her messages to make more room, it truly beggars belief.


That's the creepy part. It's just to sell newspapers, not save lives or fight corruption or even appeal to the better nature of the readership.

At least photos of big "sweater muffins" are life affirming and the Models are paid for their time.

Jazzeum has a point that the press operators and other employees suffer. Most of use have to work for someone else and compartmentalize want we do for work from who we are at home.

Is the feeling that everyone on the paper is involved or that it's just so infested with the stink that no other option is possible?

Its the no other option I believe, its understood many there were not even employed by the company when this was going on. Apparently Murdoch jnr faced great anger last night as he was confronted by the two hundred people losing their jobs who demanded to know why Rebekah Brooks has kept her job as they lose theirs.

Right Mitch.....some Americans view Murdock's products and think they are informed.

Naahh. Most americans in this day and age view multiple media sources to stay informed. FOX, CNBC, WSJ, Barrons, etc., for example.

As abhorrent as the tabloid's news collection methods were, at least they were attempting to gather their own actual information. Some, like the odious Huff Post, are just aggregators. Others, like the NYT, will blindly print completley made up stories if it fits their view of the world. So sad.
Have been following this story also.

Many of the 200 people currently working there who will lose their jobs were not even there when the events took place. However the Editor at the time is still secure in the News Ltd organisation. No more excuses, she has to be sacked.

Guess we all cant have the busy calendar of the non-Fox watching folks as they bring do-goodery, 'fairness' and 'justice' to the world...whether we want it or not. LOL

You may want to investigate those demos a little more. Grandma and grandpa arent his only viewers.

I actually prefer Neil Bortz. He is a local, and tells it like it is. Truly, a great American.

Yer a Hoot Rut! You got me going.
They've just dropped their bid for BskyB!. LOVELY STUFF!!!^&grin

That was the only option left open for Elliot Carver........oops sorry wrong Bond villain I meant Rupert Murdoch.

Latest buzz is he maybe getting rid of The Times and Sunday Times as well {eek3}

Can't help but reflect on the Thomas Jefferson quote

Were it left for me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government. I should not hesitate for a moment to prefer the latter. ^&grin
That was the only option left open for Elliot Carver........oops sorry wrong Bond villain I meant Rupert Murdoch.

Latest buzz is he maybe getting rid of The Times and Sunday Times as well {eek3}

Can't help but reflect on the Thomas Jefferson quote

Were it left for me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government. I should not hesitate for a moment to prefer the latter. ^&grin

I have to see if Thomas Jefferson said before he became President.

"Thank Science" the U.K. has HUGH GRANT.
News Corp. already effectively controls the company through its 39% stake in BSkyB.
That stake is now to be investigated its just been announced.

Nothing will come of it. Political move to take peoples' mind off
real economic problems. Sort of amuses me in a way. News of
the World, big deal. Close the paper and take a loss on your
taxes. Financially better than hiring lawyers.

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