Gordon Highlander Display (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Dec 2, 2008
I did not like the first display i had tried with the excellent FL Gordons in which I used a grass mat. I switched to flock and decided that this is the way to go for me. A sapper yelling at his major.

i also do not mind the fact I do not have bagpiper, drummer or any of the flag bearers. Their absence adds to the focus of the display I believe.

i rejected the grass mat display as the grass was too high and needed to be cut, bases would not be hidden with the cut grass remnants and the FL bases were a yellowish brown which would have required repainting.
Turned out very well! :salute:: I agree regarding the standard bearer. I tend to include them in most dioramas when in fact only one company in the reg't would carry the flag. Chris
That looks FANTASTIC :salute:::salute::.

I wouldn't want to be that sapper, his punishment will be swift and brutal.
Beautiful display. - Wonderful use of using a few individual figures to move the viewer's eye around the scene and tell a visual story.
Great layout. Looks as if The 92nd are getting fired up before taking on the enemy.

The lack of colours probably appropriate as they would be withdrawn behind the firing lines before battle. (In the Waterloo film "Colonel Gordon" is portrayed by Rupert Davies, who ironically was well known on British TV, prior to the film for playing Inspector Maigret the famous fictional French detective, gives the order

The officers from this series with the colours are kilted, not sure that the officers wore kilt in battle, grey trousers being preferred? So maybe another reason to keep them off camera.

Once again fantastic image.

This display turned out very nice! After seeing it in person just a month ago, you really filled things in, got all the troops set up and I like how you arranged them. I also think the new grass looks so much better.

Great photo angle too!! Love it!!

Thank you for the kind comments.

i have now decided to convert my larger Zama display to flock/ sand. This exercise was encouraging. It was also the first time I used a picture frame.

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