Great items from ats. (2 Viewers)

Hi Raymond,

I don't know if you have made conatct with Nik yet with regard to your requirements for "action" cavalry, but thought that you might like to see the attached new release form the ATS Napoleonic range. Although not an action piece in the strictess sense, it would nevertheless make a nice addition to any nap' collection.

Sorry Raymond not got the hang of attaching images yet!! Please be patience and I'll try again.


acw cavalry

Hello acw cavalry,

Thanks very much for trying to post the "action" ATS figures.

No worries. I shall have a go at it this weekend.

As I am still studying the ATS website, I have not contacted Nik.

Kind Regards, Raymond.:)

Hi acw cavalry,​

Here is a sampling of "action" figures from the Gallery of the ATS website.

Pair of pictures of nice glossy figures made to order.

Left Image: "Scotland Forever" - The Charge of the Royal Scots Greys at the Battle of Waterloo.

Right Image: The Royal Scots Greys up close at Waterloo.

Best, Raymond.:)



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Another sampling of "action" figures from the Gallery of the ATS website.​

A pair of glossy figures made to order.​

Left Image: 17th Lancers at Balaclava, Crimean War.​

Right Image: 11th Hussars at Balaclava, Crimean War.​



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Thanks Raymond,

The two Crimean cavalry figures were made for one of Nik's regular customers in South Africa. Hopefully the new release from the nap' range has uploaded successfully this time.Cuirassier Vignette Close up whole pieceDSCF3124.JPG


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    Cuirassier Vignette Close up whole pieceDSCF3124.JPG
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Hi acw cavalry,[/LEFT

Left Image: "Scotland Forever" - The Charge of the Royal Scots Greys at the Battle of Waterloo.

Right Image: The Royal Scots Greys up close at Waterloo.

Best, Raymond.:)


You may be interested to know that Nik will have a mounted figure of Ponsonby to go with the Scots Greys within the next week or so. Keep an eye out on his website.
You may be interested to know that Nik will have a mounted figure of Ponsonby to go with the Scots Greys within the next week or so. Keep an eye out on his website.

Thank you very much, Trooper.

I shall keep my eyes peeled.

Kind Regards, Raymond.:)

No sign of Maj Gen Posonby, Commander 2nd British Cavalry Brigade and Col Hamilton, CO 2nd Royal North British Dragoons.

Maj Gen Posonby, Commander 2nd British Cavalry Brigade has been listed on the ATS website.

Unfortunately, there is no picture yet.

I shall continue to wait patiently.....

Hi Raymond,

I too am waiting patiently for the image to be added. I do though have it on good authority that Nik is extermely busy at the moment filling a rather large order that he has received, not to mention the run up to the London Show on 5th December and the need to esnure that he has sufficient stock levels for that, so we might have to be patient just a little bit longer!


Hi Raymond,

I too am waiting patiently for the image to be added. I do though have it on good authority that Nik is extermely busy at the moment filling a rather large order that he has received, not to mention the run up to the London Show on 5th December and the need to esnure that he has sufficient stock levels for that, so we might have to be patient just a little bit longer!



Hello Martin,

Thanks very much for the update.

Kind Regards, Raymond.
Here is the picture of BNPC052 Major General Ponsonby from the ATS website.

The colour of Ponsonby's rearing steed appears somewhat different from the expected grey/white.

Best, Raymond:)



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