I will always be a K&C guy ... first and foremost.
But, what I find interesting is

..... If you look at the TFT Forum "
logon statistics" at any one time there seems to be a range of 375 to 600 people logged into the TFT site ... BUT ... only 35 - 50 of those are registered. The rest are guests and don't or can't comment.
That works out to be only 6% to 11%.
However, if you take the number of those members who are actual matte metal buyers or K&C buyers (i.e. not the plastic folks or the glossy only folks) then you have a very small sampling of 1% or 2% of
THEN when you take into consideration the number of collectors / buyers who are unaware of the TFT forum or just don't really care then we have even a smaller percentage.
So my (long-winded) message is ... the folks who criticize K&C, JJD, TG, FL, WB, Conte, or any other manufacturers are a tiny insignificant fraction of the collecting community and really should have NO bearing on anyone's decision to buy or not. There is only one person that has any real say into purchasing an item and that is YOU.
--- Larry
--- Just an observation