So, I read everyones posts and its funny because I was studying some new 1980's Seaforths I picked up and emailed Brad about them. We talked a bit about them and moved on. But, what is interesting as I was checking out my Seaforth next to it was a HMRN sailor from the 1990's and next to him was General Patton who I just picked loose the other day. As I was studying the 3 figures in front of me I admired some of the K&C evolution and said to myself "Wow, K&C has come a long way". It was a neat observation and here is the pic:
Anyway, my point is that yes K&C gets better everyday with new materials used, artists and research. In a conversation with Helen Mok this past TTSS, she told me that it is sometimes difficult to find production houses to make these soldiers for K&C because K&C is very strict in its requirements of a production house, i.e. they must not use dangerous chemicals, use child labor or abuse environmental standards. I found this extremely encouraging because sometimes you wonder what little kid slaved to make this or that from China. So, there is a whole "line" if you will behind each and every figure that comes to production and like Andy said, "Some are hot and some are not".
Now on to the critics, well there will always be the soothsayers, haters, neggies, hip shooters and arm chair quarterbacks. I have learned to tune them out and if you make a 3000 man diorama and ONE dude point out a historical inaccuracy well...**** em and lets see his 3000 man diorama with the right flags! That to me is a "mas puto" comment and uncool, but what ever man. If another dude is going to hem and haw about what type of feather should be in a soldiers hat then good gawd you got way too much time on your hands. However COMMA, if K&C produced a NEW figure...say...a new Roman with a Kung Fu uniform on, then we would ALL say...what the hell???
So, let it be man and as Sgt. Oddball would say from
Kellys Heroes "Would you knock it off when them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change". And that is the attitude we should all have when there is a disturbance in the "Forum Force". Anyone can say anything about everything and so long as you are not spewing racial epitaphs or degrading your fellow man then we are cool. But just remember that opinions are like dorks.....................everybodys got one.
Long live King and Country,
John from Texas